Sakuya Sakuma/MANKAI Encore

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Encore: Romeo

Backstage Stories
Masumi“Romeo, why must you be Romeo Montague?”
Sakuya“Cast away your name and home, Julius.
We have an even bigger dream, don’t we?”
IzumiOk, that’s enough.
Take a 10 minute break.
IzumiSakuya-kun, you’re really full of energy, huh?
It’s our first rerun of RomiJuli in a while, so I put in a lot of effort without realizing it.
IzumiThe dialogue between you and Masumi-kun is also more in synch than the first time, and it’s shaping up really well.
MasumiDirector praised the way I am now…
IzumiThat was to the both of you.
TsuzuruHe’s also unrelenting today.
SakuyaBut it’s true that it’s thanks to Masumi-kun.
Let’s do our best for the local performances this time!
IzumiThen after the break, let’s start from Romeo and Julius’ swordfight.
Masumi“Die, Romeo—!”
*swords clash*
Izumi(There’s no problem with the swordfight either.
If they perform it like this, then it seems like the local performances will go smoothly this time around as well.)
Good work.
Everyone’s looking great for the most part.
ItaruThe lines came back to me.
Nice, nice.
ChikageI guess all I can do after this is practice as well.
CitronI said my lines perfectly too!
Sakuya…I messed up a little.
IzumiIt’s alright. If it's just this much, it should become even better as you regain your senses by doing it over and over again.
SakuyaThanks, I'll try my best!
IzumiWhat’s up, Masumi-kun?
MasumiI wanna change the swordfight.
MasumiThe swordfight right now is too easy.
I think it’s about time to attempt something more difficult.
TsuzuruIt’s rare for Masumi to say something like that.
MasumiI want to show Director my improvement.
ItaruIt’s here: Masumi’s usual quality.
TsuzuruI'm both impressed and at a loss…
CitronThat’s so like you, Masumi!
ChikageI mean, Sakuya and Masumi have acted it out many times, so wouldn’t it be possible to alter it if it’s alright with the two of them?
Izumi(Well, that’s true… setting his motive aside, Masumi-kun made a suggestion since he wants to improve the stage, right?)
(It might be a good idea to consider. But what’s crucial is—)
What do you think, Sakuya-kun?
SakuyaI said no.
I don’t want to change it.
CitronOhh, Sakuya’s making an angry face!
MasumiIt’s not like we’ll change everything from square one.
So that you can keep up with me, I’ll—.
SakuyaThat’s not it.
That’s not it, so…
Anyways, I don’t want to change it.
MasumiWhat the heck, I don’t get you.
Izumi(It’s unusual for Sakuya-kun to be so vehemently against it. I wonder why…)
(Even though their local performances are starting tomorrow, the mood around those two hasn't been great…
I’m a little worried.)
CitronI knew it, this place is moisture table[1]!
TsuzuruMost suitable…?
The difficulty level on that one's high.
ItaruBut I think this place is perfect, just like Citron said.
ChikageThen let’s choose this place.
To get there—.
IzumiWhy are the four of you over here?
You won’t be able to wake up tomorrow morning, you know?
CitronOh, Director!
You came at just the perfect time!
ChikageActually, we wanted to go here before our show.
Izumi…A theme park with recreated European streets?
TsuzuruThe atmosphere is kind of like Verona, and it seems like it’ll be helpful for our current rerun of RomiJuli.
IzumiBut… isn’t it a bit far from the theatre?
ItaruIt’s not close, but we’ll manage if we have a car.
Right, senpai?
ChikageI’ll take responsibility as our driver.
Also, performing the play with this kind of mood might be kind of difficult, right?
IzumiI mean, that’s true…
ItaruSince that incident, the atmosphere’s been iffy, so we wanna make a recovery soon.
CitronIf we all have fun together and make a magic gate[2], I’m sure they’ll be able to make up even faster!
TsuzuruAre we sorcerers?
You mean “take a mental break”.
IzumiI see.
I got it, I'll adjust the schedule in that case.
ChikageHere, the maps.
There’s one for each of you.
IzumiThank you very much.
Heh, it’s more expansive than I thought!
TsuzuruThere’s various different areas, huh?
ItaruThere’s a new VR attraction.
Let’s head there first?
I want to go to the ninja residence!
TsuzuruThere’s no such—huh, there really is!
ChikageWasn’t our goal to… check out the European streets for RomiJuli?
Let’s check out the rest if we have time left over.
CitronTsuzuru, don’t be stingy~.
Izumi(Sakuya-kun is worried about Masumi-kun.
But Masumi has his eyes glued to the map…)
…Sakuya-kun, do you think you guys can make up?
SakuyaAh, Director.
I’m sorry… I’ve caused you trouble.
IzumiNot at all. Spring troupe has been peaceful recently, so I was kind of surprised something like this happened for the first time in a while…
But it’s not a bad thing to clash.
It’s proof that both of you are serious.
SakuyaThank you very much.
—But it’s no good staying tense with each other like this, right?
Sakuya, Masumi, do you two have somewhere you want to visit?
Masumi…Not really.
But just now, Masumi-kun—.
SakuyaAh, nothing.
—I felt a little hungry.
CitronMy tummy’s rumbling too.
IzumiAlright then, how about we fill up first?
ChikageSorry for the wait.
I bought lunch.
SakuyaThank you very much!
ItaruYou get sent out to buy things as their wallet, huh?
TsuzuruThis one’s Citron-san’s, and this one’s Masumi’s… Huh?
CitronMasumi disappeared before we knew it!
IzumiHe was here just a moment ago—where did he go?
ChikageShould I LIME him?
Sakuya…Um—I might know where he is.
I’ll be back!
TsuzuruAh, oi, Sakuya!
Don’t run off by yourself—.
Isn’t it fine to leave him be?
ChikageIn fact, this is a chance for them to make up.
Tsuzuru…Oh, true.
CitronI’m sure it’ll be fine if we leave it to Sakuya!
SakuyaUmmm, I think the European plaza was over here…
It really looks like the world of RomiJuli.
(Ah, on the stairs…)
Masumi…Sakuya? Why are you here?
SakuyaMasumi-kun, you were seriously staring at this spot on the map, weren’t you?
Masumi—I was thinking about coming here together with Director, so I just came to scope it out.
SakuyaI thought so.
…This looks like the balcony from RomiJuli, huh?
Masumi…I’ll go back soon, so you head back first.
Sakuya“—Cast away your name and home, Julius.
We have an even bigger dream, don’t we!”
“It’s no use. I cannot forsake my family.”
Sorry… about the swordfight.
SakuyaRomiJuli is truly, really special to me—.
And it’s the play that gave me the place where I belong for the first time.
I could think that it was alright for me to be here.
The swordfight especially—I couldn’t do it at all and caused lots of trouble for Masumi-kun too…
But one way or another, we worked hard and we were able to successfully accomplish it.
It was something we painstakingly created that way, so I thought I wanted to treasure it, and I didn’t want to change it.
But I became too stubborn.
Masumi…You should just say so in that case.
SakuyaThat’s true… But it felt like I was imposing my ego on you, so it was kind of hard for me to say.
But it’s alright now. Let’s rearrange the swordfight just like you said, Masumi-kun.
I’ll try my best, so—.
MasumiIt’s fine.
The swordfight is fine as it is.
Masumi…Since our debut show is a really special play to me too.
MasumiIt’s because that was the first stage where I met Director, so it’s not like I—.
SakuyaYeah, I understand.
Masumi...Be quiet.
IzumiThe day’s finally here.
SakuyaUm, before that—
Please let me thank you all once again.
You guys took us to the theme park for our sake, right?
That’s why I was thinking that I definitely wanted to make up there.
…I really can’t thank you enough.
SakuyaCome on, you too, Masumi-kun.
…Thanks, Director.
IzumiSay it to everyone in Spring troupe, not just me!
ItaruSame as ever.
ChikageWell, they’ve returned to normal.
CitronThis is how Spring troupe always is!
IzumiAlright, it’s showtime.
Have fun out there, everyone!
…Let’s go, Spring troupe!
Spring troupeOhh!
Izumi(Romeo and Julius, who hit it off in an unexpected turn of events, make a promise to embark on a journey—)
Romeo“Let’s go on a journey together, Julius.
Let’s run away from this cramped town and travel around the world.”
Julius“Romeo, you have strength. And I have intellect.
If it’s the two of us, then I’m sure nothing will be in our way.”
Izumi(I can watch the play without worry.
There’s a sense of stability that can’t be compared to when they first debuted.)
Mercutio“Did you get your heart broken, Romeo? Don’t worry about it.
There are plenty of fish in the sea.”
“Let’s go to the party to take your mind off things.”
Izumi(Romeo goes to the party of the Feudal Lord that he was invited to by Mercutio.)
Romeo“Good evening, my Lord.”
Lord“So you came, Romeo.
You’ve become a fine young man in the time that we haven’t seen each other.”
Julius“My Lord, it’s an honour to be invited this evening.”
Lord“I’ve been waiting, Julius.
You truly do have a wise face after all.”
Izumi(This is Chikage-san’s first time acting in RomiJuli, but he fits right in as if he’s been a part this world from the very beginning.)
Julius“Romeo… You say you’re Romeo Montague?
You’re lying. Are you truly Romeo from the Montague family?”
“Romeo, why must you be Romeo Montague?”
Izumi(The two of them are astounded to find out they were mutual enemies—)
Romeo“Cast away your name and home, Julius.
We have an even bigger dream, don’t we?”
Julius“It’s not use. I cannot forsake my family.”
Izumi(Romeo suggests to Julius that they should run away. But Julius shakes his head—)
(The two, who have decided on their date of departure, ask for Father Laurence’s cooperation.)
Father Laurence“The seeds of conflict will disappear. That is splendid.
Many years of anguish will be settled, and both families shall become happy."
“May God bless the two of you on your journey. Lord, please guide them.”
Izumi(Tsuzuru-kun increased Citron-kun’s lines, huh?
His Japanese has improved from before, and he’s doing well.)
Mercutio“Romeo, in the future, you will become the man who carries this town on your back. I am not cut out for that. I will support you from your side."
Izumi(Tsuzuru-kun’s natural temperament as a big brother comes across well in the play, and his expression of concern for Romeo looks a lot more sincere than before.)
(Meanwhile, both families settle on a date for their decisive battle.
Incidentally, it was on the same day as Romeo and Julius’ journey.)
Mercutio“Now! Let’s settle this already.”
Tybalt“I will expel you bastards.
—You’re on!”
*swords clash*
Izumi(Itaru-san’s sword handling and swordplay look really decisive and cool.
The results from KniRoun and the training camp are showing themselves.)
(Then in the middle of Mercutio and Tybalt’s scuffle during the battle, Romeo accidentally stabs Tybalt—)
Lord“Romeo, why did you do this? Let’s talk about the situation.
You are not the type of man to stab another without a reason.”
Romeo“My Lord, I have no excuse.
The onus is all on me.”
Izumi(It’s easy to understand since it’s the same play as their debut. Each and every one of them really have grown.)
(It’s finally the day Romeo’s execution will be performed.
Julius, who was supposed to have left town, appears and points his sword towards Romeo.)
Julius“Die, Romeo—!”
*swings sword*
Izumi(This swordfight—they had trouble with it at first, but now they're perfectly in synch and it’s as natural to them as breathing.)
(It’s like you can see both of their emotions showing through with every single movement and expression…)
(—The two, who successfully deceived their families by drinking medicine that faked their deaths, secretly escape from the mausoleum.)
Julius“In the first place, I’m the not type for physical labour.
Sorry, but I’m never going to do something like climb a mountain ever again.”
Romeo“Sorry, sorry, I’ll go collect the ingredients for your death-feigning medicine next time, Julius.”
Julius“Just how many times are we going to go through something like that?”
Izumi(Both of them are positively beaming.
Their quarrel this time wasn’t in vain…!)
Guest AThat was so interesting!
It’s the first time I’ve seen this Theatre company live.
Guest BYeah, yeah, I want to see them at their home Theatre next time.
Spring troupeThank you very much!
SakuyaPlease keep supporting MANKAI Company from now on as well!



  1. Citron originally says "オッペケペ" (oppekepe), which Tsuzuru corrects as "うってつけ" (uttetsuke: perfect/most suitable).
  2. Citron originally says "鬼門点検" (kimon tenken: "kimon" literally means "demon gate", but refers to "~an unlucky direction/person or thing to be avoided" in superstition. "Tenken" means "inspection/examination"). This is why Tsuzuru asks if they're "陰陽師" (onmyoji: a type of ancient Japanese diviner/exorcsist/sorcerer, etc.). Tsuzuru corrects Citron with the term "気分転換" (kibun tenkan: ~change of pace/mental break).