Azami Izumida/MANKAI Party

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Backstage Stories
Yuki…So these are the costumes I’ve come up with.
AzamiAhh… I can see the image, more or less.
YukiAlright. I’ll work out the details later, but this is the basic gist I’m going for.
AzamiSure. I’ll think up more ideas before our next meeting.
Yuki…Oh yeah. On a different note, your turn is coming up for that, isn’t it?
YukiRemember, that thing you’re doing in October?
AzamiAhh, the birthday event…?
YukiDon’t you have to film your VLOG soon?
Azami“A sight you want to show all your fans”, was it?
I haven’t decided what I’m gonna film at all yet.
YukiAre you going to be okay?
There’s not that much time left until the event, you know?
AzamiI know it’d be better to do it early…
But when I hear “a sight I want to show my fans” or “what I think my fans want to see”, nothin’ really comes to mind.
I thought I’d refer to the comments I got on inste, but the themes sounded really similar, so I wondered if it’d overlap with someone else’s or somethin’…
YukiIt’s fine if they overlap though. Even if you film using the same theme, it’s not going end up exactly same as the other guys anyways.
AzamiWell, you’re not wrong…
YukiIf you’re worried about that, then why don’t you watch the videos of the members who went before you?
That might help in some way.
AzamiRight, good idea.
I’ll ask Kazunari-san to show them to me.
Do you think everyone’s VLOGs helped?
AzamiAh, yeah. More or less.
Kumon“I’m filming my VLOG at Tsukushi High School!”
Azami(Kumon’s VLOG, huh… I helped him take that.
That feels like ages ago even though it was only recently.)
KazunariSounds like you were struck with a good idea~?
AzamiI don’t have all the details yet, but I think I got a pretty nice idea.
YukiHuh? Are you goin’ out right now, Yuki-san?
You too?
Are you going shopping?
AzamiWell, yeah.
I wanted to take a look at some new cosmetics that launched today.
…I’ve also decided what I wanna film for my VLOG, so I’m gonna scope that out too.
…How about I go with you and take care of the camera for you then?
AzamiEh, you will?
YukiThat way you can film finish filming your VLOG today without having to do a preview.
AzamiThat’s true… but you’re goin’ out for your own errands, aren’t ya?
YukiYeah, I’m going to buy some fabric.
AzamiI don’t wanna bother you then.
YukiNo worries. After I help with your task, I’ll ask you to help with mine.
AzamiYou just want me to carry your bags, don’tcha?
YukiI’m not gonna do it for free, you know?
Also, it’s better to do these types of things right away when you think of them.
I guess so.
YukiIf that’s settled, then let’s strike while the iron’s hot.
Come on, let’s go.
AzamiThis colour’s limited-edition, but it’s pretty versatile.
Azami MANKAI Party 2-1.png
The colour looks quite sharp though?
AzamiI think it depends how you use it.
The way it looks surprisingly changes when you apply it to your skin.
YukiI see, I see.
Azami…Alright. That’s all for the shoot.
I just gotta pay now, so cut the camera.
YukiGot it.
AzamiSorry for the wait, Yuki-san.
Thanks for filmin’ today.
That seriously helped a ton.
YukiHow’d you think of doing this for your VLOG this time?
You were still undecided just a short while ago.
…When I was thinkin’ what I wanted to show my fans, I realized it might be better to show ‘em a side of me they haven’t seen much up ‘til now.
So instead of showin’ me as an actor on stage or in an instelive, I thought I’d let everyone see me behind the scenes.
…I mean, you introduced your costume room in your VLOG, didn’t you?
I got this idea once I saw that…
YukiOh, so you’re plagiarizing me?
AzamiUh, no. You’re the one who said it wouldn’t be the same even if the themes overlapped, remember?
YukiAlright, are we done filming your VLOG now?
AzamiAh, actually, there’s somethin’ else I wanna film once I get back to the dorm…
YukiAnd you want me to film that too, don’t you?
AzamiPff… I owe you one.
And hup… there.
*places something down*
YukiCan I film now?
Azami MANKAI Party 2-2.png
…This time, what I wanna show everyone is a men’s makeup course using my face.
YukiMen’s makeup?
AzamiWell, I say makeup, but it’s gonna be somethin’ that people who normally go to school and such can do. It’s for men, more or less, but I think there’s parts that’ll be practical regardless of gender.
Alright, let’s get started.
First is the base.
For makeup, the most crucial thing is the foundation. It’s important to do some thorough skincare before applyin’ stuff on top.
YukiShould we do skincare even at our age?
AzamiIt doesn’t matter how old you are.
Of course it’s good for your skin now, but that’s not all. It’s for the sake of your future skin too.
It’s better to think of it as an investment in your future and do what you can.
Anyways, that lotion’s a pretty good one, isn’t it?
AzamiAhh, Azuma-san told me about this one. It goes on sale online sometimes, so I think it’d be better to buy it then rather than pay regular price.
Or this one…
YukiAh, I feel like I see that one at the drug store all time.
Is that also lotion?
AzamiYeah. Honestly, the ingredients themselves aren’t all that different from the previous one.
But you can get it for a more reasonable price since the ingredients are less concentrated.
You’ll still see results if you apply this one daily, so if you’re plannin’ on using it regularly, I don’t see any problems with gettin’ it.
…That’s a wrap.
YukiHeh. It was mostly foundation, but with just that, the impression of your face changed quite a bit.
AzamiI know, right? The impression changes since the area around your face looks brighter.
I hope lots of people give this a try.
YukiAt any rate, I didn’t except you to do a daily makeup course.
I was sure you were going to talk about stage makeup.
Azami…My realistic self? I wanted to show somethin’ like that.
YukiWhat do you mean?
AzamiI told you earlier that I thought of showing my behind-the-scenes work after I saw the VLOG with your costume room, right?
In the same vein, I remembered Kumon said something like, “I wanna show myself as I am” when I shot his VLOG.
I want everyone to get to know what I do all the time and feel closer to me too… you feel?
Yuki…Hm, not bad.
I was able to get a good shot of your face. Should I stop the camera now?
You were still filming!
YukiYou never told me to stop.
Azami…I’ll get them to cut that part just now.
Izumi…Huh? Where’s Azami-kun…?
YukiHe’s still doing his makeup, isn’t he?
CitronHey, hey. Today’s star is here~!
AzamiDude, I said stop pullin’.
It’ll cause wrinkles.
Azami MANKAI Party 3-1.png
AzumaIt took you quite a long time to get ready. Did you do any sort of special preparations?
Azami…Not really.
YukiHe put more effort into his makeup than usual.
AzumaOh, you’re right.
You look even more beautiful today, Azami.
CitronYou look really cool~!
AzamiWell, of course I did.
It’s my event and all.
AzamiAh, geez!
What’re all of you smilin’ for?
…Anyways, thanks for helpin’ today.
CitronAw, Azami’s shy!
AzumaHe’s about to be celebrated by even more people. I wonder if he’ll be okay.
YukiDon’t show that face in front of your fans, alright?
AzamiI won’t!
It looks like Azami-kun’s nervousness has been eased.)
Azami-kun, don’t forget to take the photo at the end of your event.
CitronDon’t worry!
I’ll rebound him!
AzumaYou mean remind.
YukiHold on, is this really going to be okay?
AzumaNow then. The fans are getting tired of waiting, so shall we call today’s main star over?
CitronOh, that’s right!
YukiAre you ignoring the plan?
AzamiUh, you’re makin’ it awkward to come out, Citron-san…
CitronOoh, he’s here!
Happy birthday, Azami!
YukiHappy birthday.
AzumaHappy birthday, Azami.
Azami MANKAI Party 3-2.png
Guest AAzami-kun, happy birthday!
Guest BHappy birthday, Azami-kun!
Azami…Thanks, everybody.
Are you feeling shy again, Azami?
Azami…More importantly, we should hurry up and watch that.
YukiGot it, got it.
CitronAnd so, the first segment will be the VLOG viewing party~!
AzamiThis time, I filmed a VLOG with the theme of “a sight I wanna show my fans.”
I asked Yuki-san to take care of the camera.
I’ve already said this, but thanks for that, Yuki-san.
YukiDon’t mention it.
I got to observe some interesting things too.
AzumaFufu. I’m looking forward to seeing how Azami’s VLOG turned out.
CitronI can’t wait!
Let’s watch it right now!
Azami“This is the one that came out today.
It looks legit, just like the advanced reviews said.”
“Hold on, I’ll ask the beauty adviser if I can try some.”
Azami MANKAI Party 3-3.png
“Oh, this colour’s been restocked.
I’ll buy it and head home.”
Yuki“That colour’s pretty intense. Is it for personal use?”
Azami“This is for the stage. You don’t come across this colour often and it’s got good pigmentation, so I’ve always thought I could use it for roles that aren’t human.”
CitronAzami selects our makeup one by one?
AzumaIt’s interesting being able to watch a video on how Azami selects his cosmetics.
Guest CAzami-kun looks at the cosmetics with such a serious gaze…
Guest DI guess that’s how he usually shops, huh?
Azami“…This time, what I wanna show everyone is a men’s makeup course using my face.”
Guest EAzami-kun’s makeup course? I’m so happy~.
Guest AHe’s doing it on his own face. He knows what we wanna see!
Azami“Make sure you wear sunscreen.
You need it all year round. Not just in the summer.”
Guest CEh, I thought you didn’t need it in winter!
Guest DI’m learning so much.
Azami“You can get it for a more reasonable price since the ingredients are less concentrated.”
“You’ll still see results if you apply this one daily, so if you’re plannin’ on using it regularly, I don’t see any problems with gettin’ it.”
Guest EThat’s Azami-kun for you. He really knows his cosmetics!
Guest ALetting us know about affordable products really helps~.
Azami“That’s all for today. I apply eyeshadow when I go on stage or when I’m in full costume… but this is it for a daily look.”
I shot this VLOG intendin’ on showing everyone the “regular me” as opposed to me on stage—.
Watching it again, I realized that I naturally do lotsa stuff while thinking, “how would it look if I did this?”
For example, for my daily makeup, if my complexion looks washed out, I’ll add blush. Or if it’s too much, I’ll apply a blue base.
It all looks the same in the end, but I do some fine adjustments depending on my condition that day.
So, looking at it objectively, I was reminded that these small realizations and experiences in my day-to-day life are relevant for my stage make-up too.
AzumaI see… the way Azami considers “how it looks and how it presents” shows in our makeup as well.
CitronI’m so happy to have Azami do our makeup!
Guest DAzami-kun puts that much thought into doing his makeup…
Guest EI’ll pay more attention to the makeup the next time I come watch a play!
Yuki…That’s great, right?
CitronIt’s almost closing time!
But I don’t want it to end yet!
AzumaYou have to take your photo at the end, Azami.
CitronWho’s going to take it?
AzumaWhy doesn’t Yuki?
AzumaYes. You were the one who filmed the VLOG too.
What do you think, Azami?
AzamiDoesn’t matter to me.
…Aight. I’m countin’ on you, Yuki-san.
YukiWell, it’s fine with me.
…Okay, strike a pose.
There’s something written on Azami’s palm.
CitronOh, it says “Thanks!”!
It’s a surprise from Azami!
YukiHeh… you took so long to get ready since you were preparing that, huh?
AzumaThis is shy boy Azami’s own way of thanking everyone. Fufu.
Whatever, just take the picture already!
YukiAlright, alright.
Make sure to smile.
…Say cheese.
