Tsuzuru Minagi/Rising Dragon Carrying Prayers

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Passing Outstanding Talent

Backstage Stories
Tsuzuru…Is this right?
AzumaYes. I think you’ve improved.
IzumiThe prayer dance requested by the shrine is really shaping up.
TsuzuruI’m glad if you say so.
AzumaThe real performance will be a sword dance in a separate garden, right?
I’d love to go watch as well.
TsuzuruI’m happy to hear that, but I feel nervous no matter how many times I show it to you.
IzumiYour movements are very refined, Azuma-san. It feels refreshing, especially when you’re performing a dance.
AzumaAh. That reminds me, Kazu told me that the other day as well.
TsuzuruDid Miyoshi-san ask you to watch over his dance practice too?
AzumaYes. It appears Yuki heard that I’ve dabbled in traditional Japanese dance before, so he asked me for a favour.
IzumiAnd in this case, Tsuzuru-kun heard about that from Kazunari-kun and also asked Azuma-san for help, right?
TsuzuruYour advice is really accurate and a lifesaver, Yukishiro-san.
IzumiYou’ll be perfect in the show if you keep practicing at this rate, Tsuzuru-kun!
TsuzuruAh, well…
Actually, there’s something I’m a little worried about.
IzumiEh, there is?
TsuzuruI only get to wear my performance costume when I practice in the garden. But my movements become awkward when I have it on…
IzumiThe costume is like a traditional Chinese outfit, right?
It’s more fluttery compared to a regular kimono, so it’s easy for the hem to get caught.
IzumiHmm… but I think it’d be hard to take the performance costume out for each and every one of your practices though.
AzumaIn that case, what about Chinatown?
AzumaYes. In Kyoto, there are tourist spots you can walk around dressed as a maiko or rent a kimono, right?
I bet there are shops in Chinatown that rent out traditional Chinese outfits in a similar manner.
IzumiYou have a point.
…They might have one at that Chinatown!
TsuzuruI see.
I’d like to go since I bet that would help me right now. But…
TsuzuruIt’s just—a single guy walking around in a rental outfit would be a bit…
AzumaIn that case, why don’t you go with him, Director?
It sounds like you’ve been there before.
I’m sure the rental outfit would look great on you too.
IzumiEh, me!?
TsuzuruIt would feel reassuring to have you wear one with me.
IzumiUh… I’d feel a little embarrassed, but it’s for your dance.
Alright, I’ll wear it with you.
TsuzuruThanks so much.
Wow, it’s bustling.
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IzumiIt might’ve been this busy when I came here for the Chinatown Theatre Festival.
TsuzuruDoes that mean something’s going on here today?
We might be able to see something if we take a walk around.
Anyways, we have to find some costumes.
IzumiRight. I wonder if the shop is in that direction?
Ah, it’s here!
Store clerkWelcome.
TsuzuruExcuse me, we’d like to request some rental outfits.
Store clerkYes, right away. Please take a look here.
IzumiWow, amazing!
There’s so many colourful outfits…!
TsuzuruHeh, there’s lots of different kinds too.
Store clerkThis store carries a variety of designs, so I am certain you will find something to your liking.
TsuzuruWith this selection, they might have something close to my dance performance costume.
IzumiRight. Let’s search!
IzumiIt looks great on you, Tsuzuru-kun!
You look great too, Director.
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Store clerkThey suit both of you very well.
Please enjoy your date!
TsuzuruThat’s not…!
…Well, since we’re here, why don’t we have fun seeing the sights around Chinatown?
IzumiOkay! I’m with you.
The manju and bubble tea both tasted amazing!
TsuzuruThey sure did.
They were freshly made and delicious.
IzumiHm? People are crowding around over there.
Maybe there’s some kind of event going on?
TsuzuruThat reminds me. You said there’s lots of people out, so there might be something happening today, didn’t you? Shall we head over?
Participant AHA!
IzumiAh, there’s a signboard that says “Sword Dance Contest”!
So that’s the reason it was so crowded.
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Izumi(Tsuzuru-kun’s absorbed in watching. It’s different from the actual dance he’s going to do, but I guess it caught his eye since it’s still a sword dance.)
Staff…Hold on, you there.
The participants are standing by in that area over there.
TsuzuruEh, me!?
StaffYou’re joining the competition, aren’t you? You’re in costume and all.
Here, take this sword and get going. Quickly!
TsuzuruEhh, you’ve got it all wrong!
*gets dragged away*
ChairmanNow we have our last contender.
Ahem… please step up, Minagi Tsuzuru-san!
Izumi(I can’t believe he’s actually going to take the stage.)
(I have to cheer him on. He just happens to be wearing a similar outfit, plus this is a chance for him to show off the results of his daily practice…!)
Go for it, Tsuzuru-kun!
Tsuzuru…Welp, this happened. All I can do is the best sword dance I can pull off.
ChairmanThat was spectacular!
Truly a wonderful dance!
IzumiYou rocked it, Tsuzuru-kun!
TsuzuruT-thank you very much.
CHOICE 1: You were so pro [+]
IzumiYou were so pro, honestly. I was always watching you practice at the dorm, yet I couldn’t help but feel captivated.
TsuzuruAhh, but that dance just now also felt different to me than when I practiced.
There’s a different feeling of nervousness when a whole crowd has their eyes on me compared to when I’m being watched by Yukishiro-san.
IzumiAll the guests were taken aback as well.
TsuzuruThat’s great to hear then!
I’ve gained a little more confidence.
CHOICE 2: How was the outfit? [+]
IzumiBy the way, how was the outfit?
It was fluttery, just like the one you’re actually going to wear.
TsuzuruOh right. It didn’t bother me at all while I was dancing just now.
Look like I got used to it from walking around with it on.
IzumiThat’s great!
That was our goal today.
TsuzuruRight. Both that and spending all day today wearing rental outfits with you…
TsuzuruErr, nothing!
It’s all thanks to you who strolled around the streets with me!
IzumiFufu. I’m happy if it helped.
Tsuzuru*Sigh*. It’s over now.
How did this happen…
ChairmanI apologize for the wait. I will announce the results from the judges!
This year’s winner is…
Makato Asano of Team Shin!
TsuzuruYep, it’s not me who just jumped in last minute.
ChairmanThis year is Asano-san’s miraculous 5th consecutive championship!
He will be inducted into the contest’s hall of fame!
TsuzuruThere’s even less way that’d be me…
Well, I think it was a good experience—.
ChairmanNow then, this year was a close fight with fierce competitors, so a special award was set up for this occasion!
The recipient is… Minagi Tsuzuru-san!
TsuzuruEh, me!?
ChairmanMinagi-san, please come this way. For some reason, your team name isn’t listed on the roster. Which group do you belong to?
TsuzuruUm, actually… a staff member mistook me as a participant and I was suddenly made to appear. I was just passing by.
ChairmanEHHH, passing by!?
You see, you were a huge hit with all the judges. However, your sword had a different flair to it so we couldn’t evaluate you with the regular prize—.
That’s why in this special case, we created a special award just for you.
TsuzuruAn award just for me…
ChairmanAnyways, your sword handling was superb. You’re not new to this at all, are you?
TsuzuruWell, a bit, yeah… I happened to get an opportunity to learn recently, so I was in the midst of practicing.
ChairmanOh my, you only started recently!?
That is wonderful! I certainly hope you re-register next year with a sword dance that matches the style of this competition.
TsuzuruN-no, I….
(Now that I think about it, the sword dance that I’m still learning right now has a tradition related to rituals…)
Was it alright for me to perform such an ancient and honourable sword dance here…!?
