Tsumugi Tsukioka/MANKAI Birthday
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The Hospitality of the Tsukioka Family!
Backstage StoriesIzumi | I’m glad everyone in the Winter Troupe was able to celebrate your birthday with a party! |
Tsumugi | Yes. It was a little embarrassing, but it still makes me happy that they celebrated it. |
It was also interesting how everyone’s personalities showed in the presents they gave me. | |
Izumi | Didn’t Azuma-san give you a bouquet? |
Tsumugi | He did. It was a beautiful bouquet of flowers that bloom in the wintertime. |
Izumi | Fufu. Azuma-san has wonderful taste; it’s so like him to give a bouquet that makes you feel the season! |
Tsumugi | Yes. It was so beautiful that I ended up thinking about how I have to make the children in the garden bloom beautifully as well...[1] |
I apologize for making you come with me to the flower shop. | |
Izumi | No no, I didn’t have any plans this afternoon so it’s fine! Have you decided on what you wanted to take a look at? |
Tsumugi | Yes. Apparently this winter is only going to get even colder, so I want to provide some kind of countermeasure against that for the flowers. |
But then I thought, it’s still the theater troupe’s flower bed, and I’m making all the decisions on my own... | |
Izumi | Fufu, and that’s why you approached me. |
Tsumugi | Yes. I’d be happy if you can tell me your opinions. |
*phone rings* | |
Ah, sorry. ...Oh? It’s from grandma. | |
Can I answer it? | |
Izumi | Of course. Please don’t mind me! |
Tsumugi | Thank you. Excuse me for a moment. |
...Hello? | |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | “Hello, Tsumu-chan?” |
Tsumugi | I’ve told you to stop calling me that... |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | “Sorry, I just tend to out of habit.” |
Tsumugi | So, you called so suddenly. Did something happen? |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | “No. Today’s your birthday, so I was just wondering if you’re well.” |
Tsumugi | Ahaha, I’m doing fine. Don’t worry. |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | “That’s good to hear. But Zabi-chan is also wanting to see you, so you can come over right now if you like?”[2] |
Tsumugi | Wha, right now? |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | “Why not? It’s your birthday after all. Let me and Zabi celebrate it as well.” |
“Now then, I’ll prepare some teacakes. I’ll be waiting.” | |
Tsumugi | U-umm... Grandma! |
...Erm, what do I do... | |
Izumi | Um, Tsumugi-san. Please go to your grandmother’s place and let her see you. |
Tsumugi | Huh? But I promised to go to the flower shop together with you... |
Izumi | You can go with me anytime, so it’s fine. |
Tsumugi | That may be so, but... |
...Ah, that’s right. | |
Izumi | ...? |
Tsumugi | Director, if you’d like, can you come with me? |
Izumi | Oh, no, it would be a bother if I suddenly impose, so please don’t mind me. |
Tsumugi | It’ll be all right. I’m sure grandma and Zabi will be happy. |
I’ll take you there. It’s this way. | |
Izumi | T-Tsumugi-san!? Please wait...! |
Tsumugi | This is my family home. |
Izumi | (I ended up being taken to his house after all...) |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | I’m glad you came, Tsumugi. Welcome back. |
Tsumugi | Yeah, I’m home. |
Izumi | (Tsumugi-san’s grandmother looks a little like him. She’s calm and kind.) |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | ...Oh? Could this be your girlfriend? |
Izumi | What!? |
Tsumugi | S-she’s not! She’s the Director of the theater troupe I’m in! |
Izumi | It’s nice to meet you. I’m Tachibana, the chairman and general director of Mankai Company. |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | Oh my, is that so? That’s very kind of you. Thank you for always taking care of Tsumugi. |
Izumi | Oh, no, Tsumugi-san is always helping me out as well. |
Zabi | Woof woof! |
Tsumugi | Zabi! It’s been a while! |
Izumi | Wah, how cute! So this is Zabi. |
Tsumugi | Yes. He’s already a grandpa, but I’m glad he looks well. |
Come on Zabi, why don’t you say hi to the Director? | |
Zabi | Woof! |
Izumi | Ahaha, nice to meet you. |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | Fufu. We’re standing here talking, so why don’t you come in? |
Tsumugi | Thanks, grandma. Go ahead, Director. |
Izumi | Yes, thank you for having me. |
Izumi | (This room is very like Tsumugi-san... It’s really clean and organized.) |
...Oh? Are these yearbooks on this shelf? | |
Tsumugi | Yes, from high school. |
Izumi | Wah, can I take a peek? |
Tsumugi | Sure. I don’t think they’re all that interesting though. |
Izumi | Not at all; I can’t imagine what you were like in high school, so I’m excited to look at it. |
...Wah, you were so young after all! So you wore gakuran in high school. | |
Tsumugi | Tasuku wore it too. |
Izumi | Ah, is this Tasuku-san next to you here? He was already so tall back then. |
Tsumugi | He’ll get mad at me if you tell him I showed these to you, so please keep it a secret. |
Izumi | Ahaha, got it. |
Izumi | It’s really refreshing to see what you and Tasuku-san were like when you were in high school. Looking through this is fun. |
Um, is it okay if I can see the other albums? | |
Tsumugi | Yes, go ahead. |
Izumi | Thank you so much! ...Oh? |
(That pile right next to the shelf of albums must be scripts. There’s even some old-looking ones left...) | |
These are scripts... aren’t they? There’s quite a lot... | |
Tsumugi | Ahaha. You’re right. For some reason I just can’t throw them away... |
Izumi | Wow! There’s lots of notes left too...! How do I put this – this script is very like Tsumugi-san. |
Tsumugi | By the way, that one you’re holding right now is the script for Tasuku and I’s first performance, the one we did at the school arts festival. |
Izumi | Wha, really? |
Tsumugi | Yes. So that script holds a lot of memories for me. |
Izumi | I see. |
Zabi | Woof woof! |
Izumi | Oh, Zabi? |
Tsumugi | I wonder if grandma is calling for us. Whenever the food is ready, he comes up to my room like this to call for me. |
Izumi | Really? He’s so smart! |
Tsumugi | I’ll give you some treats later. |
Zabi | Woof! |
Tsumugi | ——Wah! |
Zabi | Woof woof! |
Tsumugi | Come on, Zabi, don’t lick me so much. I told you I’d give you treats later! |
Izumi | Ahaha, Zabi really loves you. |
Tsumugi | He just wants treats. |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | Tsumugi–? The tea is ready so come on down. |
Tsumugi | Ah, sorry grandma! We’re coming! |
Let’s go, Director. | |
Izumi | Yes! We also have to give Zabi some treats after all, right? |
Zabi | Woof! |
Tsumugi | Well then, grandma. We’ll be going now. |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | Ah, wait a moment. Take this with you. |
Tsumugi | This is...? |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | Your favourite tamagoyaki. |
Tsumugi | Thanks, grandma! |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | Tell Taa-chan to drop by once in a while too. |
Tsumugi | Ahaha, got it. |
Izumi | Um, I’m sorry for suddenly imposing today. |
Tsumugi’s Grandmother | Oh, it’s fine. Come by again anytime. ...Please take care of Tsumugi. |
Izumi | Yes! |
Izumi | Your grandmother is wonderful. |
CHOICE 1: She’s like you. [+]
CHOICE 2: Zabi was also so cute. [+]
Izumi | (Fufu, he really loves them.) |
Tsumugi | ...Ah. |
Izumi | Is something wrong? Did you forget something? |
Tsumugi | No; I was just surprised that snack shop is still there, so I reacted without thinking.[3] |
Izumi | A snack shop, huh... Sure brings back memories. I often bought from them when I was little. |
Tsumugi | Me too. We’re already here, so why don’t we stop by for a bit? |
Izumi | Sounds good! |
Izumi | Ah, Curry Snack-kun! I always bought this when I was a kid! |
Tsumugi | Ahaha, it was the curry-flavoured snacks that you liked after all. |
Izumi | Do you have any particular memories with snack shops, Tsumugi-san? |
Tsumugi | When I was a kid, I bought a snack that could win you another one to test my luck. |
I won another one from it, but... When I got that, I won another one again. | |
Izumi | What!? |
Tsumugi | And then after that, I just kept constantly winning more snacks. |
Izumi | So that kind of thing does happen... |
Tsumugi | ...But thanks to that, I got banned from that snack shop. How nostalgic. |
Izumi | I’d never heard of being banned from a snack shop before... |
Tsumugi | Ahaha, it’s just a trivial memory. |
I wonder if the rest of the company has some memories with snack shops too. | |
Izumi | Hmm... The kids in Summer Troupe are all young, so even if they see these cheap snacks they probably won’t get it. |
Tsumugi | Ahh, that’s true. If it’s the Winter Troupe then everyone might be able to understand though... |
Izumi | ...I can’t imagine Azuma-san and Homare-san getting hyped up over cheap snacks. |
Tsumugi | Ahaha, you’re right. But you’ll never know unless you ask. |
We’re already here, so why don’t we take some home? I want to thank everyone for celebrating my birthday anyway. | |
Izumi | Sounds good! Let’s buy some before heading home! |
Homare | “Norinori Senbei~ Taro”, “Furufuru Forest”... These are some truly interesting snacks. |
Hisoka | ...There’s no marshmallows. |
Azuma | All of these bring back memories. I loved “Mini Pudding” so I often bought it. |
Izumi | That’s one of the more expensive ones even among cheap snacks. |
Homare | Ohh, how much does it cost? |
Tasuku | I think it was around 20 yen? |
Hisoka | Cheap. |
Homare | Well, prices are higher now compared to the past. |
Azuma | It wasn’t that long ago though... |
Tasuku | For Tsumugi, isn’t it this one? “Lucky Choco Bar.” |
Azuma | Oh, the one that has draws in it. If you win you get another one, right? |
Izumi | Tsumugi-san, please open it. You might be able to improve your winning streak! |
Tsumugi | Ahaha, I don’t think that’s—— |
Ah. | |
Hisoka | It says that you win. |
Tasuku | It’s a new record. |
Izumi | It’s a good omen. I’m sure the new year will be a wonderful one! |
Homare | Mhm! What a wonderful omen for the Winter Troupe as well. |
Tsumugi | Ahaha. Maybe I should open another one then? |
Azuma | Fufu, Tsumugi is surprisingly greedy. |
Tsumugi | Let’s see, the second one is—— Ah, I won. |
Izumi | What!? |
Tasuku | Even as an adult, Tsumugi’s good luck is still going strong, huh... |