Kazunari Miyoshi/Clergyman's Brainwashing

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Cruel Bishop's Confessional

Backstage Stories
KazunariSo this time, the bishop’s like this, huh~?
TsumugiAh, is that the profile sheet?
Another request came from the huge chess facility, right?
KazunariYep, yep! You played the bishop last time too, didn’t you, Tsumutsumu?
And you were a super kind one to boot!
TsumugiFufu, that’s right. Is the set-up the same this time?
KazunariThe bishop listens to people who are troubled, but he deliberately gives them bad advice this time around.
TsumugiOh, he’s supposed to be mean-spirited.
KazunariSo, I was wondering how I should prepare for my role. Tsumutsumu, you opened a confessional, right?
TsumugiYes. It proved very helpful.
Why don’t you try one too, Kazu-kun
KazunariYou think? Alright, I guess I’ll give it a shot!
If you’ve got any troubles, then come talk to me, ‘kay?
I’ll give you super thoughtful advice!
TsumugiThank you. But if you’re preparing for your role, then don’t you have to offer bad advice?
I know you might feel reluctant to do so…
But you should steel your heart and suggest things that are a little mean.
KazunariGood point! Well then, if you wanna get bad advice, Tsumutsumu, then just come to me!
TsumugiFufu, sure thing.
KazunariI’ll jot it down on the whiteboard too!
“I’m holding a confessional in room 202 ♪
By Father Kazunari Miyoshi” …And there we go ☆
TsumugiI hope a lot of lost lambs gather.
KazunariYep, I’ll lead those lost little lambs down the wrong path~!
*knock, knock*
Ah, maybe that’s a client already!
*door opens*
KazunariWhat’s up, Hyodle?
JuzaI saw you’re holdin’ a confessional.
…Will you listen to what I have to say?
KazunariOf course! Come in, come in~.
KazunariSoo, did something happen?
JuzaThe truth is… I realized I ate one of the puddings in the 3-pack Tsuzuru-san bought earlier…
So I came here to repent.
KazunariTsuzurun’s!? That’s yikes af, man!
JuzaThought so.
I never thought that I’d actually eat Tsuzuru-san’s again either…
KazunariEh, this is the second time?
JuzaNo, it’s the third… or… fourth? Somethin’ like that.
KazunariThat many!?
JuzaIs there anythin’ I can do?
(Normally, it’d be best to apologize directly and buy a new one for him. But considering my role study…)
Ah, let’s eat them all then!
JuzaAll of them…?
KazunariYou heard me. Let’s eat all of them up together!
We can also hide the evidence if we throw out the trash!
If that’s settled, let’s hurry to the kitchen!
Kazunari*Nom, nom, nom*… Sweet, all done!
C’mon, Hyodle. Hurry up and scarf them down!
JuzaI wanna savour it a lil more though…
KazunariI get how you feel, but it’d be bad news if Tsuzurun finds us here!
Juza…By the way, is doin’ this really alright?
KazunariDon’t worry about it. We won’t get caught if we eat them all!
Throw out the garbage once you’re done munching, alright?
Juza…I’m done.
KazunariCool, that’s all for the evidence disposal!
*door opens*
TsuzuruOh, Miyoshi-san and Juza are here too?
KazunariWe felt a little thirsty~. How ‘bout you, Tsuzurun?
TsuzuruI was going to drink some water too.
*opens fridge*
KazunariHm? What’s up, Tsuzurun?
TsuzuruIt’s just—my pudding’s gone.
KazunariEh, really? What sorta pudding?
TsuzuruThey were a three-in-one pack…
I swear I put them around here. That’s weird.
Juza…Y’see, Tsuzuru-san…
TsuzuruBut that’s just perfect.
(Tsuzurun got so pissed when I did it… how come!?)
TsuzuruTruthfully, that pudding was close to expiring and I was wondering whether anyone would eat it for me.
I haven’t felt like eating pudding these days, so that actually saved me.
Alright, goodnight.
KazunariNight, night~…
Juza…It’s a relief Tsuzuru-san didn’t get mad.
KazunariRight! Thank God~!
…Wait up, that’s not good!
KazunariAh. It’s nothing. Don’t mind me!
(I’m relieved Tsuzurun didn’t get mad…
But if it goes well, then that won’t help for my role study as a cruel bishop…)
(I gotta give out advice that leads to a bad end!)
I wonder who will drop by next~?
*knock, knock*
IzumiDo you have a minute, Kazunari-kun?
*door opens*
IzumiI have something I’d like to confess…
KazunariOf course! What’s the matter, Director-chan?
IzumiThe truth is, I’ve been making mistakes with my spice mixing lately.
I feel like because of that, no one has been taking many seconds…
Kazunari(If it was the regular me then I’d answer whole-heartedly like, “that’s not true! No worries! It tastes great no matter what!” But…)
Umm… the curry recently, huh…
Ah, I think it’d be better to stop making curry for a week.
CHOICE 1: D-did it taste that bad… [+]
CHOICE 2: C-can I ask the reason at least…? [+]
I understand. I’ll hold back…
Kazunari(Forgive me, Director-chan…!)
(She legit didn’t serve curry for a whole week…
Maybe I really did say too much…)
IzumiAh, Kazunari-kun!
Today marks a week, so I tried making curry and it turned out really delicious!
IzumiYep, I needed the time to confront my curry.
I realized that thanks to you, Kazunari-kun.
I felt shocked when you offered that advice to me. But it was all so I could realize this, wasn't it?
Seriously, you have my thanks.
I’m sure today’s curry will be extra tasty, so look forward to it!
Kazunari(It sounds like it went well yet again…!?)
(This didn’t work for role study at all…
But I’m glad Director-chan looks super happy~!)
I can’t wait for Director-chan’s curry today!
I’ll load up on seconds, just watch me!
