Kumon Hyodo/Bonds Connecting Through a Baseball

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Anticipated Nova

Backstage Stories
KumonHere I go, Sumi-san!
MukuKyu-chan and Misumi-san’s game of catch is amazing! The ball’s so fast, you can’t even see it…!
KazunariIkr! I wanted to snap a pic and up it to instablam, but maybe I won’t be able to take it well?
KazunariSumi’s ball swerved!?
KumonWah, I can’t catch it!
MukuWahhh, the Manager’s over there!
KumonHe hit it back with a broom!?
KazunariNice batting, Sukecchi—.
*shattering sound*
Troupe membersAh.
MukuIt sounds like glass somewhere got shattered…
KumonWhat do we do…!
ManagerWawawa, it’s not my fault, ok!
MisumiSorry, it’s because the ball I threw went towards the Manager…
KumonNo, it’s also my fault I couldn’t catch it!
KazunariEither way, Frooch is gonna be super duper angry if he sees this—.
MisumiSakyo’s eyes are really triangular…
ManagerAll I did was hit the ball that was flying at me back on instinct, so why am I also…
KumonSorry for dragging you into this, Manager…!
SakyoI saw y’all playing catch and soccer in the courtyard, so I knew this was gonna happen eventually—.
But you guys finally did it, huh?
KumonI’m so sorry!
I was careless!
MisumiI’m sorry too.
ManagerUhh… I was forced into it!
SakyoAHH? You better repent some more, Matsukawa!
ManagerEHH! Why!
KumonSakyo-san, the Manager really was just dragged into it, so don’t be so mad at him…!
However, at any rate, we’ll have to fix the window.
So playing catch in the courtyard is banned for the time being.
MisumiGooot it.
KumonI understand…
…So that’s why I can’t play catch in the courtyard now.
TenmaGood grief… you guys were the ones who broke the window glass?
YukiI mean, anyone could have done that at any time, right?
IzumiBut I’m glad no one’s hurt. It’s a relief it was only glass.
KumonDirector… you’re so nice!
TenmaWell, you should lay low for the time being if you've learned your lesson.
KumonY-yeah. I guess I can’t play catch for a while.
YukiNot really. It’s just the dorm’s courtyard that’s banned, right?
If you wanna play, then why don't you go outside?
KumonAh, I see!
It’s alright if it’s not in the courtyard!
TenmaYou can play by the riverside, can’t you?
IzumiYou don’t have to worry about any glass there either.
KumonThat’s true! Alright, next time I want to play catch, I'll go to the riverbank!
Thanks for the advice, you three!
Kumon*Sigh*, the more I think about it being banned in the courtyard, the more I wanna play catch…!
But Sumi-san said he has work today.
I wonder if there’s anyone else who would go with me?
Alriiight, I’ll go check whether there’s anyone!
I found Director!
IzumiWhat's the matter, Kumon-kun?
KumonAre you busy right now, Director?
IzumiNope, I just finished my work a moment ago.
KumonHey, so, if you happen to feel up for it…
Would you be my partner for catch?
IzumiEh, playing catch?
Are you ok with me?
KumonOf course! Ah, but if you don’t wanna, then I’m not saying you have to or anything…!
IzumiIt’s fine. I kind of felt like moving my body, so I’ll go with you.
KumonWoohoo, thanks!
IzumiAh… there!
KumonNice, Director!
…Fufu, this is pretty fun, huh?
It’s super fun!
IzumiYou really wanted to play catch, huh, Kumon-kun?
KumonYep. It was my fault in the first place, but when I was told that I wasn't allowed to play catch in the courtyard—.
For some reason, I felt like I wanted to do the opposite!
IzumiI feel you~. You feel like doing something even more when you’re told you can’t, right?
Baseball boy…Nii-chan, you’re really good at throwing!
Baseball boyYeah.
Do you play baseball too, nii-chan?
KumonYeah, I have experience!
Baseball boyI knew it. I could tell by watching you!
Hey, do you have time right now?
If you can, I’d love for you to teach me some throwing tricks!
IzumiHow about you teach him, if you’re ok with it?
KumonAre you sure?
IzumiOf course. I’ve already had enough fun playing catch.
KumonThanks, Director!
Alright, kiddo. Since I have Director’s permission, I’ll take some time out to teach you!
Baseball boyYay! Thanks!
KumonNow then, try throwing me a ball.
Baseball boyOk, thanks. Here goes!
KumonCool, you're looking great!
Izumi(It's kind of refreshing seeing Kumon-kun interacting with elementary school kids like an older brother.)
Kumon…We’ll end it off here!
Baseball boyThank you so much for teaching me lots, Kumon nii-chan!
KumonYou’re very welcome.
Keep working hard from here on out!
Baseball boyYeah! I’ll make sure to follow what I've learned from Kumon nii-chan and get even better!
KumonYeah, that’s the spirit!
Baseball boyAnd also, I think I’ll be able to knock out more panels than before in Strike-Out[1]....
Baseball boyYeah. You can play it at that batting centre over there, and they have some pretty neat prizes.
KumonHeh, I see!
Then I guess I’ll check it out next time.
Baseball boyYou should! If it’s Kumon nii-chan, then I’m sure you’ll be able to get lots of great prizes!
KumonHehe, maybe!
Thanks for telling me about it.
Baseball boySame here. Seriously, thanks so much!
Bye now!
KumonBye byeee!
…Sorry I spent so much time with him, Director!
IzumiNo worries. I had fun watching too, so it’s fine.
CHOICE 1: You’re good at teaching. [+]
IzumiYou’re good at teaching, Kumon-kun!
KumonYou think so? I thought I was fumbling quite a bit…
IzumiNot at all. It was really easy to understand! I think I might be able to do it too, just from watching.
KumonIf you say so, then I'll teach you how to throw the ball in even more detail.
And if you become better at throwing than you are now, then playing catch will become even more fun!
IzumiI see. Alright, maybe I'll ask for a baseball lesson from Teacher Kumon.
KumonLeave it to me! I’ll do my very best for you, Director!
CHOICE 2: Did you have fun? [+]
IzumiDid you have fun, Kumon-kun?
KumonI had fun~! I was surprised at first when a kid I didn’t know suddenly asked me to teach him—.
But as I was doing it, that kid worked really hard and I was happy since he got better and better.
Plus, that kid was super cute and honest!
IzumiYou looked reliable and cool while you were having fun teaching that kid, Kumon-kun.
KumonHehe, it feels a little ticklish if you praise me that much…!
But I’m happy to be complimented by you, Director!
IzumiPlaying catch is fine, but that Strike-Out game that the kid mentioned sounds fun too.
KumonYeah, right!
Maybe I’ll invite the Summer troupe guys~.
IzumiFufu, that sounds great, doesn’t it?
YukiDid we have to come all the way to a batting centre on our day off…
KumonIt’s fine, it’s fine!
TenmaKumon’s not batting, but aiming for Strike-Out today, right?
I heard they have lots of neat prizes!
MukuAh, it looks like the prize samples are over here.
MisumiThe first prize t-shirt has a triangle pattern!
I want that one!
KumonWoah, there’s tons of Tigers[2] goods!
Hmm, I want the towel, but I’ll have to hit all of them—.
KazunariIt seems like the prizes change depending on the number of panels you knock out!
TenmaThey also have lots of different stuff apart from pro baseball goods.
Kazunari‘Kay, let’s all go ahead and give it a shot!
MisumiLet’s do it~!
TenmaGuess I’ve got no choice. I’ll go along and try it too.
YukiI’ll pass.
KumonAhaha. You’re our manager, right, Yuki!
YukiYeah, that's it.
MisumiAlright, I’ll start us off~!
*throws and hits*
KumonThat’s Sumi-san for you!
He swept the board!
KazunariThat’s sick you got them all from the start!
Welp, it’ll be hard for the rest of us to follow~!
MisumiEhehe, sorry~!
MukuOk, I guess I’ll give it a shot next!
I missed 2 of them…!
KumonThat’s good enough already though!
As expected of Muku. You’ve got great reflexes!
KazunariM’kay, I’mma go next!
I got the same number as Mukkun!
I’m glad I did surprisingly well~.
TenmaAlright, should I go next?
I’m gonna aim for the full sweep.
YukiWhen you say something like that, you’re gonna stupidly use too much power and totally flop.
TenmaHmph. Well, just watch.
KumonGo for it, Tenma-san!
*throws and misses*
MisumiHe can’t hit them very well~.
YukiLike I said.
MukuYou’re were so close, so I’m sure you’ll be able to get a hit, Tenma-kun!
KazunariBut what’s he doing wrong?
KumonTenma-san, I feel like you’ll hit the target if you release the ball from your fingers a little earlier!
TenmaSo it’s the timing of release from my fingers?
I see… alright.
MukuWahh, he hit it!
KazunariOnce you’ve hit it once, I’m sure the rest will be a piece of cake!
YukiHeh, so just one little thing can change things this much.
KumonYou’re awesome, Tenma-san!
TenmaNah, it’s all thanks to your advice, Kumon.
MisumiKumon and Tenma are both amazing~!
MukuLast up is Kyu-chan.
Good luck out there!
Hiyah! Go!
And there!
*throws and hits*
YukiKumon really does have good control, huh?
TenmaYeah, his timing’s spot on too.
MisumiKumon looks like he’s having fun~!
KazunariOne more to go, Kumopi!
KumonTake that!
WOOHOO, I got them all!
MisumiI’m so happy I got the triangle t-shirt~!
KumonI was able to get the Tigers towel too!
Go us!
Baseball boyAh, Kumon nii-chan!
KumonOhh, the kid from before from the riverside!
Baseball boySo you really did get the Tigers towel! You’re amazing!
KumonI came here because you told me about it, and there really were a lot of cool prizes! Thanks!
Baseball boyNo problem. …Hey, can you show me that towel for a second?
Do you like the Tigers too?
Baseball boyYeah… I played Strike-Out so many times since I wanted that towel. But I just couldn’t hit them all.
KumonOh, really…
Baseball boyAhh, but because you taught me before, the number I hit has gone up!
KumonEhh, really?
In that case, I’m super happy!
Baseball boyYeah, for real! That’s why I’m sure I’ll be able to hit them all and get that towel one of these days too.
KumonAhh, I know!
Hey, here!
I’ll lend you my towel until then!
Baseball boyEhh?
KumonBy receiving the power from this towel, and with what I taught you at the riverside, I'm sure you should be able to knock them all out!
You can return it to me when you're ready to exchange the prize. So hold onto it until then.
Baseball boyAre you sure?
Baseball boyGot it! I’m definitely gonna do it!
Then I’ll be sure to return this towel to you, nii-chan!
KumonSounds good!
I'll be waiting happily for your report!
Baseball boyThanks so much, Kumon nii-chan!
Yuki…He’s such a softie.
TenmaWell, that was just like Kumon though.
KazunariKumopi kinda looked like a big brother there!
MisumiYeah, yeah, he’s so kind~!
KumonHehe, am I? I just suddenly wanted to do that when I saw him!
MukuFufu, I can’t wait for that kid to report back, right, Kyu-chan!
KumonRight! I’m sure he’ll practise as hard as he can and get better and better!
Ahhh, I seriously can’t wait to see that kid’s growth~!



  1. "ストラックアウト" (strikeout), a game where you try to hit the panels on a board for prizes.
  2. The Tigers is Kumon's favourite baseball team