Sakuya | One, two...! |
Izumi | Aah, we missed again. |
Sakuya | Matching our timing is pretty hard... |
Itaru | Sakuya, your timing was a little early there. |
Sakuya | G-Got it! |
Izumi | Alright! One more time! One... two--! |
Sakuya | We'll definitely get it this time! |
Izumi | Ah! We did it!? |
Sakuya | We did! We really did it, Director! |
Itaru | Ooh... you defeated the mini boss. Congrats~ |
Izumi | Yes! Let's head to the end of the stage! |
Sakuya | Let's go! |
| |
Sakuya | Behind that last door is the boss... |
Izumi | Come on, Sakuya-kun. |
Sakuya | Yes...! |
Sakuya | Ah! |
Izumi | It's the boss--! |
Itaru | I didn't notice it until now, but this boss is kind of similar to the boss in the final dungeon of KniRoun IV. |
Izumi | That boss completely destroyed me... |
Sakuya | Me too... I wonder if we can even win once... |
Itaru | Isn't this perfect for practicing your role, though? Good luck, you two. |
Itaru | Ah, by the way, remember that mic you mentioned from before? You're going to have to use it here. |
Izumi | So we're finally using it, huh. Do we have to say something into it? |
Itaru | Yup. You have to call out the special move when it shows up on screen while swinging your sword in order to defeat the boss. |
Sakuya | Speech recognition!? That's amazing! |
Itaru | Look, the name's being displayed. |
Sakuya | Okay, here we go, Director! One... two--! |
Both | "Chevalier Soleil--!!" |
TV | Ugh... y-you...! You betrayed...! |
Sakuya | Huh? |
Izumi | Eh? Why did Sakuya-kun's character get knocked down instead of the boss...? |
Itaru | Aah, Director-san. It looks like you accidentally killed Sakuya's character. |
Izumi | Wha--!? |
Sakuya | I-I was killed!? |
Itaru | If there's too much power behind your special move, you can accidentally damage your teammates with the force of your swing. |
Boss | You've finally decided to join us and succumb yourself to the darkness! Fuhahahaha! |
Izumi | I-It looks like we got the Betrayal Ending...! |
Itaru | Kch--! It's just like Merlin's betrayal... Was this all according to Director-san's plan? |
Izumi | Please don't say something so ridiculous! It was a complete and utter accident! |
Izumi | I'm sorry, Sakuya-kun...! It wasn't on purpose... |
Sakuya | No, it's fine! I didn't expect there to be this kind of ending, though. |
Sakuya | But, I think I understand sword fighting more now because of this game! Thank you! |
Itaru | I'm glad you had fun with the game, and if it helped with your role study, then that's even better. |
Sakuya | That's right, if it isn't too much trouble, would it be okay if we got everyone in the Spring Troupe to play together? |
Itaru | Yeah, there are other playable Knight positions, too. We can even do a competition match, so it'll be interesting. |
Izumi | And I'll just watch and learn... |