Juza Hyodo/Scarlet Mirror

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AIM! Rubber gun

Backstage Stories
ChikageReading a book, are you?
ChikageAh, is it a translated version of Sherlock Holmes? That’s a great read.
JuzaYeah. I’m reading up so I can support you in our next play.
ChikageHow reliable. By the way, which story are you reading right now?
JuzaThis one’s “The Adventure of the Empty House”, it’s the one where Colonel Moran is introduced.
JuzaI’m not really sure what’s going on...
It gets really confusing… And sometimes I don’t even know what I’m reading...
ChikageHaha, so that’s what’s going on.
It’s fine, the wording in these old detective novels is truly difficult to understand if you’re not used to reading it.
ChikageWell… If reading the novels is a challenge now, why not read the character profiles then come back to the books?
If you read the profiles first, you’ll have a better understanding of them before going into the novels, making it easier to understand, despite the strange wording.
JuzaYou’re right…
ChikageAnd about Colonel Moran, he was a soldier with a sharp eye, being a sniper and all. Perhaps a good start for role building would be to think about that.
With that in mind, you can read the book again and get a better understanding of him.
JuzaThanks, I’ll give it a try.
Since Moran’s a sniper and all, will you ask Itaru-san about that game again?
ChikageNo way.
ChikageHe’s holed up focusing on some new game that he just got. If we disturb him at all, we’ll surely regret it.
Juza...That so.
KumonAh, Niichan!
KumonSo you’re reading Holmes too!
JuzaYeah, but I couldn’t really figure it out so I had to ask Chikage-san for help.
He said Moran was a sniper, so I thought I’d figure out my role from there…
KumonI see... Huh...
Ah! I've got an idea!
KumonYeah! I’ve gotta set it up for tomorrow though, so see ya!
JuzaKumon... What exactly is he planning?
ChikageEnergetic as always. Looks like whatever he’s planning will be interesting.
KumonTada!! Rubber band guns!
JuzaI see, so these are just like real ones?
KumonWell, no… They’re rubber bands instead of bullets, but I thought they would be close enough for your role building, maybe….
JuzaIt'll work.
Alright, so which one do you wanna use?! The shapes and lengths are all different, so pick your favorite!
Juza!? Wait a second… There’s so many, were they all made by you?
KumonYep! Kazu-san taught me how to make them! Just because I’m making them for Niichan!!
JuzaAh... Thanks
KumonAh! You missed again!
JuzaThese rubber band guns are surprisingly difficult…. I can’t hit anything.
Hisoka...What are you two doing?
KumonHuh, Hisoka-san!?
JuzaI’m practicing shooting as a way of role building for the upcoming performance.
HisokaThis is a gun?
KumonYeah! Do you wanna try, Hisoka-san?
KumonYou stick a rubber band in here and pull on it, and when you release it, it’ll go flying!
(Hisoka shoots the rubber band gun)
Juza! A perfect shot…!
KumonHisoka-san is amazing!
IzumiLooks like something fun’s going on over here.
KumonAh, welcome home director~!
IzumiWhat are you guys doing?
HisokaRubber band gun. Juza’s role building with them.
IzumiWow, how nostalgic…!
KumonDirector, do you wanna try?
IzumiAlright, there we go… Just aim and…
IzumiFufufu, I’m really good at this kind of thing.
JuzaDirector, if you have any tips or tricks, please let me know.
IzumiOf course! First off, when aiming, squint and envision your rubber band hitting the targer--
KumonAlright, I’ll aim for this next one… Oh, yay!!
Hehe, I guess I really am getting better!
JuzaI’m starting to hit a lot too.
Hisoka... There.
IzumiWow, Hisoka sure is hitting a lot!
Since you’re all getting better, maybe we should try continuous shooting? LIke you put rubber here and--
BanriYou guys are doing rubber band guns out here? Those things are super noisy, but super nostalgic.
IzumiOh, Banri-kun. This is all part of Juza-kun’s role building for the upcoming performance.
Juza… Damn. I missed.
BanriPfft, you can’t even hit the target even if you’re that close. Looks like the daikon actor is a daikon shooter too.
KumonWhat was that!?
Niichan just started shooting! Of course he’s gonna be close to the target!
BanriNot that close...
JuzaShut the hell up. This is my role, let me do my thing.
BanriWell you’re not doing a good job. Do you think Colonel Moran would really be that close to his targets while shooting them?
Juza...Shut up and get outta my way.
(Juza shoots Banri)
You’re fuckin’ crazy! Since when are you the kinda guy that shoots at people!?
BanriQuit doing that! It’s dangerous!
JuzaI’m just aiming at your feet.
BanriThat’s still shooting someone!
(Juza keeps shooting Banri)
BanriYou just.. Keep shooting more!!
IzumiLooks like Juza-kun’s getting a lot of help from Banri-kun with his shooting…
HisokaJuza’s building his role alright…
KumonAs expected, Niichan is the coolest!