Taichi Nanao/A Stroke of Color

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I Tried Eating Tableware and Earthworms

Backstage Stories
―Room 105 (Night)―
TaichiWoahh, that is sick~!
OmiWhat are you watching?
TaichiLook at this, Omi-kun! This vid is really cool!
OmiThey're eating the plate and the kitchen sponge... What's going on??
TaichiGot you really good, huh? These are all actually sweets!
OmiIs that so?
TaichiThe kitchen sponge is just a colored sponge cake and what seems like the plate is actually made from hardened crushed candies!
OmiSo that's why it sounded realistic too. That's pretty amazing.
TaichiIf it weren't for them eating deliciously, we wouldn't think those are sweets at all!
...Think I can recreate that.
OmiYup. Seems a bit hard to recreate the outer appearance of a sponge, but I think we can do the plate one pretty quick.
TaichiAs expected from Omi-kun! I'd like to request on that, please!
OmiRight, then let's do it soon.
TaichiI know! Won't it be even more fun if we vlog while we're at it?
OmiTrue. Then I guess we should film right as we start making it.
TaichiGreat idea~! I actually found other interesting sweets, so I wanna make a video on that too!
OmiInteresting sweets? What do they look like?
TaichiHehe, you'd have to find that out on D-day!
―Kitchen (Day)―
3... 2... 1... Start!
OmiNow then, let's crush these candies straight away.
Phew, this should be good enough.
Next, we spread the crushed candies onto the base that we made by mixing sugar.
TaichiOh oh, I wanna do that!
OmiSure. Then I'll do the filming now.
TaichiThanks! So how do I spread them?
OmiWe'll cover the base again later, so don't worry and just keep spreading it.
TaichiGot it!
*door opens*
IzumiNow then, before I go out... Eh?!
TaichiDirector-sensei! Going out somewhere?
IzumiThere's something I wanna buy so I'm going out shopping.
Never mind that, are these... crushed candies?
TaichiActually, we're making a sweet that looks like a plate right now!
We'll be using these to recreate the crunchy sound!
IzumiI see.
CHOICE 1: Interesting [+]
IzumiEating a plate sounds really interesting!
TaichiRight?! I'm so excited too!
Not only about eating it, but I'm also super excited to see how our video turns out later!
IzumiOh, you're taking a video too?
TaichiYup! I plan to upload it as a Vlog if the footage looks okay.
IzumiFufu, I hope everyone will be surprised with that.
CHOICE 2: Is it delicious? [+]
IzumiDoes a sweet that looks similar to a plate taste delicious?
TaichiJust leave it to Omi-kun! He thought of a way to make a delicious plate!
OmiI tried toning down the sweetness of the base of the plate and make the candy flavor the main one.
TaichiHe even let me choose my favorite flavor for the candy to put inside~.
IzumiWow, really? I'm looking forward to seeing the completed version.
TaichiI can't wait to eat the fun and yummy sweets!
Omi...Alright, seems like it's done drying.
TaichiThat's hella amazing, Omi-kun! This totally looks like a real plate!
IzumiYou really can't tell it's a sweet at all...!
TaichiIf we made it this well, then a fork should be doable, right?
OmiYeah, I think so.
TaichiI wanna try doing it! Please guide me, Omi-kun~!
OmiHaha, okay.
IzumiWell, I'm gonna go shopping now. I'm really interested in the fork, so let me watch the video later, okay?
TaichiOf course! Have a safe trip~!
OmiTake care out there.
―Dining Room (Day)―
TaichiPutting the plate and the fork here... And done!
OmiOkay, let's begin now. 3, 2, 1... Start.
TaichiHello, everyone! Believe it or not, today I'm going to eat a plate that's made from candy!
This is a sweet, but you can't just go eat a real plate, got it? Also, to the children watching this, please watch along with adults, okay~?
OmiYeah, that's really important.
TaichiThen, without further ado... *bite*
Oooh, it's making a crunchy sound! It's also really yummy~!
OmiHaha, glad to hear that.
*door opens*
JuzaGood mornin'-.
Wha- Taichi?! Hey, stop it there. If you eat a plate-.
TaichiJuza-san, you're wrong! It's actually a sweet!
OmiHaha, same reaction. I was surprised at first too.
This plate is actually made from sugar and crushed candies.
JuzaSo that's it, huh. Interestin'...
Can I have one too?
TaichiSure you can! Here!
Juza*crunch, crunch* Tasty...
TaichiAlthough it's just a coincidence, we made it seem like we did a prank on Juza-san, huh!
OmiSeems like it.
Hey, Taichi. What about the fork that you made yourself?
TaichiOh! Forgot about that! Let me try eating this too.
*crunch, crunch* Hmm! This one's well-made too!
Juza*crunch, crunch*
Taichi*munch, munch*
*door opens*
BanriOh, what's the gathering here for-.
...Hey, the hell are you guys doing?!
TaichiYou got it wrong, Ban-chan! These are actually sweets-!
BanriNow I get it. Sure enough, it's interesting for a Vlog.
Just that, you should've told me beforehand. I seriously thought you guys went crazy for eatin' that plate for a sec there.
TaichiI'm sorry~!
OmiIt suddenly turned into a prank for Juza and Banri, huh.
BanriBut ain't the video got even more interestin' by having Hyodo join by coincidence?
Everyone will burst out laughin', since he looks so dumb eatin' the plate and the fork.
BanriWhat? It's the truth.
TaichiJust another peaceful everyday scenery of Autumn Troupe... no, MANKAI Dorm, huh?
OmiI guess so.
TaichiNow then, let's leave those two aside! Truth is, there're other sweets that I wanna introduce to you guys.
OmiOh right, you mentioned it before too. What're the sweets you're talking about?
But these aren't just normal jellies~. They really stand out, so I immediately bought them as soon as I saw them!
OmiI'm kinda curious. Can you open it?
TaichiOkay~! Here I go!
Umumumu...! I-it's not opening...!
OmiShould I do it instead?
TaichiI-it's fine! I've almost got it..... Hah!
BanriWha- Earthworms are fallin' down on us!
JuzaThese are jellies...?
TaichiEven though you were busy fighting, you still heard the word "jellies"? Just what you'd expect from Juza-san!
OmiSo when you mentioned interesting sweets, you were talking about earthworm-shaped jellies?
TaichiIf you'd like, you can have some!
Juza*nom nom* ...Tasty.
BanriDon't just eat anything right away!
*door opens*
SakyoGood work-.
...What's up with these earthworms?
Sakyo...?! Hyodo, stop right there...!
TaichiNo no no, you got it wrong, Sakyo-nii!
OmiWhat a mess. It'll be confusing so guess we'll continue this in our room.
BanriGeez. For now, clean up all these mess.
TaichiHuhuu... Should've wrote something on the whiteboard beforehand...
BanriSomethin' like "I'm eating earthworms. -Taichi-"?
TaichiEarthworm "JELLIES"!
JuzaY'see, these earthworms and this fork here are sweets.
TaichiHuhuu... I gotta give a thorough explanation to Sakyo-nii...