Tsumugi Tsukioka/Clergyman's Counsel

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Bishop's Confessional

Backstage Stories
TsumugiBishop eh.. It's the role of a priest, right?
TasukuI heard you will be performing while serving the customers at a giant chess field.
TsumugiThat's right. When you participated in survival game, you also received a profile sheet like this, right?
IzumiWhat kind of characteristics the management set for your role as Bishop?
TsumugiHe's very caring and he seems to listen to people when they need him.
I have an Idea. Maybe I should try doing a confessional again?
TasukuHuh? You're doing it again?
TsumugiHomare-san recommended it during 'Residents of the Night' performance because it is somehow related to my role as Izumi.
I think I might be able to grasp something different from when I was playing the role of Izumi.
IzumiI think it's a great idea. Your confessional was really popular back then.
CHOICE 1: "Tsumugi-san's advice is reliable." [+]
IzumiI think the advice you are giving is very reliable.
TsumugiYou think so?
IzumiEveryone who went to consult in your confessional said that they were able to solve their problems.
TsumugiAll I did was listen to their story and tell them how I feel. I'm glad if everyone says so.
CHOICE 2: "Maybe I should go too" [+]
IzumiYou helped me a lot too. I'm thinking of going again this time.
TsumugiDirector, do you have a problem you wanted to consult about?
TsumugiWell, I'd feel more relieved if you don't need it.
IzumiAhaha, you're right.
TsumugiI'll write the announcement on the whiteboard right away.
TasukuIt seems like people will coming in and out of the room again. Excuse me then...
IzumiTasuku-san? Are you going back to your room?
TasukuNo, I am going to the kitchen to make a protein drink.
IzumiI- I see.
AzumaI'm home. Oh, everyone is still awake.
IzumiAh, welcome home.
TsumugiAzuma-san, welcome home. I just finished writing this on the whiteboard.
AzumaHm? So, you're doing a confessional again? How nostalgic.
TsumugiYes, so if you have something you wanted to confess-- though, it's less likely to happen.
AzumaActually... that's not always the case.
IzumiYou mean it?
AzumaThe other day, I accidentally spilled Tasuku's protein powder on the floor. The amount decreased a little but it's hard to say.
TasukuHa ! ?
Izumi(Azuma-san, didn't you realize that Tasuku-san is in the kitchen .. !?)
TasukuIt's extremely difficult to place an order for this protein powder--
AzumaFufu, I'm kidding.
TasukuYou said that because you know I am here.
AzumaYou caught me.
TsumugiYou're amazing, Azuma-san.
IzumiYou had me scared for a second.
TasukuGeez.. Give me a break, will you?
AzumaMy bad, my bad. Anyways, good luck on your confessional.
TsumugiI will do my best.
*knock knock*
Juza-kun, what's the matter?
JuzaI saw the written announcement saying you're doing a confessional...
TsumugiI am doing a confessional. Did something happen?
JuzaI ate one of the three puddings in the refrigerator.
TsumugiIs it Tsuzuru-kun's ?
Juza... ! That's right.
TasukuWhy does it feels like this already happened before?
JuzaI tried to apologize right away but Tsuzuru-san misunderstood and thought it was Miyoshi-san who ate it.
It quickly turned into heated argument and I couldn't stop them from fighting.
TasukuThose two are still fighting over trivial stuff?
JuzaI want to confess and apologize but...
TsumugiJuza-kun, I'm sure you'll be okay. Of course you still have to apologize properly but--
How about asking Omi-kun to teach how to make pudding and then make Tsuzuru-kun and Kazu-kun reconcile using that.
JuzaHomemade pudding?
TsumugiRight. If they're eating sweets, they might be able to talk to each other calmly.
JuzaCertainly... I don't think there's a person who doesn't feel happy when eating sweets.
I will do it.
TsumugiGood luck. Don't hesitate to consult again if something else happens.
Juza.. Thanks.
TasukuI think it'll be safer if Minagi stops putting his pudding in the fridge.
*knock knock*
SakuyaAre you still available for confessional?
TsumugiSakuya-kun, I'm still doing it. What do you want to consult about?
SakuyaSomething is off with my acting for my guest performance's role. I feel like I'm just floating around.
Everyone says it's okay but I'm afraid I'm causing trouble for everyone.
TsumugiI understand.
Sakuya-kun, how about let's practice together?
TsumugiLet's practice together and find out what's going on.
SakuyaIs it okay with you?
TsumugiOf course, we might find out what you need to improve from third party's perspective.
SakuyaThank you! I'll go and get the script!
TasukuWe can't consider this as confessional anymore if you're going to practice too.
TsumugiWell, It's because I was consulted about acting.. You're saying that but you're joining too, right?
TasukuWell, it's about acting after all.
TsumugiLet's end today's confessional and head out to practice with Sakuya-kun.

