Kazunari Miyoshi/Banquet of Blooming

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Starring “Kazunari”

Backstage Stories
IzumiAlright, the meeting’s over, I guess it’s time to head over to the theatre.
(I was late due to another task, just to be sure, I should send them a LIME message first)
I’m sorry I’m late. I’m heading over now.
Kay! Be careful on your way ☆
IzumiAs expected of Kazunari-kun, he replies fast.
Alright, I should hurry.
IzumiSorry I’m late!
Izumi Eh? Kazunari-kun, you’re still in your training outfit?
KazunariDirector-chan! Otsupico~ ♪
MisumiAhaha, Director-chan is surprised~
KumonThat’s Kazu-san’s doll that was made for the ninja performance!
IzumiOh, it’s just a doll…!
I was surprised.
Why is the doll here in the theatre?
KazunariFufufu… Since we have a screening party, I thought we could come up with something interesting!
Audience AIt was so interesting~!
Audience BYeah yeah! As I thought, this performance is my favourite!
Izumi(I’m glad the reception to the screening party turns out great.
Alright, after this will be the talk show…)
Izumi(!? That’s…!)
Audience AEh!? Kazunari-kun?
Audience BAnd he’s in his casual clothing?
Audience CBut somehow, something feels weird…
KazunariTadaah! I’m the real Kazunari Miyoshi!
MisumiEveryone, sorry for the wait~!
KumonWoah! The two of you came out so fast!
KazunariIt’s crucial to maintain this speed after all!
I’m sure everyone’s curious about this doll, but first of all, let’s start from the introduction~!
KazunariSo it’s like that, this doll was made for the role making process in the middle of the ninja performance!
It really looks like me right?
KumonI thought it was real at first you know!
MisumiThe manager was so surprised, he actually fell down~
KazunariAnyway, I did my role study through “The Art of Cloning”, the others have different ways of doing their role study too right?[1]
MisumiYeah! I did “The Art of Teleportation” for my role study!
KumonMuku too, he did “The Art of Water”!
That’s so nice~ My role is a prince, I didn’t really have the chance to do any ninja role making…
I want to try saying a secret killing technique~!
KazunariThen then, if Kumopi plays a ninja, what kind of secret killing technique will you do!?
KumonAh, “Thunderous Lightning!” maybe!
Or a more straightforward “Secret Art! Flaming Sword” maybe…
It will be followed with a cool looking sign, like this–!
KazunariAs expected of Kumopi! The technique name is so lit!
MisumiSo cool~!
Ah, bu, but the usual “Ninja Skill. The Art of Lightning” might be great too!
MisumiI’m going to use ‘The Art of Triangle’ too~!
KazunariSumi, isn’t that just the same as usual!
KazunariI had so much fun~!
MisumiMe too~!
KumonThere’s still so much to say, but not enough time~
IzumiThe audiences seem to be enjoying it too!
Anyway, I didn’t think that you’ll let the doll make an appearance on the show, I was surprised.
KazunariThe surprise was a great success!
IzumiAhaha, that really sounds like Kazunari-kun.
Oh yeah, we will be taking the polaroid after this, so pleased to work with you.
KumonThe present scheme that Sakyo-san mentioned the other time will be a polaroid picture right!
KazunariYep yep, leave it to me!
IzumiThen, I need you to stand on the stage over there…
I’m going to take a few pictures.
IzumiAlright, that should be all for now.
KumonWoah! That looks great!
MisumiKazu, what a great smile~!
KazunariOh damn! Isn’t it a very lit polaroid?
Maybe it’s because Director-chan took it!
KumonI’m sure the audiences will be very happy!
IzumiThen, I’ll need you to sign over here later.
IzumiLet’s get changed and go back.
Eh umm, are we going to return the doll to the dressing room?
KazunariAh! I got Takusu to drive here, he will help carrying It back!
Izumi(It seems that Tasuku-san is used well…)
(This is… a castle?)
Kazunari?What’s happening, princess?
You were blanking out since earlier.
IzumiA, ah… Sorry.
(It’s similar to a dream that I’ve seen before…
If that’s the case, I’m the princess of Tanuki castle and the person in front of me is not Kazunari-kun, but Kiichi)
KiichiHave you recovered from your unrequited love?
IzumiEh, yeah… Thanks to you.
KiichiI’m glad… As I thought, a smiling face fits you better, princess.
IzumiTh, thank you.
(if he smiles like that, my heart can’t help but to skip a beat)
Kiichi…Sigh, I can’t.
As I thought, I like you, princess.
KiichiI know I’m not supposed to be saying this kind of thing considering my position…
But, no matter what, I need to convey it.
At least, on this moment, can you only look at me…?
IzumiEh, umm—
(Wh, whatever’s my answer should be fine right)
Eh… It seems that I snoozed off on the table.
(I feel that I’ve seen a similar dream last time…
Anyway, I should get some water)
Izumi(Eh, that silhouette… Is anyone here?)
This is Kazunari-kun…
I mean, doll…?
KazunariEh, Director-chan?
I, I was so surprised…
KazunariSorry to surprise you!
I forgot that I left the doll here!
IzumiI, I see.
This Kazunari-kun’s doll–
CHOICE 1: “It was very useful in the talk show earlier" [+]
IzumiIt was very useful in the talk show earlier.
KazunariYep! The surprise was a big success ☆
IzumiThe role study and the surprise too… As expected of Kazunari-kun, you always managed to present us with new and fun ideas.
KazunariIf you say that, I’ll be embarrassed~
But, it was super fun!
Together with Director-chan, Summer Troupe, and everyone in this company, I’m glad to be able to realize the various ideas I have.
Really, thank you as always!
Let’s keep doing a lot of miraculously happy things together from now on!
IzumiOf course, you’re welcome!
CHOICE 2: “It’s really similar to you, it’s amazing" [+]
IzumiThis doll really looks similar to you, it’s amazing.
KazunariHehe, I’m happy if Director-chan said so!
But… Somehow, I feel a bit jealous of it.
KazunariJust now too, you were looking at this doll so intently right?
Not on the doll… I want you to look at me properly.
I want you to only look at me.
Director-chan, are you looking at me?
Kazunari–Just kid~ding!
But I’ll always welcome Director-chan’s heated gaze on me!
KazunariRegardless, leaving this doll in the dark makes it feels like it’s coming from a horror movie~
I’m sorry if it scares you, Director-chan.
IzumiAh, yeah…
(Eh… It seems that I’m being led by that smile again!)
But, you’re prohibited from leaving it around like this!


  1. I translated the word ‘jutsu’ into ‘The Art of’ since in this case it’s referring to the Ninja Art I believe.