Cross Backstage/Delivering Food Education

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Cross Backstage: Omi x Hisoka
Delivering Food Education
Main Story
BanriI'm digging in.
KazunariI'm gonna eat!
TaichiI'm digging in!
OmiThere are second helpings too, so eat a lot.
BanriThis beef stew is seriously good. Nothing less from Omi.
KazunariThe melting texture of the meat, it's rich and super yummy! Omimi, you're basically god!
TaichiI'm happy Omi-kun is here in the Company!
OmiYou're exaggerating.
HomareHm, the coloring is good, the taste is good, it is just like the King of Demiglace…
AzumaIt's good enough to be served in a restaurant.
Omi…hm? Where is Hisoka-san?
AzumaSpeaking of which I haven't seen him.
HomareI have invited him to dinner, however he turned me down saying he is sleepy today.
OmiIs that so.
AzumaJust like always.
BanriMore like, isn't Hisoka-san eating a rare scene?
TaichiRight, in my impression he basically eats nothing but marshmallow.
KazunariHm~, even if he does eat once in a while, feels like he isn't eating much.
BanriHisoka-san is skinny after all~. Like Taichi-skinny?
TaichiI'm eating a bunch see! I simply don't grow lengthwise!
KazunariYou'll inevitably grow widthwise, you fine with that, Taicchan?
TaichiEh!? This is bad!?
OmiYou're in your growth period, so there isn't any problem there right.
More importantly, if Hisoka-san isn't eating much it's worrisome. Maybe he is really picky about his food…
AzumaHmm, I wonder about that. I don't know if he has something like pickiness to begin with.
HomareSeems like marshmallow is the only thing he likes, however aside from that it feels like he mechanically eats other things.
OmiI see…
It bothers me a little, so I'll go check on him.
Hisoka-san, are you there? It's Omi.
OmiThere is beef stew for dinner, won't you eat too?
Hisoka…no need.
OmiIf there's something else you want to eat, I'll make it for you.
Hisoka…I have this, so I'm fine.
OmiThis is… marshmallow?
OmiBut, with just marshmallow you won't get any nourishment.
We use physical strength in practice, so we have to eat things with proper nutrition and strengthen our health.
OmiNo, like I said with just marshmallow your balance of nutrition will--.
OmiHe fell asleep…
OmiYeaah, it can't be helped huh… good night.
HomareHow did it go?
OmiHe fell asleep while eating marshmallows.
HomareAs I suspected.
AzumaIt's the usual.
TaichiAs I thought, Hisoka-san's staple food is marshmallow right.
KazunariI'm sure Hisohiso is half made from marshmallows. Fluffy body~.
OmiBut, with just marshmallow, his diet will become unbalanced, it's bad right.
BanriIf it continues, he'll collapse eventually won't he.
OmiWe have to do something, and make sure he's eating properly.
HomareSaying that, seems like he is interested in nothing but marshmallow.
KazunariThen, how about cooking arranged around marshmallows?
BanriThat's refreshing. Is something like this event exists.
IzumiLike marshmallow curry!
Joining to the conversation so suddenly, and talking about curry… nothing less from Director-chan, you don't weaver.
IzumiI was worried about Hisoka-san's eating habits too. Omi-kun, isn't there a way?
OmiMarshmallow curry huh… I've never made it before.
BanriNo, this idea is rejected right!
KazunariIt might be surprisingly possible.
IzumiIt sounds quite delicious right.
KazunariWith marshmallow curry filled with ice cream and fruits girls in high school will surely get excited!
TaichiIt can work, marshmallow curry! It'll be popular!
BanriNo, there aren't any high school girls here.
OmiMarshmallow curry… Hisoka-san… girls in high school…
BanriSee, Omi is all confused!
AzumaNo matter what you do, if it's with marshmallow it'll become dessert-like.
HomareI cannot help but think about the harmony between rice and marshmallow as a dissonance though.
OmiThis is difficult… marshmallow huh…
ReporterWoah! This texture, it's fluffy, as if it's marshmallow~!
ReporterNow, the restaurant with the rumored popular soufflé omelette everyone is talking about is right here! Everyone, by all means please try eating it~!
OmiSoufflé omelette… if it's this…
KazunariAh! This restaurant, I went to it the other day!
The girls were lining up like crazy. It really has a marshmallow like feel!
AzumaHeh. If it's a fluffy texture, seems like there's a possibility Hisoka will mistake it for marshmallow and eat it.
IzumiIt looks delicious~ I want to eat it!
BanriNo, it's not for you Director-chan see.
IzumiWell that's true but still!
OmiOnce I complete it, Director you can eat it too.
IzumiYay! Thank you!
HomareHisoka-kun, I heard that today's lunch will make you drool from happiness!
HomareWhat is the point of you drooling right now! Wake up! It is lunch time!
Hisoka…what? Marshmallow…?
HomareEnough with that, come!
KazunariAh! There he is!
TaichiPlease wake up!
OmiThis, I tried making it.
HisokaWhat is that… it's white… an omelette?
OmiIt's soufflé omelette. In order for it to become as fluffy as possible I used lots of egg white, so if you like please try eating it.
Hisoka…it's fluffy, like marshmallow.
HomareTry and taste it!
AzumaHe went to lengths to think of something Hisoka can eat.
Hisoka…it's fluffy.
Omi…how is it?
Hisoka…the taste is worlds apart from marshmallow.
OmiWell, it's an omelette after all, it must be true.
HomareAs I thought, it may be no good.
AzumaNext time, we should try a marshmallow flavored omelette.
OmiSounds hard to do.
Hisoka….but, it's good.
OmiCan you eat it?
Hisoka…munch munch.
OmiHe's eating it properly…
Hisoka…thank you for the meal.
KazunariHisohiso, congrats on eating everything!
BanriAmazing. So you can eat stuff other than marshmallow.
OmiThat's great… taking the trouble to make it was worth it.
IzumiThen, let's eat too.
BanriI'm starving.
HomareLet us eat.
AzumaLet's eat.
KazunariI'm digging in!
IzumiIt's good! It's delicious, Omi-kun!
KazunariAs I thought, Omimi's menu is godlike! Nothing missing 'bout it!
BanriIt's great. I could eat it all day.
HomareThis is already, the taste of mother's food… no, the taste of maman's food!
AzumaI think it's French for mother.
KazunariSeconds please!
IzumiMe too!
OmiI'll go make some right now.
If they're this happy about it, I think I'll try developing new menus from now on too.
and, something like that I guess.
OmiAh, you brought your plate. Thank you very much.
Hisoka…next time I want it to be a bit sweeter.
OmiThen, I'll try adding sugar.
OmiEven if you don't wait here, I'll carry it over to you you know?
Hisoka…it's interesting.
OmiIs that so?
Omi(Maybe he started to develop interest in food a bit. That's a good development)
Main Story
