Azuma Yukishiro/Like a Beauty

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First Ozashiki game

Backstage Stories
IzumiSorry for being late! My work had me toiling far longer than I thought it would…!
HomareAhh, director-kun. Good work.
TsumugiThat’s alright. We’ve only just finished changing into our costumes.
YukiHow’s the size?
GuyThere’s no problems with it.
IzumiSo the 3 of your costumes are being done up first?
YukiThat’s right. I’m sure the muscle training dumbass’ size will change yet again–
And the amazing sleeper himself was sleeping while the measurements were being taken. There were errors due to that so it’s currently being readjusted.
TasukuI told you that I was sorry, didn’t I? My arms just got a little thicker than it was previously…
YukiAnd I’d have to rethink the poet’s costume design once more since it seems like he’ll be getting a rather extravagant hairstyle this time round.
HomareI’m playing the role of a young master, you see! The attire has to be a glamorous yet gorgeous, one truly befitting of my title!
YukiReally! I always have my hands full with this guy since he’s so picky about everything. And yet, he’s still one of the older members amongst us? You should try being in my shoes for once-
TsumugiErm, but I still think that it’s really chic and cool compared to how flashy the Summer Troupe’s kimonos were for their ninja play!
AzumaYup, there’s certainly some taste in it.
HisokaFeels stylish.
Guy…I think the colours and patterns are really interesting.
YukiWell, yeah. I spent quite a lot of time picking out the patterns since I didn’t want them to look too plain.
Izumi(T-Thank goodness. It seems like he managed to put Yuki-kun back in a good mood by modestly nudging the subject into a different direction.)
TsumugiIt’s refreshing to see everyone in traditional Japanese clothes.
IzumiRight? Azuma-san’s the most eye-catching one after all since he’s the first one to play a female role in the Winter Troupe.
(He’s beautiful, beyond my expectations even. There’s also some surprising sex appeal in play and it’s almost as if I could fall in love with him at first sight…)
AzumaFufu, if that’s so then can I think that I’ve met your expectations…?
Izumi(Y-Your face is too close!!)
O-On the contrary, you’ve exceeded my expectations so much that it’s bad for my heart!
AzumaReally? I’m glad to hear that.
GuyWas the role you were playing one of a former geisha?
AzumaYup. Although I’m a shamisen teacher now.
HisokaAre you going to do anything to build the role further?
AzumaRight…The director did already give praised about it but I want to make it feel more real.
Izumi(It’s already realistic, though…)
HomareHm. In other words, you’re wondering what would help you further build your role?
TsumugiHow about a geisha’s dance or something…?
YukiAzu-nee already knows how that works.
AzumaYeah. I did teach Yuki how it was done before.
TasukuHow about the shamisen then?
AzumaI’ve actually managed to pick up quite a bit of that back during the days where I slept alongside people. There was someone who knew how to play it and taught me how to. I can play anything so long as it’s simple.
TsumugiAzuma-san’s really like a jack of all trades…
YukiMaybe you don’t have to build up on your role any further anymore?
GuyI wonder if there’s anything else…
Hisoka…The Ozashiki game.
IzumiHuh? The Ozashiki game?
TasukuReally makes one wonder how you came up with that.
HisokaI saw it on the television recently.
AzumaI see. I’ve never done that before, even as a geisha.
GuyThe Ozashiki game…I’ve heard of it but how is it supposed to be done?
IzumiI don’t really know anything about it… Does anyone have any experience with it?
TsumugiNeither do I.
TasukuMe neither. Besides, it feels like something only the rich can afford.
HomareI’ve experienced it countless of times, having been the receptionist for the editorial department.
AzumaSo that means everyone other than Homare and I has never experienced it before?
Fufu…Then I shall be the one to teach you how to play the game of adults.
TsumugiI’m kind of looking forward to learning about the Ozashiki game even though it’s a part of your role building.
CitronYes! How exuding~! [1]
TasukuThat’s fine and all but why’s Citron here?
AzumaI thought that we could all pair up with everyone from the Winter Troupe and the Director included but–
I realised we made up an odd number so I invited the prince who said he was interested in the Class kinda game.
CitronThanks for inviting me, Azuma.
AzumaYou’re welcome.
If we’re all pairing up then how about pairing up with your roommates? Citron will be paired with the director.
HomareSo that means that I’m with Hisoka. Let’s do our best together!
AzumaOf course, we’ve also prepared a prize for the winning team.
HisokaA prize… It might be some high-quality marshmallows…
AzumaHehe, I wonder?
HomareThen let’s hurry and get the game started, shall we?
AzumaI was thinking of starting it off with a game of eliminative rock, paper and scissors that everyone knows about.
CitronOh, I’ve heard of it! It’s the one where you whack everyone off with rock, paper and scissors, right?
TsumugiIt’s also part of the game of adults? I see.
Ah, but stripping if you lose is a little…I mean the director’s here and all…
IzumiY-Yeah, that’s a little…
AzumaFufu, that’s only in the case of it happening in a variety show and the like. In the Ozashiki game, you take a shot every time you lose.
Of course, those who want to strip can feel free to do so too.
TasukuWhy are you saying that while looking in my direction? Stop saying it as if I’m the one who’s itching to strip down.
HomareAlright, let’s start from my team! Who’ll be our opponent?
TsumugiI win.
GuyAgain…? How many times does this make it?
HomareUuugghhh, I can’t win against you no matter how hard I try, Tsumugi-kun…
CitronSoon, Homare will turn into a dunk cryer !
AzumaI suppose that means a crying drunk?
HisokaCome to think of it, he’s really strong at Rock, paper scissors.
IzumiThat’s right…
Rock, paper and scissors was banned whenever we had to decide something within the company but it totally slipped my mind since we haven’t had anything to decide on for a while now.
TasukuI don’t mind since I’m on the same team as him but at this rate, everyone but us is going to get drunk.
AzumaWe can’t have everyone drunk right off the bat either. Let’s proceed on to the next game then.
We’ll be using this next.
TsumugiThat’s one beautiful fan.
HomareOhh, this must be Japanese fan tossing, hic
CitronJapanese fan tossin-?
AzumaIt’s a game where you toss the fan at the target placed on the table-top.
HomareThe name and the score you get depends on the folding fan’s shape and the way it falls. Ah what a deliriously difficult game it is indeed…
GuyI see. It’s quite intriguing.
AzumaHow about the prince start first this time round?
CitronAlright! I have to aim well then~
…… Hah!!
TasukuThat was a magnificent miss.
TsumugiThe fan didn’t open at all so it wasn’t able to catch the wind and fly like it was supposed to.
CitronOh, how difficult…This game is really deep.
Director, I want you to take revenge for me!
IzumiAlright, this is where I pull out the high scores…!
Is what I’d like to say but…Can I even throw the fan right? Uhh, how should I be wielding this…?
AzumaThen how about I teach you a trick, just for you?
First, hold the fan like this. Then, relax your shoulder…
IzumiL-Like this?
AzumaYup, just like that. Now, try tossing.
IzumiOh, it hit the goal!
AzumaYup, that was a great throw, Director.
IzumiThank you! It’s all thanks to you!!
CHOICE 1: You’re great at being hospitable. [+]
CHOICE 2: The Ozashiki game’s really fun! [+]
HomareIt’s my turn next…! I won’t lose this time…!
Hey, where are you aiming that thing!?
HomareHow can this be…! For you to be hit by the fan…Ahh, please forgive me Tasuku-kun!
The sense of soaring dances ,my sense for throwing fans, the returning essence…
GuyHe’s pretty drunk, isn’t he?
TsumugiHe probably drank too much in the elimination rock, paper and scissors session just now…
IzumiAmazing! The Azuma-Guy team is closely matched with the Hisoka-Homare team!
CitronThe Drunk Homare’s just being extra baggage but Hisoka’s raking in all the points!
TsumugiHe’s good at darts too if I remember correctly. I guess he has an affinity for games like this?
TasukuOnly one match left.
HisokaHigh-quality marshmallows…
AzumaWhat sheer willpower.
HomareNot yet, we can attain higher points! Uuuuuugh, how brilliant…! Hic-!
AzumaHisoka’s going really strong in times like this, just like I expected.
But…I won’t lose out either.
HomareT-This is…The dream-like arc!!
IzumiIsn’t that the shape that scores the most points!?
GuyAs expected of Yukishiro.
TsumugiThe Azuma-Guy team wins.
HisokaI lost…
TasukuHe was leading in terms of points after the drinking elimination but the tables were still turned against him in the end, huh.
CitronCongratulations, Azuma and Guy!
AzumaFufu, thanks.
TsumugiI lost the game but it was really fun!
IzumiThat’s true. It felt like we were with a real geisha and playing a real Ozashiki game.
AzumaI’m glad everyone enjoyed themselves.
TasukuSo what was the prize in the end?
GuyThis is…Japanese liquor?
CitronOh! That was in the pauli box!
TasukuYou mean the Paulownia box, don’t you?
IzumiLooks like a luxury good just from the looks of it!
AzumaLet’s all open it after the performance, okay?
TsumugiAlright! Let’s do our best for the performance!
IzumiHuh? I was thinking about how quiet it got all of a sudden. Where’s Homare-san…?
GuyIt appears that he has fallen into a drunken slumber.
HomareMmnfh, hic! Winter Troupe, fight~ …

  1. Exciting*