Yuki | —Okay, here’s my drawing. |
Izumi | As expected, Yuki-kun finished quickly. And it’s so cute. |
Tsumugi | It’s mainly pink. It’s just like Yuki-chan. |
Yuki | Thanks. And you two? |
Izumi | Just a second… Okay, done! How about this? |
Tsumugi | It’s good! Director’s herbarium also looks cute. |
Yuki | Hm, something about it feels off. |
Izumi | Really? I thought I did pretty good. |
| What about Tsumugi-san’s? |
Tsumugi | I think I did well. |
Yuki | Uwa, I don’t know about that… |
Izumi | Eh, umm, I think it’s unique and amazing! |
Tsumugi | You think so? Thank you. |
| |
Tsumugi | (Tomorrow, Director, Yuki-chan, and I are going to the herbarium cafe, I can’t wait.) |
Izumi | Excuse me, Tsumugi-san, do you have a moment? |
Tsumugi | Is something up, Director? |
Izumi | Unfortunately, I was asked to help at another theatre company tomorrow… |
| They ran into some trouble and I can’t refuse. So, I won’t be able to go to the herbarium cafe with you two. |
Tsumugi | That’s unfortunate. |
Izumi | I was really looking forward to it too… My bad. |
Tsumugi | It’s alright, it can’t be helped. If there’s another chance, let’s go together. |
| I was thinking of inviting Banri-kun next time anyway. |
Izumi | Sounds good! |
Tsumugi | Ah, right. I have something to ask you… |
| |
Yuki | Director was excited. |
Tsumugi | Yeah, she was really disappointed she couldn’t come. |
Yuki | Well, nothing we can do about it now. |
Teacher | Welcome everyone. We’ll now get started, so let me explain how to make a herbarium. |
| |
Yuki | Hm, so we can choose from these bottles. |
Tsumugi | Seems that way. Which will Yuki-chan choose? |
Yuki | Hmm, this one. And Tsumugi? |
| Huh, that paper… |
Tsumugi | Fufu, I’ll take this one. |
Yuki | I see… Then, good luck to both of us. |
Tsumugi | Yes. |
| |
Yuki | Okay, done. What do you think? |
Tsumugi | It’s cute, as expected of Yuki-chan. The pink gradient is striped beautifully. |
Yuki | Thanks. Tsumugi made something cute too. Is it how you wanted? |
Tsumugi | Mhm, I’m glad it all worked out. |
| Well, we’ve completed them successfully. Let’s have a cup of tea in the cafe space before heading home. |
Yuki | Mhm, let’s go. |
| |
Tsumugi | Director, is now a good time? |
Izumi | Yes, come in. |
Izumi | Tsumugi-san. What’s up? |
Tsumugi | I wanted to give something to Director. … Here. |
Izumi | This… It’s the herbarium that I drew…! Did Tsumugi-san make this? |
Tsumugi | I hope you like it… |
Izumi | Of course I like it! |
CHOICE 1: I'm surprised it's how I imagined. [+]
Izumi | The colors and overall look of it, it’s really exactly how I imagined! |
Tsumugi | Really? That’s a relief to hear. |
| Actually… Yuki-chan helped me with it because I was worried if I made it myself. |
Izumi | There’s no need to worry, it’s really quite nice. It’s definitely better than if I made it… |
Tsumugi | I doubt it. But since you say so, it was worth it to make it. |
CHOICE 2: What about Tsumugi-san's? [+]
Izumi | Tsumugi-san also drew something. Did you not make it? |
Tsumugi | I didn’t. But it’s fine, I wanted to give Director’s herbarium priority. |
| Ah, right. If we have another chance, what if we made one together? We can make the one that I drew. |
Izumi | That’s a good idea. Let’s do it! |
Tsumugi | Fufu, I’m looking forward to it. |
Izumi | So when Tsumugi-san asked for the picture, you wanted to use it as a reference… |
| I didn’t expect you to go through the trouble. |
Tsumugi | Since it’s for a limited time, I wasn’t sure if we’d be able to go again. Director seemed to really look forward to it, after all. |
| So, I decided to make your herbarium. |
Izumi | I’m very happy. Thank you very much, I’ll make sure to treasure it! |
Tsumugi | I’m glad. |
| … And it’s like Director said, it was good to draw them ahead of time. |