Tasuku Takato/Night of accomplished missions

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Form of Justice

Backstage Stories
TasukuThank you so much for inviting me as a guest star this time.
Member of another troupeThe pleasure is ours.
I look forward to working together again.
TasukuYes, for sure.
*walks away*
BoyHuh, where am I…? Mama…?
BoyEuuugh. Mamaaa, where are you!
*car passes*
Watch out!
TasukuPhew. I made it in time.
Are you okay?
BoyI-I’m alright… but, *sniffle*.
TasukuIt was a red light, you know?
You’ll get hit by a car if you jump out like that.
BoyBut… but…
My mama is…
BoyMama’s goneee. UWEHHH!
TasukuIs this kid… lost…?
I can’t even listen to him while he’s crying like this. What do I do—.
FuyukiHey, you. Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Boy*Sniff*. Yeah, I’m alright.
FuyukiThat was scary, wasn’t it?
Everything’s going to be okay. Mr. Police Officer is here.
FuyukiTasuku. Is this kid lost?
TasukuYeah. It sounds like he got separated from his mom.
FuyukiRoger. Shall we head to the police station then?
Here we are.
What’s your name?
BoySakuragi Tsukasa…
I see. It’s you, huh?
What’s the matter?
FuyukiOh, nothing.
I see. What a cool name!
TsukasaThanks… *hic*.
FuyukiAlright, let’s look for your mother together.
Don’t you worry. I’m absolutely sure we’ll find her!
(They must be used to looking after children like this in this line of work. But my brother’s unexpected good at it…)
FuyukiTasuku, c’mere a second.
FuyukiI didn't say this in front of that kid since I haven't confirmed it yet. But there was actually someone who looked like Tsukasa's mother at the police station earlier.
I’ll try contacting her right now.
Tsukasa’s momI can’t thank you enough…!
FuyukiNot at all. I’m glad you two were able to reunite.
Tsukasa’s momCome on. Make sure you say thank you, Tsukasa.
TsukasaThank you, Mr. Policeman.
Thanks for saving me too, mister.
FuyukiDon’t mention it!
TasukuYeah. I’m glad you’re safe.
FuyukiAlright then, take care, Tsukasa-kun. Bye bye!
TsukasaBye byeee!
TasukuWe can breathe a sigh of relief now.
Even if it was just a coincidence, you came over and saved the day.
FuyukiI was just out on my patrol.
That aside, I’ve been trying to reach you on your phone.
Didn’t you see?
TasukuHm? …I was in starring in a guest performance earlier.
Did something happen?
FuyukiSo you see, we, the local division and the traffic division hold a traffic safety class for the children every year—.
And in the class, there’s going to be something like a “role-model experience”.
Could I ask MANKAI Company to help with that?
FuyukiWe always ask actors from other troupes. But this year, if possible, I’d like you guys to participate.
TasukuA children’s traffic safety class… Whatever the case, that kid from earlier ran a red light, so we need a chance to show him an example.
I’d be happy to help if it can prevent an accident like that…
For now, I’ll mention it to the troupe members.
Can I get back to you with an answer later?
FuyukiGo ahead.
I’m hoping to hear good news.
Tasuku…That’s the situation.
IzumiIf we can help, then of course we’d be happy to lend a hand!
Even though it’s just a sample, I heard there’s a script to move the event along.
I think they’re going to hold a rehearsal beforehand as well.
TsuzuruSince there’s a script, does that mean it’s going to be like a play?
TasukuIt’s sort of like a demonstration. We’re going to dress up as police officers and teach children the rules of the road while showing them good examples.
YukiAnd what are you going to do about the costumes?
TasukuWe’re supposed to be able to borrow special outfits.
They said they want us to send over three guys.
I’m going to participate. So that leaves two more.
I’m gonna join.
TasukuAre you sure?
JuzaWhile I was out ridin’ my motorcycle, I’ve seen kids jump out even when adults are right behind them. That worried me, so I’d like to help out too.
IzumiThat happens a lot when kids are young.
KumonI’ll go too!
I bet it’ll be fun to dress up as cops with nii-chan. And I’d be down if I can help prevent accidents, even just a little!
IzumiOkay. Then can I ask Tasuku-san, Juza-kun and Kumon-kun to be the three volunteers for this event?
TasukuYeah. I appreciate it, you two.
I’ll let my brother know.
IzumiPlease do.
I’m going to go watch how it goes on the day of, too.
KumonEven though it’s a demonstration, we gotta be convincing as police officers, right, nii-chan!
JuzaYeah. We gotta prepare for our roles somehow.
I’ll think of somethin’.
TasukuLike a policeman, huh…
(The best way to learn more about policemen is to ask a professional.
I’ll ask my brother some things while I give him our reply…)
*ring, ring*
Fuyuki“Hey, Tasuku.
Have you guys come to a conclusion about the traffic safety class?”
TasukuYeah. We decided to accept.
Fuyuki“Really? That’s great to hear.
I’ll report that to my boss right away”
By the way, I have something I want to ask you…
Fuyuki“What’s up?”
TasukuI want to know more about police officers in order to prepare for my role.
Could you give me some of your time?
Fuyuki“…I got it.
It just so happens I’m off duty tomorrow, so I’ll be at home. Wanna come over?”
FuyukiSo, what specifically do you want to know?
TasukuMy role coming up is a neighbourhood police officer, so I’m going to reference what you do on the daily.
Going on patrols your main job, right? As for traffic, my impression is that you deal with vehicles that break the law…
FuyukiThat’s right. It’s not just cars, I also watch out for pedestrians walking while using their phones, bicyclists riding without their lights on, and so forth.
We’re going to ask you to talk about this stuff in the show on the day of.
TasukuSo what do you do when you actually catch someone breaking the rules?
FuyukiI call them over and listen to what they have to say. Then I hand them a fine, depending on the situation.
However, our main goal here is to show the children good examples related to traffic. We don’t want to make them think policemen are scary people who just punish them.
That’s why I think your feelings when you saved Tsukasa-kun the other day are much more important than any warning or fine.
TasukuMy feelings…
(Back then, my brother was…)
*flashback starts*
FuyukiHey, you. Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Tsukasa*Sniff*. Yeah, I’m alright.
FuyukiThat was scary, wasn’t it?
Everything’s going to be okay. Mr. Police Officer is here.
Alright, let’s look for your mother together.
Don’t you worry. I’m absolutely sure we’ll find her!
*flashback ends*
Tasuku(…He was empathetic to the kid’s feelings and he treated them with kindness.)
FuyukiAnyhow, sorry you came all the way here to consult with me, but I want you to just act the same as you did that day.
TasukuYeah, you got it.
(That reminds me, my brother was late to school once because he was delivering a lost kid to the police station.)
(His lateness was justified, huh?)[1]
…I’m glad my brother became a police officer.
Did you say something?
TasukuI was just thinking everyone must feel safe when they’re rescued by a police officer like you.
FuyukiHaha. If you ever find yourself in a bind, you can always depend on your big brother too!
TasukuOh, be quiet. Don’t pat my head.
FuyukiYou’ve practised the whole thing the other day, so I’m sure it’ll go smoothly.
TasukuRight. Now all that’s left is to do our best to get along with the children gathered here today.
IzumiGreat job, everyone!
I see you’re done changing.
KumonHehe. We look cool, don’t we!
Kumon-kun, you’re the only one with a hat?
JuzaWe took them off since we thought they might fall while we’re doing our demonstrations. But it looks like Kumon wanted to wear his.
IzumiFufu. I see.
Anyways, seeing Tasuku-san and Fuyuki-san side-by-side as police officers is a rare sight indeed!
TasukuWell, it’s not everyday I get the chance to don a police uniform.
CHOICE 1: You look like Fuyuki-san [+]
IzumiYou know, you really do look like Fuyuki-san.
TasukuDo I?
I don’t think so myself, though.
IzumiI think your personalities are a little different, but you can totally tell you’re brothers when you look at your eyes.
TasukuAniki’s going to make a fuss if he hears that.
IzumiFufu. That's proof of how much he thinks of you as a precious little brother.
CHOICE 2: You look just like a real police officer [+]
IzumiFuyuki-san is also with you, so you look just like a real police officer.
TasukuI wouldn’t be surprised if it looks real to the kids who are attending the traffic safety class.
IzumiThat’s true. Even though it’s a demonstration, you’re still playing the role of a policeman.
TasukuYeah. It’s no different from a play.
I’m going to do my best to embody a police officer in the time we have.
IzumiFufu, that’s right.
I’ll be watching until the end as well.
Host officerThank you all very much for coming to the traffic safety class today.
Today, I’d like us to think about traffic safety together while getting first hand experience checking for safety in various different scenarios.
FuyukiAlright, first off, everyone who’s going to be learning about the rules when crossing the street together, raise your hand!
KumonCheck the colour of the traffic light. You can only cross when it’s green!
See, raise your arm nice and high like this and check whether any cars are coming! Check to the right, left, and once more to the right…
Kid ARight, left!
KumonYep, yep, you’re a pro!
Now keep your arm raised like that until you reach the other side!
JuzaYou always gotta inspect your bike before you ride it.
Kid BHow do you do that?
JuzaGood question. First, check that your brakes work, make sure your light turns on, put your helmet on, and then you’re ready to go.
Let’s all try doing that together.
Kid COkay!
TasukuBikes are just like cars. That’s why you must stop if there’s a stop sign.
Now, all together.
First, stop. Then check both sides of the road.
Kid DOkay, done checking!
Can we go now?
Ride slowly.
Next, let’s try riding around so you understand the dangers.
Go forward in a zigzag to avoid the coloured cones to your left and right.
Of course I’ll be right behind you, so don’t worry.
Kid EI do this every day, so it’s a piece of cake!
I’m good at riding bikes!
Smooth and steady… WAH!
*runs over*
…Alright. I’ve got you. Don’t worry.
That was a surprise, wasn’t it? You’re not hurt, are you?
Kid EN-no…
TasukuIf you did fall, then this helmet is here to protect your head.
Thanks for riding with it on.
Keep up the good work.
Kid EThanks… I’ll make sure to wear my helmet and I won’t ride in zigzags anymore.
TasukuI see. Great job.
Kid EWah, don’t pat my head… hehe.
Thanks for today, you three.
It went amazing!
JuzaThank you too.
It was a good experience.
KumonFor sure! The kids learned a lot too!
I guess we gotta change out of these costumes now, huh?
FuyukiSay, since we’re all here, let’s take some pictures with your costumes on.
I’ll take some shots for you two brothers.
KumonFor real!?
FuyukiHere goes. Say cheese!
KumonI’ll take one for the Takato bros next!
TasukuNo, I’m good.
FuyukiAw, don’t say that! This is a rare opportunity, isn’t it!
Scooch in, scooch in!
Oi, aniki!
KumonHehe, I’m gonna take it!
Smile, Tasuku-san!
Juza… Nice picture.
FuyukiYep, it’s an awesome souvenir! I’m gonna hang it in my room.
Kumon*Sigh*~. It was fun interacting with the kids, and nii-chan’s policeman look was super duper cool!
JuzaYou look great too, Kumon.
FuyukiIf we’re laying on the praise, then my little brother was pretty darn cool himself!
TasukuHey, quit it.
FuyukiC’mon, I mean it. I'm sure that kid who almost fell off his bike was happy such a kind older brother swooped in to save the day.
TasukuI just thought of you and…
Tasuku…Never mind. It’s nothing.
FuyukiWhat’s that~? Now I’m curious.
TasukuShush. I said it was nothing, alright?
Izumi(Fufu. Those two are a wonderful pair of brothers.)



  1. References Tasuku’s SSR Escort Card Invitation story