Tsumugi Tsukioka/Wishing You a Romantic Trip

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Train Trip for Two

Backstage Stories
KazunariIf it’s this station, then there’ll probs be fewer transfers if you go from here.
TsumugiI see, I see.
Izumi(Kazunari-kun and Tsumugi-san? This talk about transfers—could they mean a train or something?)
Are you going somewhere?
TsumugiYes. I got a ticket for a local show from an acquaintance. So I’d like to go watch it, but it’s a bit far from here.
I mean, I say it’s a local performance, but it takes 2 hours by train to get there.
KazunariHere’s a pic of the hall—isn’t it legit?
It looks, like, twice as big as our theatre.
IzumiWoah, it does!
You can tell it’s a huge hall just from the pictures.
Kazunari‘Cept the location seems inconvenient to get to, and it takes another, like, 30 min by bus from the nearest station.
TsumugiBut the longer the distance is to travel, the higher your expectations are for the play, right?
IzumiI get what you mean.
Even that feeling of restlessness… is also fun, right?
KazunariThis way’s the short way, but if you happen to have time, Tsumu-tsumu, then you might wanna take that route. It’ll be more roundabout though.
TsumugiHm? Why’s that?
IzumiAh, this is… the train that travels through the famous flower fields, right?
KazunariBingo! You knew about it, huh~.
IzumiI hear them say “they're in full bloom!” on TV from time to time.
So I got a little curious about it too.
KazunariI think it'd be fun to look at the flower fields from the train window, right!
I bet it’d be supes photogenic if you snapped some phone pics~.
TsumugiThat sounds great. I might be able to go there without much trouble if I leave the dorm a little earlier.
I’ll make a note.
IzumiIt must be so beautiful~.
Hey… would you like to come with me, Director?
IzumiEhh? Are you sure?
TsumugiAs long as it’s fine with you. They still have tickets available, so that acquaintance told me I was free to let them know if I wanted any more.
I think I can get another one if I ask now.
Alright then… I’ll take your word for it.
TsumugiOf course.
IzumiThank you very much!
KazunariHow nice~! I would’ve loved to go too~.
TsumugiKazu-kun’s schedule didn’t work out, huh? But you helped me figure out how to get there, so I’ll buy you something as a souvenir.
KazunariFor realsies?
Thanks, Tsumu-tsumu~! I'll look forward to it!
TsumugiHere you go. This your ticket, Director.
IzumiThank you very much.
But why did you go out of your way to buy us train tickets?
TsumugiActually, Kazu-kun told me about this…
But apparently, they’re selling 1-day, unlimited ride passes for this section of the track right now.
We can’t do it today, but when we have time, I think it would be fun to visit various different stations.
IzumiOh, that’s true.
You could make as many stops as you want with an unlimited day pass.
TsumugiRight. And besides, it's nice to buy a ticket like this once in a while to feel like you're travelling, right?
Alright, shall we head off then?
Izumi(Tsumugi-san seems pretty upbeat, huh?)
(Maybe he was looking forward to riding the train?)
TsumugiTravelling by train is nice and relaxing, isn’t it?
IzumiYeah. Riding a train might be the only way you can take your time to admire the scenery.
TsumugiIt feels different from gazing out a car window, right?
IzumiI guess that's because the windows here are wider…?
TsumugiYeah, that might be why the scenery feels so close.
IzumiIt’s been a while since I’ve taken a long-distance train ride like this, but it’s fun, just like a trip.
Thank you very much for inviting me.
TsumugiSame here, I’m happy that you came with me.
IzumiAh, aren’t the flower fields coming up soon?
TsumugiOh, you’re right. That area over there is a different colour than the rest of the surroundings.
IzumiWow, they're in full bloom and super pretty!
TsumugiLet’s take a picture and send it to Kazu-kun.
…Um, it’s blurry and I couldn’t get a good shot.
IzumiWell I took a video, so how about we send that to Kazunari-kun?
TsumugiA video…! I see, that way…
Thank you very much, please do.
IzumiIt only lasted a moment, but it was beautiful, right!
TsumugiYes! It was worth the detour.
I’m tempted to get off the train for a stopover… but I’ll save that for next time.
Ah, it’ll be our stop soon.
CHOICE 1: I’m looking forward to the play. [+]
IzumiFufu, I’m looking forward to the play.
TsumugiYeah. Our excitement's been brewing for a while now.
IzumiBeing able walk up casually and watch a play is fine, but purposely travelling a long distance to see one is also nice.
TsumugiIt feels as if your enjoyment matures.
IzumiI… totally get that feeling.
TsumugiI hope we can perform plays that make people want to come from far away to watch as well.
CHOICE 2: The train ride was over before we knew it. [+]
IzumiThe train ride was over before we knew it, huh?
TsumugiI wish it could’ve lasted a little longer.
IzumiLet’s invite everyone in Winter troupe for another train ride next time!
TsumugiThat's a great idea. …I think Hisoka-kun will fall asleep right away though.
IzumiAhaha, train rides make everyone sleepy though, don’t they?
TsumugiWe’ll have to prepare lots of marshmallows.
But if we all talk together, I bet we’ll arrive at our destination in no time.
IzumiFufu, I can just imagine.
TsumugiAh, it looks like we’ve arrived. Do you have your ticket?
IzumiYep, I’ve made sure I got it!
(I can’t wait to see what kind of play it’ll be…)
Hah~, that was so interesting…!
TsumugiIt was worth coming all the way here to watch it, right?
IzumiThe contents of the play were, of course, amazing. But the stage set was elaborate and impressive too!
TsumugiTheir staging was great.
I wish we could also pull that off back home…
IzumiWell, it might be possible to devise something that can be done with our theatre’s size!
I'll see if I can come up with a way to incorporate it.
TsumugiIt really is motivating watching the plays of other theatre companies.
It's given me lots of different ideas I’d love to try out.
IzumiLet’s discuss them with everyone once we get back to the dorm.
TsumugiRight, and before I forget—.
*ding dong, ding dong*
Izumi…Ah. T-the train left!?
TsumugiAhaha… we were too busy chatting, huh?
Shall we take the next train?
Izumi(We accidentally got carried away…)
TsumugiOh, it’s surprisingly crowded.
IzumiYeah, right. Maybe it’s because this is a different route from when we came.
TsumugiThat’s true, but it’s almost rush hour, so…
IzumiIt sucks that we missed the earlier train, huh…
I’m really sorry about that.
TsumugiOh, no, I was also too excited talking with you…
So I apologize as well.
…Ah. …Um, you can take my seat here if you’d like.
Elderly personAhh… excuse me. Thank you.
TsumugiNot at all.
IzumiTsumugi-san, I’m alright, so you can sit instead.
TsumugiOh, no, I’m fine just standing.
IzumiAre you sure?
TsumugiYes. Please keep sitting, Director.
Izumi(It's been a long trip, so Tsumugi-san must be tired too...)
TsumugiThe train cleared out after we passed a big station, huh?
IzumiIt was tough since it was a bit crowded.
TsumugiBut I don’t think it was that bad compared to the packed trains Itaru-kun always complains about.
IzumiYeah, sometimes on the days Itaru-san takes the train to work, he comes home looking like his soul left his body.
Ah, Tsumugi-san, this seat here is free now.
TsumugiAlright, then please excuse me…
IzumiThe time just flew by on our way there, probably because of our anticipation. But it feels longer on the way back since we’re all tuckered out, huh?
TsumugiYeah. But it kind of feels like we just took a short vacation, so I like this feeling too.
Izumi(He’s right, it does feel like we’re on the way home from a trip.)
(It’s like a mixture of lingering fun and pleasant exhaustion…)
*Yawn*… getting rocked by the train like this makes you kind of sleepy, huh?
TsumugiZzz, zzz.
Izumi(Tsumugi-san fell asleep…)
(So he really was tired after all.)
(There’s still a while before we get off, so I’ll just leave him be.)
(Where are we…?)
*ding dong, ding dong*
(Eh… Veludo Station… as in our stop!?)
W-we overslept…!
TsumugiZzz, zzz
Izumi(Tsumugi-san’s still asleep…)
(I feel kind of bad about waking him up since he’s sleeping so peacefully…)
Ah, oh well…
(We’ve already missed our stop anyways…)
(Plus, it might not be too bad getting swayed along with the train a little longer like this.)
(I’m feeling sleepy again…)
Tasuku…So that’s the reason you ended up calling me?
TsumugiSorry, Tasuku…
IzumiI never thought we’d keep sleeping until the last stop…
TasukuGood grief, you two… I’m not a free taxi, you know?
TsumugiNow, now. By the way, the play we watched today was incredibly interesting.
I heard they’re going to perform it again at a different location next time, so you should go too, Tasuku.
I’ll pay for your ticket as an apology for today.
IzumiI’ll also cover half.
Tasuku…Well, if you put it that way.
TsumugiLet’s all go together, Director.
…By train again.
IzumiSure! I'm looking forward to it.
