Tsuzuru Minagi/Absolute Hit Hawkeye
From A3! Wiki
Cool Hitman
Backstage StoriesTsuzuru | Luckily, we made it to the sale. |
Izumi | Yup, these supplies will last us for a while. |
Tsuzuru | Hm? This flyer…. |
Survival game event? | |
Izumi | Heh, so they’re also organizing an event like this. |
Tsuzuru | It’s a survival game sponsored by a theater company. Speaking of, you participated in a survival game during our training camp, didn’t you? |
Izumi | I did. I participated with Itaru-san. I even ended up becoming an MVP…How nostalgic. |
Tsuzuru-kun, are you not interested in survival games? | |
Tsuzuru | It’s not that I’m not interested… |
I’d say I want to try it if I am given an opportunity. | |
Juza | Director, Tsuzuru-san. |
Tsuzuru | Juza? What a coincidence. |
Juza | There’s a Japanese confectionary shop selling limited edition manju near here. |
Izumi | Ahaha, you’re the same as ever. |
Juza | I’ll carry that bag for you. |
Izumi | Thank you, Juza-kun. |
Izumi | We’re back. |
Juza | We’re back. |
Tsuzuru | We’re back. |
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Itaru | Come on, Tasuku~. |
Tasuku | If it’s not WinEle,[1] I refuse. |
Itaru | It’s a shooting game. Don’t worry. It’s easy to operate. |
Tasuku | You are missing the point here. |
Tsuzuru | What’s happening? |
Itaru | I’m currently persuading Tasuku to play a game with me. |
Tasuku | Ask someone else. |
Tsuzuru | If you want to play a shooting game, we saw a flyer about a survival event that’s going to be held soon. |
Why don’t you participate? | |
Itaru | No way, are you telling me to die? |
I got ripped to pieces the last time I participated in a survival game with the director. | |
Izumi | Itaru-san was in terrible shape at that time. |
Tsuzuru | I can somehow imagine it. |
Itaru | Not to mention the Director-san was so badass. She was powerful enough to K.O. all the enemies. |
Izumi | Thinking about getting revenge on behalf of Itaru-san somewhat made me stronger… |
Tasuku | ……I can only imagine. |
That being said, is the survival game event you’re talking about the one that’s being organized by a theater company? | |
Izumi | Tasuku-san, do you know it? |
Tasuku | Actually, I have an acquaintance who likes survival games in that company. They invited me so I’m planning to participate. |
Tsuzuru | Is that so? What kind of event is it? |
Tasuku | It seems like the participants will have to play a role during the survival game. The roles will be written on a profile card that will be distributed in advance. |
Tsuzuru | Heh, that’s indeed theater-like. |
Tasuku | Half of them were forced to participate. I decided to participate but I wonder if it’ll be a good activity to develop my skills. |
Izumi | It’s so like you to say that. |
Itaru | That’s a theater nerd for you. |
Tasuku | Chigasaki, would you like to participate? |
Itaru | I am deeply honored to be invited but I am afraid I must decline. |
Izumi | Ahaha… |
Izumi | It’s finally here! | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | Yeah. | ||||||||||||||
Juza | Yeah. | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | I’ve seen it on video but it’s so much wider in person. | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | It’s a dedicated field of some sort. | ||||||||||||||
Troupe Member | Takato-kun, thank you for joining us today. | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | Don’t mention it. This is the director of the theater company I belong to. | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | Nice to meet you. | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | Nice to meet you. | ||||||||||||||
Troupe Member | Then, please change into the equipment immediately. | ||||||||||||||
Juza | ‘kay. | ||||||||||||||
Organizer | The rules are simple! The goal is to play against the enemy team and take their flag. Victory belongs to the team that completely obliterates the opponent team ! | ||||||||||||||
Participant A | Let’s do our best! | ||||||||||||||
Participant B | Let’s aim for victory! | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | What’s with this overwhelming atmosphere? | ||||||||||||||
Troupe Member | Some of these guys are hardcore players but I hope you’ll enjoy it. I’m still a beginner myself. | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | We just gotta do it. | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | Let’s do our best, everyone. | ||||||||||||||
Juza | Yeah. | ||||||||||||||
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Tsuzuru | Let’s give our all! | ||||||||||||||
—*whistle blows* | |||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | It has begun. | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | Don’t let your guard down. | ||||||||||||||
Hide behind the shadows to see how the land lies. | |||||||||||||||
Izumi | Understood! | ||||||||||||||
Juza | 'kay. | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | —! | ||||||||||||||
—*pow* | |||||||||||||||
Juza | That was close…. | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | The enemies found us. | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | You’ll be mowed down if you move sloppily. | ||||||||||||||
Be careful. | |||||||||||||||
Izumi | (Everyone’s already into character…Incredible) | ||||||||||||||
W-what should we do.[2] | |||||||||||||||
Juza | …I’ll lead the way. | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | Oi, Fox! | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | What are you talking about? | ||||||||||||||
Don’t run off without thinki— | |||||||||||||||
—*bratatata* | |||||||||||||||
Juza | Hey! Hey! Hey! Crawl outta your holes! | ||||||||||||||
Let’s make the bullets rain! | |||||||||||||||
—*bratatata* | |||||||||||||||
Izumi | There he goes…. | ||||||||||||||
(I can see a little bit of Luciano in him…) | |||||||||||||||
Tasuku | Geez… | ||||||||||||||
This is what happens when you dare to bare your fangs against your superior! | |||||||||||||||
—*pow* | |||||||||||||||
Participant C | Hit! | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | I’ll go ahead. | ||||||||||||||
We still got some ass to kick. | |||||||||||||||
—*boom* | |||||||||||||||
Izumi | Everyone went on their way. | ||||||||||||||
I have to do my best too! | |||||||||||||||
A-anyone who dares to get close w-will be mowed down in one shot! | |||||||||||||||
Participant D | Uwah! | ||||||||||||||
Participant E | Hit! | ||||||||||||||
—*pow* *pow* pow* | |||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | …That’s the way to go. | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | P-piece of cake. | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | —! | ||||||||||||||
Behind you! | |||||||||||||||
Izumi | Eh? | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | —Go to hell. | ||||||||||||||
—*pow* | |||||||||||||||
Participant F | They got me…Hit! | ||||||||||||||
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Tsuzuru | That was close. Are you okay? | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | Y-yes. | ||||||||||||||
(I involuntarily responded politely. I have to get into my character!) | |||||||||||||||
CHOICE 1: Thank you for your help [+]
CHOICE 2: It's no big deal [+]
Tsuzuru | You’ll be shot right away if you space out like that. | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | I, I got it! | ||||||||||||||
(This is the result of Tsuzuru-kun’s role study… It only shows how hard he worked for it) | |||||||||||||||
Izumi | –! | ||||||||||||||
—*pow* | |||||||||||||||
Izumi | Hit! | ||||||||||||||
I got hit~…. | |||||||||||||||
It’s such a shame but it can’t be helped. | |||||||||||||||
Tasuku | Good work. | ||||||||||||||
Juza | Good work. | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | Eh? Both of you got hit too? | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | They caught me off guard. | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | Same with me. | ||||||||||||||
Juza | Someone who looks like Settsu got me. | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | Ahahah…… | ||||||||||||||
( I’m pretty sure Juza went up neck and neck against the enemy) | |||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | —! | ||||||||||||||
—*boom* | |||||||||||||||
Izumi | Woah, Tsuzuru-kun is almost there…! | ||||||||||||||
(He’ll get the flag in no time….!) | |||||||||||||||
Juza | ’s quite amazing. | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | He’s surrounded by enemies but it’s going to be our win if he grabs that flag. | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | I’ll give it to you for surviving this far… | ||||||||||||||
You’re quite formidable– | |||||||||||||||
—*boom* | |||||||||||||||
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Tsuzuru | But I’m sorry, that flag is mine! | ||||||||||||||
Juza | ……Amazing. | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | We can win if he keeps going like this! | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | T-that was close! | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | ……! | ||||||||||||||
—*clack* | |||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | E-eh? | ||||||||||||||
Juza | Tsuzuru-san? | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | Don’t tell me…. | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | Did he run out of ammo? | ||||||||||||||
—*pow* | |||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | …! Hit! | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | Ugh…. | ||||||||||||||
Juza | Good work. | ||||||||||||||
Tasuku | You were almost there. | ||||||||||||||
Izumi | You got fairly good results. | ||||||||||||||
Tsuzuru | It’s a shame to think that I almost made it. | ||||||||||||||
I should have done better. | |||||||||||||||
Tasuku | It’s so like you to say such things. |