Tsuzuru Minagi/Absolute Hit Hawkeye

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Cool Hitman

Backstage Stories
TsuzuruLuckily, we made it to the sale.
IzumiYup, these supplies will last us for a while.
TsuzuruHm? This flyer….
Survival game event?
IzumiHeh, so they’re also organizing an event like this.
TsuzuruIt’s a survival game sponsored by a theater company. Speaking of, you participated in a survival game during our training camp, didn’t you?
IzumiI did. I participated with Itaru-san. I even ended up becoming an MVP…How nostalgic.
Tsuzuru-kun, are you not interested in survival games?
TsuzuruIt’s not that I’m not interested…
I’d say I want to try it if I am given an opportunity.
JuzaDirector, Tsuzuru-san.
TsuzuruJuza? What a coincidence.
JuzaThere’s a Japanese confectionary shop selling limited edition manju near here.
IzumiAhaha, you’re the same as ever.
JuzaI’ll carry that bag for you.
IzumiThank you, Juza-kun.
IzumiWe’re back.
JuzaWe’re back.
TsuzuruWe’re back.
ItaruCome on, Tasuku~.
TasukuIf it’s not WinEle,[1] I refuse.
ItaruIt’s a shooting game. Don’t worry. It’s easy to operate.
TasukuYou are missing the point here.
TsuzuruWhat’s happening?
ItaruI’m currently persuading Tasuku to play a game with me.
TasukuAsk someone else.
TsuzuruIf you want to play a shooting game, we saw a flyer about a survival event that’s going to be held soon.
Why don’t you participate?
ItaruNo way, are you telling me to die?
I got ripped to pieces the last time I participated in a survival game with the director.
IzumiItaru-san was in terrible shape at that time.
TsuzuruI can somehow imagine it.
ItaruNot to mention the Director-san was so badass. She was powerful enough to K.O. all the enemies.
IzumiThinking about getting revenge on behalf of Itaru-san somewhat made me stronger…
Tasuku……I can only imagine.
That being said, is the survival game event you’re talking about the one that’s being organized by a theater company?
IzumiTasuku-san, do you know it?
TasukuActually, I have an acquaintance who likes survival games in that company. They invited me so I’m planning to participate.
TsuzuruIs that so? What kind of event is it?
TasukuIt seems like the participants will have to play a role during the survival game. The roles will be written on a profile card that will be distributed in advance.
TsuzuruHeh, that’s indeed theater-like.
TasukuHalf of them were forced to participate. I decided to participate but I wonder if it’ll be a good activity to develop my skills.
IzumiIt’s so like you to say that.
ItaruThat’s a theater nerd for you.
TasukuChigasaki, would you like to participate?
ItaruI am deeply honored to be invited but I am afraid I must decline.
TasukuWell it’s fine if you don’t want to participate. If you know anyone who might be interested, just let me know.
Anyone who wants to do it is fine—
TsuzuruThen how about the director?
TsuzuruYou’re a very experienced person as far as I know.
You seem to be strong enough to protect Itaru-san.
ItaruStop calling me a weakling.
TsuzuruI am only telling the truth. Aren’t you weak when it comes to survival games?
IzumiI’m sure it’ll be fun but my acting skills are so bad. I’m quite worried about the acting part this time…
TasukuWell, acting only makes up half of the game. You don’t have to worry about it.
IzumiThen.. Tsuzuru-kun and Juza-kun, would you like to participate too?
JuzaMe too?
IzumiTsuzuru-kun said that he’d love to try if given an opportunity and Juza-kun seems to be good at handling guns.
TsuzuruWell, I certainly said that…
JuzaI don’t mind. I’ll join.
IzumiAlright, it’s decided then.
ItaruThen how about playing a game with me as practice?
TasukuI told you already. I’m not playing unless it’s WinEle.
TsuzuruI don’t have much experience so I’m a bit nervous.
But I’ll do my best.
IzumiTsuzuru-kun, what’s up?
TsuzuruActually… I just received the profile sheet for the survival game event but…look.
“Cool HitmanHawk”
Ahaha, it’s far from the usual Tsuzuru-kun.
I was thinking of what to do.
IzumiBy the way, here’s what I got.
Tsuzuru“A female sniper feared by humanity: Jane”
It’s kinda amazing..
IzumiI wonder what others got.
TsuzuruI’m looking forward to seeing what kind of roles Takato-san and Juza will play.
I’m playing a hitman. I guess I’ll study by watching movies.
IzumiThat’s right, you might be able to get a grasp of your role through a movie.
TsuzuruFuruichi-san might know something helpful.
I’ll ask if he has a DVD too.
IzumiLet’s do our best.
ManagerHoorayyy! That’s it for today’s cleaning!
IzumiThe baths are sparkling clean too.
SakuyaIt feels nice to have it cleaned.
IzumiSakuya-kun, thank you for helping us.
ManagerReally~ you saved our guts~.
It’s so clean it makes me want to start dancing!
Hhm hhm hhm~♪
IzumiAh, Manager-! Behind you–!
Awawawahh M-Minagi-kun! I’m sorry!
TsuzuruNo…It’s fine.
ManagerT-that’s Minagi-kun, right?
He doesn’t seem like his usual self.
SakuyaTsuzuru-kun said he’s going to play a cool hitman in the upcoming survival game event.
That’s why he’s doing a role study for it.
ManagerMakes sense!
He’s already giving off that vibe~.
IzumiYup, yup. It’s perfect.
(I’m looking forward to what kind of role it’ll turn out to be.)
IzumiIt’s finally here!
TsuzuruI’ve seen it on video but it’s so much wider in person.
TasukuIt’s a dedicated field of some sort.
Troupe MemberTakato-kun, thank you for joining us today.
TasukuDon’t mention it. This is the director of the theater company I belong to.
IzumiNice to meet you.
TsuzuruNice to meet you.
Troupe MemberThen, please change into the equipment immediately.
OrganizerThe rules are simple! The goal is to play against the enemy team and take their flag. Victory belongs to the team that completely obliterates the opponent team !
Participant ALet’s do our best!
Participant BLet’s aim for victory!
TsuzuruWhat’s with this overwhelming atmosphere?
Troupe MemberSome of these guys are hardcore players but I hope you’ll enjoy it. I’m still a beginner myself.
TasukuWe just gotta do it.
IzumiLet’s do our best, everyone.
TsuzuruLet’s give our all!
—*whistle blows*
TsuzuruIt has begun.
TasukuDon’t let your guard down.
Hide behind the shadows to see how the land lies.
JuzaThat was close….
TsuzuruThe enemies found us.
TasukuYou’ll be mowed down if you move sloppily.
Be careful.
Izumi(Everyone’s already into character…Incredible)
W-what should we do.[2]
Juza…I’ll lead the way.
TsuzuruOi, Fox!
TasukuWhat are you talking about?
Don’t run off without thinki—
JuzaHey! Hey! Hey! Crawl outta your holes!
Let’s make the bullets rain!
IzumiThere he goes….
(I can see a little bit of Luciano in him…)
This is what happens when you dare to bare your fangs against your superior!
Participant CHit!
TsuzuruI’ll go ahead.
We still got some ass to kick.
IzumiEveryone went on their way.
I have to do my best too!
A-anyone who dares to get close w-will be mowed down in one shot!
Participant DUwah!
Participant EHit!
—*pow* *pow* pow*
Tsuzuru…That’s the way to go.
IzumiP-piece of cake.
Behind you!
Tsuzuru—Go to hell.
Participant FThey got me…Hit!
TsuzuruThat was close. Are you okay?
(I involuntarily responded politely. I have to get into my character!)
CHOICE 1: Thank you for your help [+]
IzumiYou’re a hitman but you help people.
TsuzuruI only did the right thing.
I don’t want to lose someone as capable as you.
IzumiI have to work hard then.
CHOICE 2: It's no big deal [+]
IzumiI-it’s no big deal.
TsuzuruHow cheeky.
…Rather, what I wanted to say is…
You can leave it to me.
I will stake my life to protect you.
(I know it’s just acting but hearing him say it so lightly is too bad for my heart….)
TsuzuruYou’ll be shot right away if you space out like that.
IzumiI, I got it!
(This is the result of Tsuzuru-kun’s role study… It only shows how hard he worked for it)
I got hit~….
It’s such a shame but it can’t be helped.
TasukuGood work.
JuzaGood work.
IzumiEh? Both of you got hit too?
TasukuThey caught me off guard.
IzumiSame with me.
JuzaSomeone who looks like Settsu got me.
( I’m pretty sure Juza went up neck and neck against the enemy)
IzumiWoah, Tsuzuru-kun is almost there…!
(He’ll get the flag in no time….!)
Juza’s quite amazing.
TasukuHe’s surrounded by enemies but it’s going to be our win if he grabs that flag.
TsuzuruI’ll give it to you for surviving this far…
You’re quite formidable–
TsuzuruBut I’m sorry, that flag is mine!
TasukuWe can win if he keeps going like this!
IzumiT-that was close!
IzumiDon’t tell me….
TasukuDid he run out of ammo?
Tsuzuru…! Hit!
JuzaGood work.
TasukuYou were almost there.
IzumiYou got fairly good results.
TsuzuruIt’s a shame to think that I almost made it.
I should have done better.
TasukuIt’s so like you to say such things.


  1. WinEle is a parody of Winning Eleven, a popular football simulation game.
  2. The period is intended here ^^