Itaru Chigasaki/MANKAI Glitter

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To TAURUS: Itaru

Backstage Stories
IzumiI'm home~.
CitronOh~ it's not Itaru.
TsuzuruSee? I told you.
MasumiYou’re too quick to jump the gun.
SakuyaAh, Uh, umm, welcome back, director!
ChikageI'm sorry for getting you involved.
IzumiEveryone, what's going on?
ChikageWe're waiting for Chigasaki to come home but he's rendering overtime today so he'll be late.
CitronItaru, what's taking you so long!
I am getting sleepy~!
ItaruI'm home--....?
MasumiSpeaking of the devil.
Welcome home~! We've been waiting for you since forever!
Itaru.... Can you brief me about the situation?
TsuzuruItaru-san's birthday is coming up soon, isn't it?
MasumiWe're planning our schedule so we have to decide where to go as early as possible.
Itaru.....? Ah, come to think of it.
SakuyaDid you forget your birthday?
ChikageAs expected of a corporate slave otaku.
ItaruSenpai, you're the last person I want to hear that from.
TsuzuruItaru-san, Are there any places you want to visit?
ItaruA place I want to visit, huh--.
Izumi( It's certainly hard to come up with anything on the spot... )
ItaruAh....There's a place I wanted to visit.
CitronOhh, as expected of Itaru! You sure know a few places to visit to fulfill your worldly desires!
ItaruIs that supposed to be a compliment?
Nope, there's only one place I can think of. Should I be happy about it....?
Izumi( I wonder what kind of place Itaru-san wants to visit?)
ItaruThat's about it. I'd be happy if the director can join us on this day.
IzumiEh? Well, I don't think I have anything planned. No problem. I can join you.
MasumiDirector is going too...!
Then, you and me, let’s---
SakuyaI'm excited to hang out with everyone!
TsuzuruThere, there. We are going to celebrate Itaru-san this time. Don't get sulky.
By the way, Itaru-san, where do you want to go?
ItaruFufufu.... That's...
ChikageI have a bad feeling about this.
SakuyaSo this is the place Itaru-san wants to visit!
CitronIt's a sports center! I want to come here too!
Izumi(It's rare for Itaru-san to want to visit a place like this)
Perhaps, it's another VR game?
ItaruNope, today’s mission is the event being held here.
TsuzuruIsn't this place holding a fairly full-scale sports attraction event?
CitronItaru, are you sick? Perhaps the fever drove you crazy.
ChikageWill hell freeze over?[1]
ItaruHow rude. We are supposed to be celebrating MY birthday.
Today's mission is this.
SakuyaIt's the game Itaru-san likes, isn't it?
IzumiHeh, the prizes are the collaboration goods of the game and sports center.
ItaruRight, right. You can get a limited edition mini figure set by winning it.
The game never released merch. I must get it by all means....!
TsuzuruNow I get it.
ChikageSo it's related to being otaku after all?
MasumiI am convinced.
IzumiBut, why am I invited too?
ItaruYou can choose from two challenges, solo play with one player and team play with up to seven players.
Getting S rank in solo play is athletically impossible.
However, with team play, the final rank is determined by the total score of each challenge.
The ranking border is high but with a large number of people, we can divide the challenge in each attraction thus making it easier to aim for the top prize.
Since the load for each person is small, each one of us can do our best on the challenge.
Izumi( I see. So that's why I was invited.....)
ItaruThat's it.
With this many people, the prize is within our reach!
ChikageIt's not going well...
CitronWe missed S rank by the skin of the teeth.
IzumiIt was pretty tough....
(Everyone achieved a good score. The real problem is...)
MasumiItaru's score is too lamentable. You only reap what you sow.
ChikageSure enough, we can't reach S rank no matter how hard we try.
SakuyaBut we reached A rank! We scored high enough!
CitronItaru, you did your best!
ItaruYou're right....Well, A-rank plushies were a pretty good prize too.
It would've been impossible for me to reach even C rank on solo plays.
Thank you for participating with me, everyone.
TsuzuruEven though I participated as per Itaru-san's request, it served as a good stress reliever for me.
CHOICE 1: "I had so much fun too" [+]
IzumiRight. I had so much fun too.
ItaruI'm sorry for dragging you all the way here.
IzumiNo worries. Even if we couldn't get the S rank prizes, it was very interesting.
ItaruAs you know, I suck at this kind of system but it's not that bad to do this kind of thing once in a while.
ChikageWhy don't you try the solo play next time?
ItaruThanks but no thanks.
CHOICE 2: "It was a good workout" [+]
IzumiIt was a good workout! You'll really get into the zone as soon as you start doing it.
ItaruIt would've been great if we managed to reach S rank.
IzumiItaru-san, you're dying to get collaboration goods, didn't you?
ItaruWell, it's a rare item that's only obtainable here but I made good memories going to the sports center with everyone. All's well that ends well today.
ItaruShall we go home?
CitronNot yet!
You haven't done "hello, Celestial Sphere" yet!
TsuzuruAh, speaking of-- Eh,
Citron-san, did you bring it all the way here?
ChikageMoreover, where have you been hiding it until now?
ItaruAh right. I almost forgot about it.
SakuyaHave you thought about your wish?
ItaruOf course. I've been thinking about multiple prospect wishes.
TsuzuruI didn't mean to pry but what kind of wishes did you prepare?
ItaruFor example.....Spawning 10 SSRs in 10-pull gacha.
MasumiHow greedy.
ItaruA fully automated machine that will take a bath for me.
ChikageHow lazy.
ItaruMoney and time so I can just play and live for the rest of my life without having to go to work.
CitronA wish born of the painful reality of a corporate slave!
TsuzuruYou can't consider those as decent wishes.
ItaruAre my wishes totally NG?
All of them are earnest wishes of mine.
Don't you have anything else in mind?
ItaruHmm... Then how about having better reflexes?
TsuzuruWell, is it a better wish than the others?
SakuyaWell then, Itaru-san.
Please make a wish to the Celestial Sphere.
ItaruGot it.
Hello, star of Taurus.....
Please make my reflexes better.
Itaru Mankai Glitter 2-1.jpg
If it's really going to be granted, I should've wished for it first before coming here.
IzumiLet's do the challenge again if your wish comes true.
ItaruLet's do that.
( I made such a wish to the Celestial Sphere yesterday but, there are no changes in the appearance of my body as of yet)
(Well, perhaps such a wish won't come true.)
MisumiItaru, you're finally awake-! We're about to play tag in the dorm--.
ItaruHah? Playing tag in the dorm?
MisumiEveryone else except Itaru is going to be "it".
ItaruCan you brief me about the situation....---didn't I say the exact same thing before?
MisumiIf you manage to run away for 5 minutes without anyone catching you, you win~.
If you get caught....
ItaruIf I get caught.....?
MisumiThrow away every single game in Itaru's room! --That's what Chikage and Sakyo said.
ItaruHa!? That's way too much even as a death sentence!
Are you telling me to throw away something more important than my life...!?
MisumiAh, wait~. I'm going to chase you after counting 10 seconds, kay?
(Thank goodness, no one is here...)
SakuyaAh, there he is!
Itaru Mankai Glitter 3-1.jpg
MasumiI'll definitely catch you.
(Huh? Have I always been this light?)
SakuyaMasumi-kun, that way!
MasumiStop running away!
ItaruDamn it, they're gonna catch me at this rate...!
CitronAh, I found Itaru!
Itaru Mankai Glitter 3-3.jpg
TsuzuruCitron-san, let's attack him from both sides!
TsuzuruH-he jumped!?
CitronWhat a powerful jump! Almost like a kangaroo!
Itaru( My reflexes got buffed....!? )
(Is it because of the Celestial Sphere....?
...But with this---)
I'm close to the entrance...!
(Will I finally be able to escape from here....!?)
ChikageChigasaki, you seem to be in good shape.
Itaru Mankai Glitter 3-4.jpg
ItaruGeh, the last boss has been spawned....!
But wait, the version of me right now---
(If I dash all the way, I might be able to break through)
(Alright, I managed to esca--)
ChikageYou think I'll let you escape?
ChikageDon't think you can beat me.
Itaru( I, I'm done for.....!)
Itaru Mankai Glitter 3-5.png
ChikageYou look like you had a nightmare. Are you okay?
ItaruEh? I... was caught by senpai....
My games !?
....The hell. It was a dream?
ChikageAre you still dreaming? Go and wash your face.
ItaruI will....
MisumiAh, Itaru! Today's your day off, right? Let's~play tag~.
ItaruPlay tag.....
Eh? Am I still dreaming?
MisumiI'll be the "it" so don't get caught, okay~?
ItaruT, t-thanks but I'll pass for now.
MisumiEhh~ Whyyy~?
ItaruBecause I know the limits of my reflexes. Ciao.



  1. Chikage refers to 雪でも降る? Or “is it going to snow?”. Preferred to use ‘will hell freeze over’ since I think it’s a more common expression to use.