Itaru Chigasaki/Märchen Syndrome

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Märchen Missions & Traps

Backstage Stories
IzumiToday's play was a great learning experience.
TasukuYeah, it's a good play.
TsumugiThe storyline is an excerpt from a novel, right?
Maybe I should recommend it to Tsuzuru-kun.
Izumi..... Huh, the table is cluttered.
TsumugiYou're right. That's a lot of color pens and paper...
TasukuIs it Summer Troupe?
ItaruWelcome home~.
Ah, I'll clean it up in a minute.
IzumiEh? Are those doodles yours, Itaru-san?
ItaruWell, they're not mine alone.
ItaruI'm home.
TaichiWelcome home!
MisumiWelcome home~!
KazunariWelcome ~!
ItaruAh, Kazunari, there you are.
Can I borrow your color pens?
If you have, gimme some papers you're not using too.
KazunariSure but are you drawing something?
ItaruWell, it's a mission imposed by my boss' acquaintance so I have to draw...
TaichiWhat do you mean?
ItaruWhen I told them about my impressions about the fairytale theme park I visited before, they were really happy. After that, I've been spawned to carry on a mission, or two.
ItaruFirst mission is this.
TenmaA smartphone game?
ItaruYup. It's planned and coordinated by the theme park's management committee. They want to know my impressions.
KumonHeh-, so it's a drawing battle game!
ItaruSeems like you can use your phone's camera to take a picture of your drawing and make it move and fight in battles.
KazunariMan, that rocks! Sounds fun!
Are the parameters prompted by the color and shape of the illustrations?
MisumiI wonder if Sankaku-kun is going to be strong~.
TaichiI want to see my drawing move too!
KazunariHey, hey, can we give it a shot too?
ItaruSure thing. The more reviews, the better.
Let's meet up in the courtyard in 10 minutes.
IzumiThen this skillfully drawn dragon is....
ItaruIt's Kazunari's.
The setting and others are produced by Kumon.
IzumiHeh. This dog is so cute.
Is it Muku-kun's?
ItaruIt's Tenma's.
According to him, it's the most OP wolf out there.
TsumugiErr...It's not obvious how strong it is.
TasukuThis triangular character wielding a shield and sword is most probably Ikaruga's.
IzumiAkapoyo-kun is drawn by Taichi, right?
Everyone's characteristics and personalities are showing up. It's interesting.
Ah, and this robot is?
ItaruIt's mine.
Fufu, come to think of it, there's always one kid in the class who is good at drawing robots like this.
TsumugiIt's exactly like Tasuku.
TasukuI'm telling you, I'm not drawing those stuff anymore.
ItaruIt's quite interesting. Wanna give it a try?
TasukuSorry, I have an early start tomorrow so I'll pass for now.
TsumugiI'm about to prepare lessons too.
ItaruI see. Feel free to join me next time then.
TsumugiYes, thank you.
Good night.
TasukuGood night-.
IzumiItaru-san, can I try it too?
ItaruOh, sure.
First, you gotta draw a character on paper.
IzumiHmm, what should I draw?
I'll start with yellow then--...
Itaru.....Director-san, are you drawing a curry?
Ain't a fighting curry way too original?
Izumi....It's not.
ItaruNo. Judging the shape and color, it's definitely a curry-.
IzumiIt's not! Look, it has eyes, ears, and the mane... Look, it's a lion!
ItaruThen, how will you explain the white circle around it?
It's a plate, isn't it?
Izumi..... It's a lion curry.
ItaruYou just spawned a bizarre character--
It's really cute though. Are you okay with that drawing?
IzumiYou just laughed, didn't you?!
There's no telling if it's going to be a really strong one!
ItaruYeah, yeah.
ItaruAhー, lol.
Your lion curry is the weakest character I've ever seen.
IzumiIt's weird....
It should've been stronger.
BanriI'm home-
ChikageI'm home.
IzumiIt's late. We're you two together?
ChikageYeah. I met up with Banri after work.
We played an escape game.
IzumiHeh, how was it?
Banri's a cakewalk
ChikageToday's game is ridiculously easy after all.
ItaruEscape game, huh...
I just remembered something annoying.
IzumiWhat's the matter?
ItaruNah, it's just a mission imposed by the higher-ups.
Mission #2An escape game review.
IzumiSpeaking of which, you mentioned that the theme park has an escape game too.
ItaruRight. They're reviving it this time so they want me to participate in the test play.
After careful consideration, I think senpai and Banri would be perfect participants.
ChikageWhat do you mean?
ItaruThey asked me to bring two groups if possible.
The first pair should be escape-games experts.
BanriGot it.
Whaddya' think, Chikage-san? I'm in.
ChikageI don't mind joining too.
ItaruGood-, one pair is set. Now, all I need is someone who can pair up with me on beginner levels.
Izumi(He's obviously referring to me but....)
An escape game with Itaru-san...
ItaruYou don't seem to be pleased with the idea.
IzumiBut Itaru-san is a serial bungler when it comes to pair battles...
ItaruPerhaps, you're talking about the survival game and the ‘certain VR game’ we played?
Don't worry. I won't be as pathetic as I was back then.
"Third try is a charm".[1]
BanriWell, "Things come in threes."[2]
Chikage"What happens in the morning can also happen at night", or so they say.[3]
ItaruThere, Keep your opinions to yourselves.
IzumiUnderstood, I'm joining.
.....However, three strikes and you're out.[4]
ItaruRoger. I'll definitely show you how manly Chigasaki Itaru is this time.
StaffWelcome to the fairytale escape game!
There are two types of modesHard and Beginner mode.
BanriWe'll play hard mode.
StaffThe hard mode is the world of Red Riding Hood.
It is unprecedentedly difficult, it would be impossible to escape unless you have a considerable amount of strength, intelligence, and wits.
IzumiHeh, sounds fun.
StaffThe beginner mode is the world of Hansel and Gretel.
It is highly recommended for escape game beginners!
IzumiWe're playing this one, right?
ItaruBeginner mode eh...
Even though I normally go for hard mode or even critical mode right off the bat.
IzumiThis isn't a video or smartphone games.
Let's leave the hard mode to the experts.
StaffThe beginner mode's mysteries are not that difficult to solve but you need to have keep your mind strong!
Itaru....Keep our mind strong?
StaffIn both modes, you'll lose and the game will end when the wolves and witches caught you.
It's all up to you if you're going to use the helper characters you'll meet on the way or not.
We're doing a test play this time so we'll gather here to write a review when all the games end.
--- Without any further ado, let the games begin!
BanriSee ya' later then.
Itaru-san, be sure to show the man you are.
ChikageDirector-san, I'm sure it's going to be hard for you but hang in there.
ItaruStop grinning, you two.
IzumiAhaha....I will do my best!
ItaruIs this the witch's house?
IzumiWe arrived in no time.
ItaruThings have been going smoothly so far.
Now, should we start exploring the room and look for hints?
IzumiThe witches won't find us, right?
Hmm, this cupboa--
WitchWhat a plump, fat, delicious child you are...Hihihi.
Child ANoooooo!
Child BKYAAAAーーーーー!!
Itaru......That's some S-class horror right there.
So this is why 'we must keep our mind strong' ---
ItaruDirector-san, are you bad with horror stuff?
IzumiI am not generally bad with horror but.... bad people are up to no good.
ItaruI see.
Don't worry. I'll definitely protect you, director-san.
IzumiThanks for saying so but in all honesty, I'm not expecting anything from you.
Though, if you'll think about everything that happened so far, I can't blame you.
Anyways, we can't proceed if we don't find a hint or helper characters. Let's look for it more carefully.
ItaruHn? This cage appears to be deliberately covered in cloth---
ItaruHelper character has been spawned.
HanselMy name is Hansel.
The witch trapped me here.
ItaruI heard you have the hint for solving the mystery.
Can you tell me?
HanselGretel and I love animals.
If you draw me a picture of a cool animal,
I'll give you the hint.
IzumiAnimal pictures?
ItaruWe don't have much time left to think. It leaves us no choice but to draw something.
-- It’s done. What do you think of this tiger?
HanselWhat part of your drawing is a tiger? It's barely even passable as a cat. Perhaps, it's a dog with a human's face? Anyway, it looks weak. You suck.
ItaruKeep your mind strong: Part two.
Are all escape games like this?
IzumiThen, how about this?
ItaruDirector-san, don't tell me you drew a lion curry again. You're as laid-back as ever.
IzumiIt's an ordinary lion, you know!
ItaruNo, no. That drawing is definitely---
HanselUwah, it's a lion!
It's super cool!
Itaru Eh?
Onee-chan is a very good artist!
IzumiI'm glad you liked it! Thank you.
Itaru...What the hell.
IzumiOur escape is a success!
ChikageGood job. You're late.
BanriItaru-san. 're you able to show off the man you are this time?
ItaruNo, rather than being able to show off how manly I am, I'd say it just backfired.
IzumiAh, seems like both of you have finished writing the review.
ChikageWe've been here since a while ago.
ItaruLet's see.. Oh, "too crowded"...
...."Extremely harsh".
"The players might feel bad at a worrisome level."
BanriI know you wanna test play the level for experts but 's gonna be pointless if you'll only write this much.
ItaruI'm not just bad-mouthing them. I want them to make further improvements by pointing out specific areas.
Well, this is a high-quality review so it's okay.
---Though I only have negative opinions, I can't put it into words very well. Director-san is the only one I can count on when it comes to this.
IzumiFufu, of course, I'll give them high reviews without being told.
I had so much fun this time. It's all thanks to Itaru-san.
CHOICE 1: The mysteries were solved perfectly. [+]
IzumiItaru-san solved the mysteries in the first half perfectly so everything else proceeded smoothly.
ItaruWell, it's the beginner mode plus I wanted to show you something good this time so I did my best.
IzumiI changed my mind about you.
ItaruSo was my third-strike revenge successful?
IzumiFufu, who knows? I can't say for sure.
CHOICE 2: It's my first time winning. [+]
IzumiIt's my first time winning a pair game with Itaru-san.
ItaruFinally, I got to play with director-san till the end.
I used to be the first person to withdraw before.
IzumiLet's do our best so we can continue to work this way!
ItaruToday's MVP is without a doubt director-san's lion curry.
It is the weakest but I'm going to pay respect to this character and never delete it.
IzumiThat goes without saying!
Rather, did you intend to delete it?!
ItaruJust kidding.
Let's play a game together again, director-san.


  1. Itaru refers to the expression "三度目の正直ってことで" or ' third time's lucky/ a charm." It means that if something fails twice, the third attempt will be successful.
  2. Banri refers to the expression "二度あるにことは三度ある" lit "there is twice, there is three times." It means, that everything that happens twice will surely happen a third time.
  3. Chikage refers to the expression "朝あることは晩にある" lit 'there is something in the morning in the evening' or if one disaster occurs, another one will surely occur too.
  4. Izumi refers to "仏の顔も三度まで" lit if you touch Buddha's three times. It means, someone can forgive you twice but not the third time.