Juza Hyodo/The True Face of a College Student

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Sleepy Day

Backstage Stories
Yuzo…Alright, next we’re gonna practice sword fighting in pairs. Juza, you get in there and don’t make any gaps between yourselves.
YuzoJuza, now.
YuzoAnd that’s a good stopping point. That was a good parry, but it’d be worthwhile to practice the basics some more.
YuzoAlright, let’s take a break.
ActorsGot it.
KasumiOh, there you are. Thank you for your hard work, everyone. Is it break time?
KasumiJuza-kun! So you’re here today.
.. Did Yuzo drag you here? Are you okay?
YuzoDon’t be unreasonable. We were practicing sword fighting.
But why are you here all of the sudden?
KasumiI’m looking for someone to cover for a special feature for “Spotlight”
The theme is an actor’s morning routine and I’m looking for someone to help with that.
I really want a part time actor, if possible, so that’s why I came to Yuzo’s acting company.
YuzoIs that so. Some of our actors may be able to take you up on that, but I don’t know if they’ll have exactly what you’re looking for.
KasumiThat’s true…
KasumiOh yeah, maybe Juza-kun will work! He was part of a concert[1] recently.
YuzoJuza was in a concert live? What did you do?
JuzaAh, yeah, the company held an inste live for our 5th anniversary.
Did you watch it, Kasumi-san?
KasumiOf course! Your live was a hot topic at our editorial office.
Your appearance with smooth bangs and then how you styled it was super popular and cool!
YuzoThen how about you feature Juza for the morning routine thing?
JuzaEh? Me?
YuzoFigured you usually do your hair in the morning, so it fits the theme.
KasumiYuzo’s right! Juza-kun, what do you think?
JuzaAh.. I don’t really have a morning routine though…
YuzoJust think of it as another inste live, but this time you’ll be in an article.
KasumiWow, despite Yuzo’s usual demeanor, he’s giving good advice.
YuzoStop that. I’m just saying what comes to mind.
KasumiDon’t overdo it, then.
Juza… I’ll do it.
KasumiThank you! I’ll just run it over with your director on the phone, then we’re good to go.
YuzoDo you need to do a photo shoot at all?
KasumiYes, yes.. I was wondering if he’d wear pajamas for it.
YuzoPajamas..? He’s in college, don’t you think he’s a little too old?
But if you’re thinking of doing a morning routine section, why don’t you do the shoot and feature at Mankai Company?
KasumiWell, surely..
Yeah, Mankai Company sure has a lot of part time actors, and they all seem to suit the theme…
YuzoWell, the rest is up to you, editor-in-chief Kasumi.
KasumiHehe, I’ll show you the charm of a part-time actor’s morning routine, so leave it to me!
IzumiStart the video and… Alright!
(I was so surprised when I heard that Juza received Kasumi’s request..)
JuzaI figured it’d be wrong to accept her request without my director’s permission..
IzumiOh, don't worry. Besides, it’s a request from Kasumi-san.
JuzaThough.. I’m not too sure if I’ll be able to expand on my morning routine..
I’m not too good at taking care of myself…
IzumiHey now! Just talk about what you do, I’m sure Kasumi-san will be fine with that.
How about recording your morning scenery as some material for yourself?
IzumiThat, or review your routine from a third party and see what needs to be worked on.
JuzaOh, I’ll try that.
IzumiLet’s try it tomorrow.
JuzaGot it.
Izumi(I have to record this well for Juza-kun.)
KumonMorning, Director!
MukuGood morning.
BanriDirector-chan, mornin~
IzumiBanri-kun, good morning. ...Did you sleep enough?
BanriWell, Hyodo was stuck at his desk all night because of some report he put off. Thanks to that, his bruxism was doubled.
KumonNii-chan is doing his best! Don’t disturb him!
BanriAah? He’d do a whole lot better if he didn’t stay up all night grinding his teeth.
MukuHey, hey… He’s been super busy during the day so he hasn’t had other time to do his work.
JuzaMy bad, director, I made you wait.
IzumiMorning, Juza. Are you alright?
JuzaAah, I’m fine. Are we ready to shoot?
IzumiKasumi-san asked Juza to help her with a section about an actor’s morning routine, and I’m taking photos of Juza in the morning as material for her.
But the video I’m recording is for Juza-kun, not the magazine.
KumonSo that’s it! Then, can you get a picture of me too?
MukuHehe, every morning is a fun one with Kyu-chan.
IzumiFun every morning?
KumonNii-chan with his bangs down is a precious sight.. You can only see it in the morning.
IzumiAhaha, that’s true.
KumonBut, of course, Nii-chan is super cool all the time!
BanriWhat’s cool about him?
KumonWhat!! My brother’s smooth bangs are 100 times cooler than your stupid one-length!
Wait, no, it’s 1000 times cooler!!
BanriI dunno if I’d call it cool, but it sure is goofy lookin’. I don’t think he can even go out in public without his hair done.
JuzaAah? At least i don’t have a stupid looking fox-face first thing in the morning and all the time after that.
KumonYou’re stupid if you can’t see how cool Nii-chan’s morning hair is! Anyways, back to it!
BanriWhat the hell are you saying?!
IzumiEveryone, calm down. If you keep bickering, you’ll be late for school!
MukuThere are times when we end up late just because of this…
MukuMaybe it’s only when I’m getting ready with everyone…
Perhaps this is also part of our morning routine..
IzumiAhaha… I wonder if it could be used for reference in Juza’s interview..
(Anyways, I hope everything here is helpful for his interview..)
IzumiKasumi-san, thank you for your time today.
KasumiOf course, it’s a pleasure to be working with you!
MisumiLooking forward to working with you!
ChikageThank you very much.
KasumiCan I start with shooting Juza-kun?
JuzaSure can.
KasumiAlright, act like you’re napping on this bed.
JuzaRight here?
KasumiYes, yes, just relax like that.
Juza(I got sleepy yesterday looking back over at the video…)
(Yeah, I didn’t get enough sleep last night, but if I did, I’d sleep like this…)
(... No, I can’t actually sleep here because this is a photoshoot. I’ll have to get up soon…)
CameramanJuza-kun, can you relax more?
JuzaLike this…?
CameramanYeah, just relax.
Juza(Relax, relax…)
CameramanThat’s good! Perfect, even.
MisumiHuh? Juza’s not moving?
IzumiWait, did he actually fall asleep?
ChikageI guess he did.
Izumi(Well, he was really tired, after all.. I wonder if this was his first break in a while…)
KasumiI guess if we could only shoot Juza-kun in bed, we’ll just have to take you two somewhere else.
Cameraman… And that’s a wrap!
KasumiThank you so much, everyone! You three did so well, I can’t wait for the finished photos.
KasumiNow it’s time for the interviews…
IzumiWait here, I’ll go wake Juza-kun up!
Izumi(Wow, Juza-kun really passed out..)
CHOICE 1: Juza-kun, it’s morning! [+]
Juza…Ngh… Five more minutes.
Izumi(Fufu, he really thinks it’s morning.)
If you don’t wake up, you’ll be late?
JuzaYawn… Huh…
IzumiYou’re up?
CHOICE 2: Juza-kun, are you okay? [+]
Izumi(Must be hard for him to get up…)
(Oh no, is he sick..?)
IzumiYou’re up? Is something wrong?
Juza… I’m alright.
JuzaI really fell asleep during the shoot…
I guess since I was so busy yesterday.. I had to crash..
Did I mess up the shoot? Cause I fell asleep…?
IzumiNo, no, Chikage-san and Misumi-kun took photos elsewhere and got it done. Kasumi-san was really happy with the pictures she got of you.
JuzaI see.. That’s good to hear.
IzumiI knew you were tired, so I’m sorry I took you out today.
JuzaNo, I accepted Kasumi’s request on my own. You didn’t do anything wrong, so don’t apologize.
IzumiWell, at least let me take you out for sweets on your next free day.
No, I can’t accept that..
IzumiBut I want to take you out. Is there something wrong with that?
JuzaWell, no…
IzumiThen I’ll take you. After a good rest, of course.
IzumiAlright then, let’s go to your interview.


  1. She confused inste live with a live concert