Juza Hyodo/MANKAI Birthday

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Chinatown Memory

Backstage Stories
IzumiLet's see, we have practice tomorrow after the meeting so--.
(…eh. Thinking of which, it's Juza-kun's birthday soon)
I have to think about a present for him soon…
(As I thought, would sweets be good for Juza-kun?)
Izumi(In the end the day of his birthday has come… I can’t think of a present…)
Yeah, I wonder if sweets are good after all.
TaichiAah, Ban-chan! Your decorating is sloppy~!
BanriFor something we're gonna give Hyodo it's fine to do it unseriously.
TaichiYou can't! We're going to do a decorating that won't lose to the showiness of the sweets!
SakyoIs that right for the cream?
OmiHmm… it still looks soft. You have to mix it a bit more.
IzumiHm? You're all making sweets?
TaichiYes! It's a sweets tower, a present for Juza-san!
IzumiMacaroons and, cookies, chocolate, even mini cakes…! There're so many.
SakyoIt was tough to get a hand on them too.
BanriMore like, why do I have to do something like this for Hyodo.
TaichiIt's fine isn't it! It's the once in a year birthday after all!
OmiI'm going to leave the decoration of the top to you Banri.
TaichiPut into it your gratitude for Juza-san!
SakyoIf you tear it down I won't show any mercy.
IzumiDo your best, Banri-kun!
BanriI don't get y'all!
TaichiAh! Right! There's something I want to ask from you Director-sensei--.
IzumiJuza-kun, hurry up!
Juza…oi, where're we going.
IzumiYou'll get it if you come. Ah, we'll be there soon.
TaichiJuza-san, happy birthday!
OmiHappy birthday, Juza.
IzumiCongratulations, Juza-kun!
SakyoYou're one year older now. Act accordingly.
TaichiHere, Ban-chan you too!
Just so ya know, I still don't feel like losing to you.
JuzaHmph, bring it on.
TaichiAlriiight! Then, just when the mood became all nice!
Tadaa! Have a look at this perfectly decorated garden table!
For Juza-san, a special sweets present!
IzumiAll the Autumn Troupe members, prepared it for Juza-kun. I only helped with calling you here.
TaichiBy the way, the one who decorated the top is Ban-chan! It's filled with his gratitude for you!
BanriI only did it since you were too fussy I didn't have a choice.
OmiIt's a sweets tower, filled with all of Juza's favorites.
SakyoEat and enjoy it.
BanriOi, don't take your sweet time and eat it already. I'm getting heartburn just from looking at it.
OmiThere's lots of cream too. If you want second helping do tell.
Juza…yeah. I'll eat then.
Izumi(Juza-kun and the guys from Autumn Troupe, it's a good thing they seemed to have fun)
(A present… I thought about going with something sweet but if I go with that it'll be similar to what Autumn Troupe members did)
Hmm, what should I do…
This flyer, was it always here.
"Chinatown in Autumn – Sweets Eating Tour" …?
IzumiYeah, sorry for the hour.
JuzaNo… if you need Settsu he isn't here now.
IzumiIt's fine! I came because I have business with Juza-kun.
JuzaWith me?
IzumiI too tried to think about a birthday present for Juza-kun.
Look, this flyer! "Come! Chinatown in Autumn - Sweets Eating Tour!"
IzumiIt has a different feel from Japanese sweets or Western sweets, you usually don't get to eat them right?
So, I thought about going together as a way to celebrate.
Is that okay… with someone like me.
CHOICE 1: Of course! [+]
CHOICE 2: If it's fine with you [+]
IzumiGreat! Then, I'm looking forward to it!
IzumiWah, there're much more shops than I thought.
IzumiEgg tart, tapioca… seems like there're sweet chestnuts over there too.
JuzaEverything looks good I don't know what to do.
IzumiAh! Look! A Taiwanese style shaved ice!
JuzaI've seen it on TV before.
IzumiIt's really popular. I want to eat it, but I guess it's a little out of season?
JuzaWe can still go for it can't we.
IzumiYou're right! Then, let's start with the shaved ice.
IzumiLet's eat!
JuzaLet's eat.
Izumi--yup, it's delicious! The ice is so fluffy! The mango is melting!
JuzaYeah, it's good.
IzumiI thought it was a bit cold, but seems like I can totally eat it.
Juza…munch munch.
IzumiStay still for a bit.
IzumiHere, got it! Juza-kun, you had some syrup around your mouth.
…my bad.
IzumiAhaha. It's tasty, so it just makes you want to stuff your cheeks with it.
IzumiThe shaved ice, was so good right!
IzumiWhat should we go for next. There're so many things it's difficult to choose.
JuzaRight --.
IzumiJuza-kun? Did you find something good?
IzumiWhat are you looking at—ah, so cute! Panda shaped Chinese buns!
IzumiSeems like there're many different flavors too, I think we'll go for that.
Juza…there're many other things right.
IzumiEeeh! Even though they're so cute and look so delicious!
Juza…they don't suit me.
Izumi(Can it be that Juza-kun, he feels resistance to their appearance. If that's the case--)
--got it. Wait over there for a moment!
IzumiSorry for the wait! I bought the panda buns.
IzumiThere were many flavors, so I decide on two. This one is a normal red bean paste, and this one is custard.
Izumi…because, you looked at them so zealously. The truth is you wanted to eat them right?
Today we're here to celebrate your birthday Juza-kun, so don't pay attention to what others think and let's enjoy it!
…you're right. Director went with the trouble to bring me here.
Thanks, Director.
IzumiYou're welcome.
(Juza-kun, looks like he's happy, that's great!)
IzumiHere, take this. Juza-kun you are fine with red bean paste?
IzumiAs I thought, they're so cute it's a waste to eat them.
JuzaMunch munch.
IzumiWait, you're eating it already!?
JuzaIf you don't eat them while they're fresh, it'll be a waste right.
IzumiY-You have a point.
(Thinking of which, back then with the Kamekichi manju he didn't hesitate either…)
Then, I'll eat too! –Yup, the custard flavor is delicious!
JuzaMunch munch… the wrapping is good too.
Izumi(Juza-kun, he's eating it happily)
The red bean paste one looks good too.
Juza…want to, eat some?
JuzaHere. I'll give you a half.
IzumiIs that okay?
Juza…it's as thanks for earlier.
IzumiThank you! Then, I'll give you half of mine too.
JuzaDirector, you cut it into half without hesitating either.
IzumiI don't want to hear that from Juza-kun!
A Mysterious WomanMy oh my! You two over there!
IzumiAre you talking about us?
A Mother of ChinaThat's right! I'll offer you a palm reading! If it's up to this mother of China everything will become visible!
IzumiI- I see.
A Mother of ChinaThen, starting with the boy. Here, let me see your hand!
A Mother of ChinaMy, such a big hand! Then I'm going to see them. Your future… past… present…
I can see, I can see it-!
Izumi(S-Somehow it's really intense)
A Mother of ChinaFirst of all, you're a returnee right?
IzumiA, a returnee?
Juza…you're wrong.
A Mother of ChinaAs for your past… hmm… my! You, in your previous life you were an alien!
A Mother of ChinaAn exalted star, one hundred million light years away from earth… It's a planet that emits light just like a jewel--.
Juza…say, is that really safe.
IzumiF-For now, it might be better to stay quiet.
A Mother of ChinaAnd as for the fortune of your present… my? Well well… my my oh my.
Juza…what is it.
A Mother of ChinaYou… seems like you were able to happen across very previous people. You're having a lot of fun right now.
A Mother of ChinaI'm certain that from now on, your precious memories will increase. I hope you would spend your days smiling.
Because right now, you're happy.
Juza…yeah. That might be true.
IzumiW-We were finally set free…
JuzaI wonder if that's how palm reading goes.
IzumiHmm, I feel like that person was a bit unique. She didn’t get anything right it was almost funny…
JuzaThere was… one thing that was right.
So… I think it's okay to believe in it.
JuzaAlright, let's go.
JuzaI didn't have enough at all. Director, you too can eat more right?
IzumiOf course! Today I'll keep you company to the end!
