Juza Hyodo/MANKAI Birthday
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Chinatown Memory
Backstage StoriesIzumi | Let's see, we have practice tomorrow after the meeting so--. |
(…eh. Thinking of which, it's Juza-kun's birthday soon) | |
I have to think about a present for him soon… | |
(As I thought, would sweets be good for Juza-kun?) | |
Izumi | (In the end the day of his birthday has come… I can’t think of a present…) |
Yeah, I wonder if sweets are good after all. | |
Taichi | Aah, Ban-chan! Your decorating is sloppy~! |
Izumi | Hm? |
Banri | For something we're gonna give Hyodo it's fine to do it unseriously. |
Taichi | You can't! We're going to do a decorating that won't lose to the showiness of the sweets! |
Sakyo | Is that right for the cream? |
Omi | Hmm… it still looks soft. You have to mix it a bit more. |
Izumi | Hm? You're all making sweets? |
Taichi | Yes! It's a sweets tower, a present for Juza-san! |
Izumi | Macaroons and, cookies, chocolate, even mini cakes…! There're so many. |
Sakyo | It was tough to get a hand on them too. |
Banri | More like, why do I have to do something like this for Hyodo. |
Taichi | It's fine isn't it! It's the once in a year birthday after all! |
Omi | I'm going to leave the decoration of the top to you Banri. |
Banri | Huh? |
Taichi | Put into it your gratitude for Juza-san! |
Sakyo | If you tear it down I won't show any mercy. |
Izumi | Do your best, Banri-kun! |
Banri | I don't get y'all! |
Taichi | Ah! Right! There's something I want to ask from you Director-sensei--. |
Izumi | Eh? |
Izumi | Juza-kun, hurry up! |
Juza | …oi, where're we going. |
Izumi | You'll get it if you come. Ah, we'll be there soon. |
Juza | ... |
Juza | !? |
Taichi | Juza-san, happy birthday! |
Omi | Happy birthday, Juza. |
Juza | Birthday… |
Izumi | Congratulations, Juza-kun! |
Sakyo | You're one year older now. Act accordingly. |
Juza | …thanks. |
Banri | ... |
Taichi | Here, Ban-chan you too! |
Banri | Tch. |
Just so ya know, I still don't feel like losing to you. | |
Juza | Hmph, bring it on. |
Taichi | Alriiight! Then, just when the mood became all nice! |
Tadaa! Have a look at this perfectly decorated garden table! | |
For Juza-san, a special sweets present! | |
Juza | ... |
Izumi | All the Autumn Troupe members, prepared it for Juza-kun. I only helped with calling you here. |
Taichi | By the way, the one who decorated the top is Ban-chan! It's filled with his gratitude for you! |
Banri | I only did it since you were too fussy I didn't have a choice. |
Omi | It's a sweets tower, filled with all of Juza's favorites. |
Sakyo | Eat and enjoy it. |
Juza | …'kay. |
Banri | Oi, don't take your sweet time and eat it already. I'm getting heartburn just from looking at it. |
Omi | There's lots of cream too. If you want second helping do tell. |
Juza | …yeah. I'll eat then. |
Izumi | (Juza-kun and the guys from Autumn Troupe, it's a good thing they seemed to have fun) |
... | |
(A present… I thought about going with something sweet but if I go with that it'll be similar to what Autumn Troupe members did) | |
Hmm, what should I do… | |
Hm? | |
This flyer, was it always here. | |
--. | |
"Chinatown in Autumn – Sweets Eating Tour" …? |
Juza | Director? |
Izumi | Yeah, sorry for the hour. |
Juza | No… if you need Settsu he isn't here now. |
Izumi | It's fine! I came because I have business with Juza-kun. |
Juza | With me? |
Izumi | I too tried to think about a birthday present for Juza-kun. |
Look, this flyer! "Come! Chinatown in Autumn - Sweets Eating Tour!" | |
Juza | --! |
Izumi | It has a different feel from Japanese sweets or Western sweets, you usually don't get to eat them right? |
So, I thought about going together as a way to celebrate. | |
Juza | ... |
Is that okay… with someone like me. | |
CHOICE 1: Of course! [+]
CHOICE 2: If it's fine with you [+]
Izumi | Great! Then, I'm looking forward to it! |
Juza | …yeah. |
Izumi | Wah, there're much more shops than I thought. |
Juza | …right. |
Izumi | Egg tart, tapioca… seems like there're sweet chestnuts over there too. |
Juza | Everything looks good I don't know what to do. |
Izumi | Ah! Look! A Taiwanese style shaved ice! |
Juza | I've seen it on TV before. |
Izumi | It's really popular. I want to eat it, but I guess it's a little out of season? |
Juza | We can still go for it can't we. |
Izumi | You're right! Then, let's start with the shaved ice. |
Izumi | Let's eat! |
Juza | Let's eat. |
Izumi | --yup, it's delicious! The ice is so fluffy! The mango is melting! |
Juza | Yeah, it's good. |
Izumi | I thought it was a bit cold, but seems like I can totally eat it. |
Juza | …munch munch. |
Izumi | --ah. |
Juza | ? |
Izumi | Stay still for a bit. |
Juza | --! |
Izumi | Here, got it! Juza-kun, you had some syrup around your mouth. |
Juza | --! |
…my bad. | |
Izumi | Ahaha. It's tasty, so it just makes you want to stuff your cheeks with it. |
Izumi | The shaved ice, was so good right! |
Juza | Yeah. |
Izumi | What should we go for next. There're so many things it's difficult to choose. |
Juza | Right --. |
Juza | --! |
Izumi | Juza-kun? Did you find something good? |
Juza | No... |
Izumi | What are you looking at—ah, so cute! Panda shaped Chinese buns! |
Juza | ... |
Izumi | Seems like there're many different flavors too, I think we'll go for that. |
Juza | …there're many other things right. |
Izumi | Eeeh! Even though they're so cute and look so delicious! |
Juza | …they don't suit me. |
Izumi | (Can it be that Juza-kun, he feels resistance to their appearance. If that's the case--) |
--got it. Wait over there for a moment! | |
Juza | Director…? |
Izumi | Sorry for the wait! I bought the panda buns. |
Juza | ... |
Izumi | There were many flavors, so I decide on two. This one is a normal red bean paste, and this one is custard. |
Juza | Why… |
Izumi | …because, you looked at them so zealously. The truth is you wanted to eat them right? |
Today we're here to celebrate your birthday Juza-kun, so don't pay attention to what others think and let's enjoy it! | |
Juza | ... |
…you're right. Director went with the trouble to bring me here. | |
Thanks, Director. | |
Izumi | You're welcome. |
(Juza-kun, looks like he's happy, that's great!) | |
Izumi | Here, take this. Juza-kun you are fine with red bean paste? |
Juza | Yeah. |
Izumi | As I thought, they're so cute it's a waste to eat them. |
Juza | Munch munch. |
Izumi | Wait, you're eating it already!? |
Juza | If you don't eat them while they're fresh, it'll be a waste right. |
Izumi | Y-You have a point. |
(Thinking of which, back then with the Kamekichi manju he didn't hesitate either…) | |
Then, I'll eat too! –Yup, the custard flavor is delicious! | |
Juza | Munch munch… the wrapping is good too. |
Izumi | (Juza-kun, he's eating it happily) |
The red bean paste one looks good too. | |
Juza | …want to, eat some? |
Izumi | Eh? |
Juza | Here. I'll give you a half. |
Izumi | Is that okay? |
Juza | …it's as thanks for earlier. |
Izumi | Thank you! Then, I'll give you half of mine too. |
Juza | Director, you cut it into half without hesitating either. |
Izumi | I don't want to hear that from Juza-kun! |
A Mysterious Woman | My oh my! You two over there! |
Juza | Ah? |
Izumi | Are you talking about us? |
A Mother of China | That's right! I'll offer you a palm reading! If it's up to this mother of China everything will become visible! |
Izumi | I- I see. |
A Mother of China | Then, starting with the boy. Here, let me see your hand! |
Juza | Oi….!? |
A Mother of China | My, such a big hand! Then I'm going to see them. Your future… past… present… |
I can see, I can see it-! | |
Izumi | (S-Somehow it's really intense) |
A Mother of China | First of all, you're a returnee right? |
Izumi | A, a returnee? |
Juza | …you're wrong. |
A Mother of China | As for your past… hmm… my! You, in your previous life you were an alien! |
Juza | Huh? |
A Mother of China | An exalted star, one hundred million light years away from earth… It's a planet that emits light just like a jewel--. |
Juza | …say, is that really safe. |
Izumi | F-For now, it might be better to stay quiet. |
A Mother of China | And as for the fortune of your present… my? Well well… my my oh my. |
Juza | …what is it. |
A Mother of China | You… seems like you were able to happen across very previous people. You're having a lot of fun right now. |
Juza | --! |
A Mother of China | I'm certain that from now on, your precious memories will increase. I hope you would spend your days smiling. |
Because right now, you're happy. | |
Juza | …yeah. That might be true. |
Izumi | W-We were finally set free… |
Juza | I wonder if that's how palm reading goes. |
Izumi | Hmm, I feel like that person was a bit unique. She didn’t get anything right it was almost funny… |
Juza | There was… one thing that was right. |
So… I think it's okay to believe in it. | |
Izumi | Juza-kun… |
Juza | Alright, let's go. |
Izumi | Eh? |
Juza | I didn't have enough at all. Director, you too can eat more right? |
Izumi | Of course! Today I'll keep you company to the end! |