Sakuya Sakuma/Innocence of the Royal Palace

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A Tour on Horseback of The Kingdom of Zahra

Backstage Stories
SakuyaCan I come with you today?
GuyYes, of course you may.
IzumiHey you two, where are you going?
SakuyaOh, director! We are going to go tend to the horses.
IzumiTend to the horses?
Oh, come to think of it, I think Citron mentioned that he had a pet horse too.
GuyI also have a horse.
SakuyaI saw Guy tending to the horses in the courtyard one day and asked if I could help out.
GuySakuya seems to understand the horses well, so he was a big help.
SakuyaThe horses were really smart and really cute. I had a lot of fun helping out.
IzumiOh I see, I wanna meet them too. Could I come along too, Guy?
GuyYes, this way.
CitronPochi~ Are you doing well today~? Ohh, good good.
SakuyaOh, are you tending to the horses today too?
CitronYes! I came to visit my favourite horse.
IzumiWow, what a splendid white horse!
CitronThis is my favourite horse, Pochi[1]!
IzumiUhh... So this horse is Pochi....?
(Citron’s skill at choosing names is great.)
CitronOh Sakuya, I heard from Guy that you were able to understand Pochi’s feelings! Pochi also seemed happy, thank you!
SakuyaNo problem! Pochi and Chibi are both good boys, I had a lot of fun caring for them.
GuyMy horse.
IzumiYou mean the giant horse over here...!?
CitronI named Chibi too! I named him that because when we got him he was still really tiny.
IzumiU-Uhh I see....
SakuyaPochi and Chibi both have their own unique charms. Citron picked good names.
Pochi and Chibibururu....
SakuyaHmm, what’s wrong?
GuyIt seems like they are hungry. Sakuma, could you please go get their food?
Just a moment please. ...... Okay, got it, here you go.
Pochi and Chibihyuu hyuun!
IzumiFufu, looks like they like it.
SakuyaThey were really hungry, glad we got here to feed them.
GuyIt seems you also got the hang of brushing them, Sakuma.
CitronSakuya is great with horses. It seems like Pochi and Chibi agree~
SakuyaI am just following the method Guy taught me. I want to be able to understand the horses feelings better....
CitronThat’s right! I just thought of a good idea. We should take Pochi and Chibi out on a ride today!
Think of it as a thank you to Sakuya for being so good with them. Back in the day, we used to take them out to the meadows a lot.
GuyThat sounds like a good idea.
CitronRunning wild with our horses is the bessssttttt!
IzumiAhaha, when you say it like that it sounds like we’re some type of street gang.
SakuyaUmm, actually I don’t really think I am very good at horseback riding, could we really do that?
GuyNo need to worry, you can ride with me and Chibi.
CitronAnd director can ride with me and Pochi. Let’s ride like the wind together~
IzumiWhat, me too?
CitronRub curse! It’s more fun riding with friends!
SakuyaThat’s true. So then, let’s ride together, Guy!
CitronLet’s stop here and take a break~. Let me give you a hand, Sakuya.
SakuyaT-Thank you. one-two...
IzumiWe really rode a lot.
SakuyaHmm? It seems to be what looks like a house in the middle of this meadow.
IzumiThere is, I wonder who lives there?
Old Man<< Citronia!>>
Citron<< .... Long time no see, old man!>>
IzumiWho is that..?
GuyHe used to be one of the caretakers at the Royal Palace when Citronia was little. I heard that since his retirement, he sometimes takes visits to stay at his villa here.
Old Man<< It is nice to see Citronia and Guy looking as happy as ever. It is not much, but I have a present for you. Please come and stay a bit.>>
SakuyaWhat is he saying?
GuyHe said that he has a present for us and is asking if we could stay for a bit.
CitronSakuya, director, do you think we could talk to him for a bit?
SakuyaNo problem!
IzumiHe probably has a lot to tell you, so take your time.
CitronThank you! We will be back soon!
GuyMy apologies, please look after Pochi and Chibi.
SakuyaLeave it to us!
Running around the meadows on horseback... That’s something you definitely couldn’t do in Japan.
IzumiYou’re right, what a refreshing feeling.
SakuyaThank you Chibi, thank you Pochi! It was really fun!
Pochi and Chibihyuun!
SakuyaGood boys, good boys.
IzumiWow, Sakuya, animals are really drawn to you.
SakuyaHehe, that makes me happy.
Oh, director, look at that over there! There are flowers there!
IzumiWoah, how pretty. Hey, Sakuya, if you would like you can go over there and get a better look.
SakuyaOh, can I?
IzumiYea, we came out this far after all! I’ll keep an eye on Pochi and Chibi over here.
SakuyaAlright then, I won’t take long... I’ll be right back!
Wow there are quite a lot of different types of flowers. I wonder what kind of flowers they are...
-- Oh.
I’m back!
IzumiWelcome back, how was it? O-Ohh, wow... What a pretty flower.
SakuyaYea, right! I wanted you to see it too....
So I thought, why not bring this to you myself?
IzumiThank you! Wow, it smells lovely!
SakuyaRight! It was so beautiful it caught my eye and then I noticed it smelled really good. I immediately thought of you, director, so I just had to show you.
CHOICE 1: I have never seen this type of flower before. [+]
CHOICE 2: I’m so happy. [+]
CitronSorry to keep you two waiting!
-- Hmm? Oh, that flower!
SakuyaWe saw it growing over there. It was really pretty so I picked it for the director.
Citron....... Ohoho so Sakuya picked it?
Sakuya.... What?
CitronIn Zahra, we give that flower to someone when we are proposing!
Once a person smells it..... That person becomes your prisoner..... of love, it’s an aphrodisiac!
SakuyaAn aphrodisiac!?
Izumi(Well I did smell that flower earlier, but for some reason I don’t feel like my body has changed or anything...)
SakuyaU-Uhh, really!? But director just smelled it earlier...!
I’m sorry, I had no idea when I picked that flower....
IzumiNo, I don’t...
GuyI do not remember that flower having that sort of power.
CitronOh! Exposing my lie so quickly~! A piece of junk will always just be a piece of junk!
GuyExposing? You were joking, were you not?
CitronYes! A Zahra joke.
SakuyaUh... I can’t believe I fell for it.
CitronSorry~! Sakuya is so cute I couldn’t help but string him along.
IzumiI don’t really think I could call that a joke... Citron..


  1. This is also the sound Citron makes when he presses Guy's switch to turn 'on and off'