Juza Hyodo/Guardian of Peace

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Three Good Deeds in One Day Patrol

Backstage Stories
Juza…Aight, there’s nothin’ wrong with my bike.
It’s good to go for a cruise now.
OmiHey, Juza.
Juza; Ah, Omi-san.
I’m ready to hit the road—.
Sorry, it’s about that…
An urgent job came in so I can’t make it.
Juza…If duty calls, then there’s nothin’ we can do.
Don’t worry about it. I can always go by myself.
OmiEven so, you were going to ride around as a patrol for your role study as a police officer, weren’t you?
And when you think of a patrol, it’s usually a duo doing it together.
OmiWhy don’t you head out together with someone else who can go besides me?
JuzaSpeakin’ of motorcycles, Tasuku-san went for a traffic safety class, so it looks like he’s in the middle of preparing for his role too.
OmiIn that case, I’m sure you can ask someone to sit in the back and you can do your patrol together.
JuzaThe back, huh…
I’ll try askin’ someone.
OmiGreat. I hope it works out.
*knock, knock*
JuzaMuku, you there?
MukuYes, come in!
What’s the matter, Ju-chan?
JuzaSo I’m goin’ for a motorcycle ride…
MukuWow, Ju-chan acting as a police officer is bound to be cool!
Riding your motorcycle for role study will be just like a motorcycle officer making his rounds.
JuzaYeah. But I’m not actually gonna police anythin’.
It’ll probably just end up as a regular ride ‘round town.
MukuIt might give you some kind of hint, so I think there’s no reason not to give it a try.
If you’re alright with me, then I’ll go with you!
I’m countin’ on you then.
*engine rumbles*
…Are they doin’ paving work here?
MukuOh, you’re right. They’re planning to do the opposite lane soon too.
I did feel like it was a bit bumpy.
JuzaSame. It might get even bumpier, so hold on tight.
…Ah, that old lady looks like she’s having trouble.
JuzaYeah. The road’s not in great shape and her bags look heavy.
Do you mind if I stop the bike for a sec?
MukuGo ahead!
Juza…’Scuse me, are you alright over there?
Old ladyPardon me?
JuzaI’ll carry your bags if you don’t mind.
Old ladyAre you sure? I appreciate your kindness.
I’m almost home, but I’m getting worn out from my bags and this road.
MukuIt is a little uneven, isn’t it?
Is it just down this road?
Old ladyYes, my house is over there.
JuzaAight, let’s go.
MukuI’m relieved that old lady made it home safely.
(There’s a huge gap in the corner of the sidewalk.
Are they doin’ construction work here too?)
OrutoAniki, I’m really, really, sorry…
ShiftYou dropped it around here, right?
It hasn’t been that long, so I’m sure it’s still there.
ShiftAnyways, I’ll search over here. You go back where you heard the sound…
MukuThat’s Shift-kun, isn’t it?
He looks troubled over something.
JuzaHe does.
MukuIt looks like Shift-kun is looking for something with someone…
JuzaThat guy might be Shift’s little bro that Kumon mentions once in a while.
Anyways, should I try callin’ out to them?
JuzaOi, Shift.
ShiftAh, Juza-san!
Oh, and Muku-san too. Long time no see!
MukuLong time no see, Shift-kun.
That boy over there is your younger brother…
ShiftYep! My little brother, Oruto.
I guess Kumon has mentioned him?
JuzaYeah. More importantly, did somethin’ happen?
It looks like you’re searching for something.
ShiftYeah. Actually, Oruto dropped our house key.
It’s my fault too though. I’m the one who left it in his hands for a lil bit.
MukuSo that’s what happened.
And he dropped it around here?
ShiftMhm. Oruto said he heard a “clink” around here, so he thought that might’ve been the sound of the key falling.
JuzaI see.
I’ll help you guys look.
MukuMe too!
You two will be in trouble if you can’t get inside your house.
ShiftThanks, guys!
That helps a bunch.
JuzaIt’s better if we split up. Muku, you have a look around here with Shift. I’ll meet up with Oruto and search over there.
MukuSounds like a plan!
Do you think the key’s there?
OrutoHm? Are you a friend of my brother’s?
JuzaYeah. I heard you might’ve dropped your key around this area.
OrutoYeah… I think it’s close by. But it might be around here, or it might be where aniki is…
Juza…By the looks of it, it ain’t over here.
Have you already had a look at the spot where there’s several gaps in the sidewalk?
No, not yet…
Juza‘Kay, let’s go. The key will be hard to see if it’s in the shadows, so we might have some more luck there.
ShiftI doubt it’s over here…
MukuI agree.
I wonder if Ju-chan and Oruto-kun have found it yet?
ShiftIt looks like they’re searching a little farther ahead than where they were earlier.
MukuLet’s head over to them for now!
How’d it go? Did you find the key?
What about you two?
JuzaWe haven’t either—.
OrutoThere it is!
MukuAre you sure, Oruto-kun!?
Look here, aniki! This is it!
ShiftWhew~. Thank God it was actually there~!
MukuNow you don’t have to worry.
OrutoIt’s all because this onii-san told me there were a bunch of gaps in the sidewalk.
JuzaNah. I just happened to spot them as I passed by.
I’m glad you found it.
OrutoYeah, thanks!
ShiftI seriously owe you one, Juza-san, Muku-san.
Catch ya later!
MukuSee you!
Juza…The sun’s settin’ already.
We should start heading back too.
MukuLead the way.
JuzaSorry for draggin’ you along with me into all those things.
MukuNot at all! You were so cool reaching out to those in need!
You were just like a real policeman!
JuzaYou think…?
All I did was lend a hand to some folks in trouble.
MukuBut policeman at neighbourhood police stations approach the locals and help them out, right?
Your drive around town worked out perfectly to prepare for your role.
Juza…I hope so.
Actually, I was plannin’ to go touring with Omi-san today. But a sudden job came up so he couldn’t make it.
MukuOh, really?
So you invited me?
JuzaI was thinkin’ of going by myself at first, but Omi-san told me police patrols are usually done in pairs.
Then I called out to you. But you acted just like my partner, so that helped a lot.
MukuEhehe. I’m happy if you say so.
I also got to accomplish my three good deeds in one day, so I ought to thank you too.
I appreciate that you reached out to me.
JuzaI’m glad I invited you if you found it useful too.
