Masumi Usui/Running Through Kyo no Machi

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Seriously Angry Saito-san

Backstage Stories
Izumi(For the training camp this time, the members went through various ascetic experiences at the temple lodging, and they were given training in sword fighting—)
(And on top of that, they filled in as substitutes for the Shinsengumi.
It was a lot of work, but it became a great experience for them.)
IzumiHuh, Masumi-kun.
What’s wrong?
MasumiYou were nowhere to be found so I came looking for you.
Since it’s getting dark already…
And there’s also weird guys causing trouble around.
Izumi(So he was so worried that he came all the way here to find me.)
Sorry for worrying you.
Thank you, Masumi-kun.
Masumi…I’ll protect you.
IzumiYeah, that’s reassuring.
(Masumi-kun is straightforward as always…)
Masumi—Director? Is something on your mind?
IzumiOh, no. I was just remembering various things about the training camp this time.
It was a really useful experience, right?
CHOICE 1: How was it for Masumi-kun? [+]
IzumiHow was it for Masumi-kun?
Masumi…It’s true there were lots of things I learned for the first time at the sword fighting practices.
And I think the show was good experience too.
IzumiRight, right.
MasumiAnd more importantly… I was happy that I could do the ascetic training and walk around the park with you, Director.
I'm happy no matter when or where I am as long as I'm with you though.
…Hey, did you have fun too?
IzumiOf course!
MasumiI’m glad…
CHOICE 2: The show was cool. [+]
IzumiThe show was really cool.
Masumi-kun’s Saito Hajime also looked good.
IzumiYeah! Your sword fighting has gotten better and better too.
MasumiI’m so happy…
You were watching me closely.
If you’re by my side, I can do anything and I can do my best.
…I’ll get even better from now on too.
So keep watching me, always.
Director… I lov—.
Are you ok?
IzumiSorry, I’m fine.
It’s a bit cold at night though, huh?
Masumi…In that case, I’ll warm you up.
KondoOh, you’re here!
IzumiAh, Kondo-san!
IzumiCome on now, Masumi-kun.
Kondo-san, what’s the matter?
KondoAhh, actually, it seems it’ll take a little bit longer for those guys who were done in by food poisoning to come back to work…
So, I really apologize for this, but could everyone from the Theatre company sub-in for just one more day?
IzumiOf course we don’t mind!
We’ll be in your care.
KondoThank goodness! You saved us.
Same here, we’ll be counting on you.
IzumiAlright everyone, let’s do our best today as well.
ChikageSo our main job today is to patrol inside the park?
IzumiYes. Each Shinsengumi member has his own area, so please perform while making your rounds around there.
I guess Omi-kun and Sakuya-kun will patrol around their designated routes as ronin.
BanriAnd if there’s any rude fellas there, we’ll get involved ‘n deal with ‘em as ronin.
AzamiIt’s like doin’ street acts while callin’ out to the guests, right?
OmiDoing etudes as a villain, huh… It seems I can make use of my experience from my previous performances.
SakuyaI’m a bit anxious since I'm not used to this setup…
But I’ll learn while watching Omi-san and try my best!
IzumiYeah! Good luck.
TaichiPleeease wait a moment~~!!
TaichiWhy am I the princess again!?
BanriHaha, it looks good on you so ain’t it fine?
Masumi…It doesn’t feel off.
Taichi-kun’s princess was well received, so.
Sakyo‘S also too late to become a ronin now. You’ll combine your role study as a princess with practice this time around, so play your part well.
TaichiI mean, it's not that I don't get why I gotta study for this kinda role, but~...
IzumiYou play the role of a princess who’s cute and feels friendly.
I think this is a performance only Taichi-kun can pull off.
TaichiI see…
Alright, I’ll play the role of the princess perfectly!
I’ll put on a performance that’s so popular, it won’t lose to the Shinsengumi!
CitronYooo, Taichi!
That’s the skillet[1]!
TsuzuruThat’s the spirit.
IzumiAlright then, I’ll distribute the papers with the designated posts written down on them.
Please head towards the place that’s written there.
JuzaOur station’s the ninja’s residence, huh?
AzamiI’m at the street of tenement houses.
MasumiWhat are you going to do?
IzumiI’ll go around the park while taking a look at how everyone’s doing.
MasumiThen I’ll do that too.
IzumiYou can’t do that.
Masumi-kun, you have your own designated post, right?
MasumiYou’re the only one I’m protecting.
So it’s no use protecting a place if you're not there.
ItaruA guy who actually says that kind of line exists…?
I’ve heard it in games before, but this is my first time hearing it IRL.
ChikageWell that’s Masumi for you.
TsuzuruIt can’t be helped, I’ll bring him along by force—.
Today you’re Shinsengumi’s Saito Hajime.
So perform your duty properly. I’m also anticipating seeing Masumi-kun in action as Saito Hajime.
Masumi…You’re anticipating it?
—I understand, I’ll be off.
CitronOhh, well done, Director!
SakuyaAs expected of Director!
ItaruDirector-san’s the only one who can keep Masumi in check after all.
ChikageThat’s right.
TsuzuruGood grief…
Izumi(Yep, everyone’s doing a good job of making their rounds.
It also looks like they’re getting good reception from the guests, so I’m relieved.)
(It’s almost break time, huh… I wonder if I should take a rest at the teahouse…)
???Aren’t you super cute, princess~!
Are you havin’ tea now? Hey, hey, how ‘bout we join you?
TaichiAhaha… I-I must decline~.
Izumi(Taichi-kun's tangled up with some guests…!)
TaichiI’ve gotten separated from my attendant…
So I must return to my residence now.
Man AAw, don’t say that!
Stay here with me ‘til your attendant comes lookin’ for ya!
Izumi(He can’t move very well in that princess outfit and he can’t break character in a place where other customers are watching…)
U-um! I’m very sorry to interrupt.
The princess has to move along to her next arrangement.
Man AHuh, her attendant? Or a staff member?
Man BHold on, this girl’s cute too, eh!
I’ll treat ya so let’s have tea together! Do y’all like sweet stuff?
IzumiPlease stop this.
I’ll call for the Shinsengumi!
Man AAhaha, how adorable!
Hey now, come over here!
Man BWhy’re you huggin’ her shoulders—ain’t that sly!?
Man AHahaha.
TaichiUghh, I’m at my limit—.
MasumiGet away from that girl.
Man AHey…
MasumiI said get away from her. Couldn’t you hear?
A lawless ronin who disturbs the capital.
It seems you wish to be sliced by my katana.
*unsheathes sword*
Man BEeek…!
Izumi(M-Masumi-kun… he’s acting as Saito Hajime who calmly cracks down on lawless ronin, but…)
TaichiHe’s super pissed…
His eyes are serious…
Man AO-oi.
Man BA-ahh.
Sorry ‘bout that, we’ll be going now!
Man AExcuse us!
Masumi…I won’t let you get away.
*runs off*
TaichiThis looks bad!
Director-sensei, we should run after them too!
Man AH-he’s persistent!
Man BHow long is he gonna follow us!?
Guest AWhat’s that, what’s that?
Guest BMaybe some kind of show?
Masumi…I’ve got you, you ruffians.
Man AEeeeek! W-we’re so sorry!
Man BWe won’t do it anymore! P-please forgive us!
MasumII told you I won’t forgive you.
Man ANo way…!
Izumi*Pant, pant*…!
W-we finally caught up…!
TaichiR-runnin’ in a kimono's way too tough…!
JuzaOi, did somethin’ happen?
SakuyaAre you alright!?
IzumiEveryone else came, huh?
TsuzuruI get that he saved you two, but as expected, this is going way too far.
CitronMasumi’s seriously angry?
TaichiBut I’m not quite sure what made Masumi-kun so mad…
SakyoOi, the hell are you guys doin’?
ItaruAh, Sakyo-san.
SakyoDid somethin’ happen?
Masumi…Those guys wrapped their arms around Director’s shoulders.
MasumiEven though I failed last night…
I can’t forgive those guys for beating me to it.
IzumiLast night?
…Ah, come to think of it…
*flashback starts*
Masumi…In that case, I’ll warm you up.
KondoOh, you’re here!
IzumiAh, Kondo-san!
*flashback ends*
Izumi(Does he mean back then…!?)
TsuzuruIsn’t that entirely just your personal grudge?
MasumiThat’s why I had to—.
ChikageThis is bad, Masumi’s forgotten his role.
Sakyo—Have you gone mad, Saito?
Masumi…She’s an important person to me. I’m losing my mind.
TaichiAs expected, Sakyo-nii, nice follow-up!
MasumiPlease concede on this matter.
SakyoI cannot step aside.
MasumiThen I will cut you down.
*unsheathes sword*
Sakyo…You leave me no choice.
I will bring you to your senses. Come.
*unsheathes sword*
IzumiWait, you two—!
Guest AEhh, a duel between Hijikata and Saito?
Guest BIt looks like it’s over a woman.
Guest CWoah, their swordfight is epic!
IzumiAren’t they adding whatever details they want to the setting!?
TaichiOn top of that, a crowd has gathered~.
ItaruBut you can’t deny that it’s a hot turn of events.
JuzaThose two’s swordfighting… ain’t nothin’ to scoff at.
CitronIt’s the result of our training camp!
IzumiNo, no, that part’s fine and all but they’re going overboard!
F-for now, we have to stop them!
The one who would be able to jump into their swordfight is…
ChikageIf even Yamanami entered the fray, then it’d be chaos, wouldn’t it?
IzumiThat’s true…
(Having a ronin appear seems like it’d be a stretch too… What should I do…)
I have a good idea.
ItaruLend me your ear.
IzumiA-are you sure?
ItaruIt’s fine so give it a try.
Izumi(I don’t know if this will work, but I have to try anyways. …Here goes!)
KYOKUCHU HATTO[2]! One, private conflicts are forbidden!
Those who violate the rules shall commit seppuku!
Masumi & Sakyo—!!
IzumiT-they really backed down…
Guest AThat was interesting!
Guest BSaito-san was splendid!
SakuyaIt’s a big hit with the guests too!
TaichiAll’s well that ends well, isn’t that right?
Masumi…If it’s your order, then I’ll commit seppuku.
IzumiEH!? H-hold on, Masumi-kun!
Calm down!
Ummm—Ah, thank you for saving me earlier!
I was happy you came rushing in for me.
…Was I able to protect you?
Masumi…That’s great.
ChikageHas this been settled peacefully?
CitronThat’s our Director!
TsuzuruDirector’s the only one who can stop Masumi after all, huh…



  1. Citron originally says "柿" (kaki: persimmon), which Tsuzuru corrects as "意気" (iki: spirit/heart)
  2. The Kyokuchu Hatto (the Shinsengumi Regulations) were a set of regulations established to control the members. They consisted of 5 main regulations, one of them being a prohibition on engaging in personal fights.