Tsumugi Tsukioka/Precarious Garde Manger

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Topped with Raclette Cheese

Backstage Stories
Tsumugi Precarious Garde Manger 1-01.png
GuyTsukioka, do you have any plans for this Friday night?
TsumugiNothing in particular, why do you ask?
GuyYou see, the store will be rented out for the day, but the number of guests might be more than what Mikage and I can carry out on our own.
I apologize for imposing, but could you perhaps lend us some assistance?
TsumugiI can’t say I know much of what I could help out with, but if you’re okay with me then I’d be happy to give a hand.
GuyAre you certain?
TsumugiOf course, it could help with my role-building too.
GuyAh, that’s right, you’ll be appearing in the same drama that Sumeragi[1] will be starring in.
TsumugiThat’s exactly the case. Even though your place is a bar, it’s still a restaurant all the same, so I figure I could study from there.
GuyThat could be true. Once again, I appreciate the helping hand.
TsumugiNot a problem. I’ll be in your care then.
Tsumugi Precarious Garde Manger 1-02.png
TsumugiGuy-san, Hisoka-kun. I look forward to working with you.
HisokaSame here.
GuyIt seems like it’ll be quite busy today, but thank you again for the help.
Mikage, the ingredients stock just arrived, so could you put them away in the fridge?
TsumugiUhm… Say, Guy-san, what’s that large thing there?
GuyThat? It’s called a raclette cheese round.
HisokaThe patron requested it, so Guy had it prepared.
TsumugiI see! It’s quite big, isn’t it?
HisokaBy the way, we got your uniform in the back, Tsumugi. You should go change, then come with me.
TsumugiAlright, thanks.
Tsumugi Precarious Garde Manger 1-03.png
HisokaHow’s the size?
TsumugiIt fits just right.
HisokaThen, I’ll let you handle the basic order-taking job… Also, do you think you can carry four plates?
TsumugiF-Four plates…?! I don’t think I can…
HisokaIt’s more efficient in a busy hour like this. Give it a try.
TsumugiI… I’ll try…
HisokaFirst off, with three plates.
TsumugiOh, I’m doing it!
It seems like I can carry this much, but this much shaking can’t be good, can it…
HisokaYou’ll probably get used to it soon enough. Now, four plates.
Let’s put one of them here, and add the fourth one there…
TsumugiWAH…! It’s gonna fall…!!
Unless I practice more, perhaps I’m better off, don’t you think…?
HisokaDon’t panic. Just keep it up and you’ll properly hold them eventually.
TsumugiI suppose… I’ll keep trying as much as I can, then.
TsumugiNo good… I can’t carry them at all…
Hisoka…Let’s just go with three plates then.
TsumugiSorry. You went through the trouble of teaching me, too…
HisokaIt’s alright. It’s better to avoid breaking any plates rather than forcing you to do it when you can’t.
GuyIt’s almost time for open hours. Rest for a while before we do.
Tsumugi Precarious Garde Manger 1-04.png
HisokaWake me up when it’s time, Tsumugi…… (snore)
TsumugiOf course. Rest well.
(Since Hisoka went to sleep, what should I do in the meantime… Oh, maybe I should search up on how raclette cheese should be prepared.)
Guest ADrink up to your heart’s content, everyone!
Guest BHell yeah!
Tsumugi(When Guy-san said they booked the whole restaurant, I didn't fully expect that it was going to be a full house… Amazing. I should do my best to not make any mistakes!)
Guest BExcuse me–! Can you take our orders?
HisokaWhat would you like?
Guest CCan someone take our orders as well?
TsumugiAh, coming!
Tsumugi Precarious Garde Manger 2-01.png
GuyAnd this one is for Table Two.
TsumugiGot it.
Tsumugi(Gotta make sure I don’t drop these. Now, carefully… Maybe three plates is also a bit too much…)
Guest AMister, are you alright? You’re wobbling quite a bit!
TsumugiS-Sorry to trouble you. I’m fine…
Thank you for waiting, here are your orders!
(Oh no. Just placing down one plate almost made me drop the plates on the other arm too…!)
Guest CAh, it’s alright if you just deliver them! No need to place it in front of us~
TsumugiI apologize. Thank you very much.
Guest DAre you a new hire? Do your best.
TsumugiTh-thank you.
(I ended up troubling the customer with what's supposed to be my job…)
GuyLooks like the raclette cheese is all heated up now. Mikage… seems to have his hands full.
TsumugiShall I go instead? I looked up how raclette cheese should be sliced, so I think I’ve got a pretty good idea.
GuyIn that case, shall I leave it up to you, Tsukioka?
TsumugiI’ll do my best.
Tsumugi Precarious Garde Manger 2-02.png
SumugiThank you for waiting.
Guest AOh, are you going to put in the cheese yourself, mister?[2]
TsumugiIndeed. Now then, I’ll start slicing it down now.
Guest EIt looks so yummy..!!
Guest AMister, you’re quite dexterous aren’t you.
TsumugiThank you very much. Now, please enjoy your meal.
Guest EThe amount of cheese is just right! Balances perfectly with the vegetables, too.
Guest BYou’re actually quite good with handling raclette cheese, huh.
TsumugiI’m flattered that you think so.
Guest COh, hey, can I get some of that over here as well?
Guest GI’d like to try some too!
TsumugiI’ll be right with you.
TsumugiIt appears the guests were pretty pleased. I got five more orders for raclette cheese.
GuyThat’s quite a lot. It’s thanks to your help, Tsukioka.
Tsumugi(It feels like I’ve gotten a hang of another skill for my role. I call that a success.)
Tsumugi Precarious Garde Manger 2-03.png
OmiTsumugi-san, the raclette cheese is all ready and heated up.
TsumugiThank you. Now then, after this, all I have to do is slice the cheese over the meat of the dish. If anyone’s up for it, that is.
AzumaI heard that Tsumugi’s skill with the raclette cheese was pretty well-received, so I’ve been looking forward to this.
SakuyaJust hearing it from Guy-san made me want to try the dish as well!
IzumiOh I’ve been so excited to see and try it out myself, too!
TsumugiYou guys… Hearing all that is going to make me blush. I’m glad, though.
Alright, so about this amount should do… Eat it up while it’s hot.
SakuyaThank you for the meal.
Izumi… It’s so delicious!!
AzumaIt’s the perfect helping of cheese, too.
TsumugiIs that so? That’s good, then.
Ah, this plate is the last one, isn’t it? Let me slice some cheese and—
TasukuHEY, THAT’S—!!
TsumugiHuh— OH! Sorry, Tasuku! I got so carried away that I almost forgot you hated cheese…
Tasuku…(sigh). You take the cheese-covered part, then.
TsumugiAh! Then the other half without the cheese is yours then. Again, so sorry, Tasuku.


  1. Referencing the backstage from the Tenma SSR of the same "RISTORANTE MANKAI" gacha set.
  2. Here is a video sample for better visualization.