Cards/Citron/From the Nostalgic Car Window
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From the Nostalgic Car Window | |
【望郷の車窓から】 | |
Leader Skill | 蒸気機関車に乗って Riding a Steam Locomotive |
Adlib Skill | 汽笛の奏でるメロディ A Melody In Steam Whistles |
Cardset | Daydreaming gear |
辿りつくのが、ほんのチョット寂しい気もするネWhat could be at the end of this railway…? I feel like making it there will be just a little lonely as well.
シトロンと行くSL旅行の始まりネ~!Chug chug! Chew chew! This is the start of your steam engine trip with Citron~!
- Backstage Story: 出発進行!ぶらりSL旅
Card Stats
Lv. | Co | Ac | Sr |
1 | 1602 | 1143 | 1830 |
80 | 3656 | 2565 | 4200 |
+ | 3916 | 2745 | 4500 |
++ | 4176 | 2925 | 4800 |
🔥🔥🔥 | 5376 | 4125 | 6000 |
Adlib Skill Stats
Lv. | % Activation | % Stat Increase |
1 | 20 | 35 |
2 | 25 | 40 |
3 | 30 | 45 |
4 | 35 | 50 |