「モテてぇ〜!今すぐ即座にモテテぇ〜〜!!」 "I'm gonna be popular~! I'm gonna be popular right here right now~~!!"
A frivolous young man who loves women and joined the company for his own simple reason of "I wanna be on stage and be popular!" He's always an upbeat life-of-the-party friendly type of person who'll shake his tail at anyone like a puppy. He looks up to the capable Banri and the scary-faced Juza and wants them to notice him, so he's not afraid to get involved with them.
See the Link Skills page for more information on how to use link skills and what Part 1 / Part 2 link skills are.
「この劇団に入れて、 沢山の仲間に出逢えて、 俺、 幸せでしたっ!」Joining this theatre company and being able to meet lots of friends - I was happy!
「どうッスか俺っちの演技は!」How's my acting?!
「次のセリフなんだっけ…?」What was the next line again...?
「げっ、俺っち死ぬ役!?」Eep, I'm playing the dead guy!?
「泣け…泣くんだ俺…!」I can cry...Im crying...!
「うわあああ間違えたあああ」Arghhhhh, I screwed upppp.
「幸チャンに裁縫の腕上がったって褒められたッス~!」Yuki-chan said my sewing's gotten better. He praised me~!
「監督先生!どうしたらモテますか!?」Miss Director! How can I become popular!?
「運命の出会いってやつ、してみてー!」I wanna have a fated meeting!
「万チャンは何でもできてすげぇッス!」Ban-chan's amazing; he can do anything!
「十座サンは男の中の男って感じでマジかっけー!」Juza-san's got that 'man amongst men' feel; he's seriously awesome!
「臣クンとは同室で一番お世話になってるッス!」Omi-kun's my roommate; I owe him the most!
「左京にぃは俺の理想の未来像!インテリはモテの鉄板ッスよ!」Sakyo-nii is my future ideal! Smartness is a surefire way to be popular!
「よーし、次はモテレッスンだ!」All right, next is the popularity lesson!
「朝からうるさいって?へへっ、俺っちにとっては褒め言葉ッスよ!」You're noisy since the morning? Hehe, to me that's a compliment!
「ロッカーにラブレター!?って果たし状じゃないッスかー!天チャンの仕業ッスね!?」A love letter in my locker!? Wait, this is a letter of challenge isn't it! This is Ten-chan's doing!?
「今日、学校で告白現場に遭遇したッス…うぅ…俺っちもモテてぇ~!」Today at school, I accidently witnessed a confession scene... Uuh... I want to be popular too~!
「ふぁ…っと!まだまだ!監督先生が寝るまで、俺っちも寝ないッスよ…」Yawn... Oops! Not yet! Until Director-sensei goes to sleep, I won't sleep either...
「げっ…やべぇ、左京にぃにまた怒られるッス…臣クンに相談しよう」Geh... This is bad, Sakyo-nii is going to get mad at me again... Let's consult with Omi-kun.
「この髪、かっこいいっしょ!赤髪は俺っちの…えっとー、あいでんてぃてぃ…?ッス!」This hair is cool right?! Red hair is my... er— Identity...? Yes, that!
「さ、3回まわって…ワン? って、何やらせるんスか!」T-Turn around 3 times and... woof? Wait, what are you making me do!
「ちょ、ちょ! そこは弱いからぁ~!もー! いくら監督先生でもダメッスよ!」W-Wait! I'm weak over there! Geez! Even if it's Director-sensei you can’t!
「もー、触っちゃダメって言ってるのに…俺、勘違いしちゃうッスけど。いいッスか?」Geez, even though I'm saying you can't touch me... I am going to misunderstand. Is that okay?
「モテてぇ~!今すぐ即座にモテてぇ~!」I want to be popular~! I want to be popular right away~!
「ヨーヨーなら負けないッスよ!」If it's about yo-yo I won't lose!
「万チャンも十座サンもすげーッス!それに比べて俺…自分で言ってて凹んできたッス…」Both Ban-chan and Juza-san are amazing! Compared to them I... I got depressed saying it myself...
「俺っちって、そんなに犬っぽいッスか?」Am I really that dog-like?