Taichi Nanao/Last Runway

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Date Outfit Taichi Ver.

Backstage Stories
TaichiHm, hm…
TenmaHm? What are you doing, Taichi?
TaichiAhh, Ten-chan! Hehe, I’m collecting info for Director-sensei’s date outfit fashion show!
TenmaHeh, I see.
TaichiI’m super psyched to have Director-sensei to wear the date outfit I picked out!
Also, it’s just not role study, but also research on how to become popular, see!
So it’s two birds with one stone!
TenmaWell, it’s great that you’re fired up about preparing for your role.
But no matter how you look at it, aren’t there way too many sticky notes in this fashion magazine?
TaichiI thought this would work~ and that would be great too~, so I accidentally stuck them all in.
I’m still not set on how I want it to end up. But I’m sure I’ll unveil the best outfit for the real thing!
I hope you’ll look forward to it!
Then show us what you’ve got.
YukiToday’s the dumb puppy’s turn for the daily outfits, right?
TaichiUwohhh, the time has come—!!
My ultimate date outfit!!
TAH DAAAH! Come out, Director-sensei!
IzumiUmm, how is it? I don’t usually dress like this… but d-does it suit me?
MasumiIt’s not bad…
You're cute, Director… when you're a little embarrassed.
TenmaThat’s it?
YukiAlright, alright, just ignore the Psycho Stalker.
TenmaHeh, it’s similar to Taichi’s fashion style.
Are these, what you call, “matching outfits”?
TaichiThat’s Ten-chan for you! You noticed, huh!
YukiOh, I see. Hmm, the top has a baggy silhouette, which is pretty nice.
I think it’s cute.
TaichiYou mean it!? Hell yeaaah!
I got Yuki-chan to say it’s cute!
IzumiGood for you, Taichi-kun.
TaichiIt’s thanks to you for wearing the clothes so cutely, Director-sensei!
MasumiOf course, Director can wear anything adorably.
TaichiBy the way, there's a lot more points of interest to this outfit besides the fact it's matching.
TaichiFor this date outfit, I tried putting together all my favourite street styles!
As Yuki-chan mentioned, it has a baggy silhouette and a casual vibe to it.
And this is the eye-catching point!
A casual Akapoyo-kun strap!
Masumi…I’ve seen that character before.
TenmaIt’s the character that’s printed on the t-shirt Taichi likes to wear, right?
YukiI guess it works as a nice accent.
IzumiIt feels playful and just like Taichi-kun, huh?
TaichiI know right!?
And since it’s also easy to move in, we could go on a skateboarding date or something!
Of course, I’d definitely take the girl’s hand when we’re on the move~…
Um, like this, as a couple holding hands!
Izumi(T-that surprised me. He suddenly took my hand…
But just like Taichi-kun says, this is what you’d call a couple interlacing their fingers…)
TaichiBefore we go skateboarding, it’d also be nice to do some window shopping and eat crepes and stuff, right!
And then, we’ll have a blast skateboarding together and—.
Err, wah, wahhh!? Our hands…!
S-sorry, Director-sensei!!
IzumiN-not at all! It’s fine.
TenmaDid he do that unconsciously?
YukiHe was way too lost in his daydream.
MasumiTrying to go on a date with Director after holding hands with her… I’ll never forgive you…
TaichiT-that was just hypothetical!? Of course, I think it’d be fun to go out to play with Director-sensei, but…
*Masumi moves closer*
Uh, awawawa, chill out, Masumi-kun!!
TaichiTen-chan, Yuki-chan, Director-sensei!
*both run off*
IzumiY-you two…!
TenmaOi, stop running around the room!
MasumiYou won’t get away.
