Taichi Nanao/Dog God's Envoy

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Komainu-sama Panic

Backstage Stories
IzumiI'm sorry for making you guys help me.
TaichiIt's fine! It's been a while since I helped with ad hoc. It's super fun!
BanriWell, It nice to learn new stuff sometimes.
YukiThe costumes' designs are interesting. I can use them as a reference.
IzumiThank you, everyone. It's about time for dinner. Shall we go home?
TaichiYep! I'm starving---Hn?
I didn't know there's a shrine here!
IzumiYou're right. There's an old signboard.
..... "Komainu Shrine" [1]? It says.
YukiGreat. We're you being summoned by the god of dogs?
BanriAh, I remember. I heard some college dudes are calling this place a 'power spot' or sumthin'.
YukiPower spot?
TaichiI'm curious.
BanriRight? True or not, the rumor is quite intriguing.
TaichiI want to see it for myself!
YukiEh... Don't you think it's fishy?
TaichiWe're just checking it out for a bit! We might gain something!
YukiFine, but let’s be quick....
BanriThe hell.... Nothin' looks special in this shrine.
YukiI don't think a power spot exists in this area.
BanriA rumor is just a rumor after all.
TaichiWhat a bummer...
IzumiBut it doesn't change the fact that this place is still a shrine. Let's offer a prayer.
There's only one komainu in this shrine.
BanriYeah, you're right. There should be another one.
IzumiI wonder if it's being repaired.
TaichiSo this komainu is all alone...
It's covered with leaves too. It's pitiful to leave him like this. Lemme clean him up aー bit.
???ーーYou have my gratitude, human child. To tell you the truth, I have been in trouble for quite some time now.
???This pitiful guardian has a request for you. Will you please look for my pair--the other komainu?
TaichiJ, J-J, Just now, the dog t-t-talked...
YukiTalking about yourself?
TaichiNot me! This komainu talked!
BanriHa? Bet it's just your imagination.
IzumiI didn't hear anything except everyone's voice though.
YukiMaybe the dog wanted to be friends with the other dog?
BanriYeah, yeah.
TaichiBan-chan! Not you too !
Come on, listen carefully!
Yuki and Banri......
IzumiYour ears may be playing tricks on you.
YukiWe're done here, right? Let's go home.
BanriRight. Oi, Taichi. Autumn Troupe has practice tonight. Don't be late or Sakyo-san will snap on you.
*Time Skip*
Taichi(Fuah~ It's morning already...)
(... Hn? My body feels strange...)
OmiTaichi. Wake up.
You'll miss breakfast if you won't get no--Hm?
Hey, how did you get here?
Taichi(Eh? )
OmiYou're clean but where is your collar?
Taichi( Collar!? I have never worn a collar in my life !)
Wan wan !
(Wan wan...?)
(ーーEHH!? )
(W-what in the world is happening!? )
Wan!? Wan wan wan !?
OmiAhaha. You're lively.
OmiAh, oi...
(I became a dog~!?)
Taichi( E-everyone~! Help me~! )
Wan wan wan!
TsuzuruUwah !? A dog?...!?
SakyoOi, what's going on with this dog?
Taichi( Sakyo-nii! It's me!)
Wan! Wan wan!
SakyoIt won't sit still. It won't stop yapping around, just like Nanao.
Taichi(Because it's me! Taichi ~! )
IzumiI wonder why it's noisy?
BanriLooks like this dog got lost. Hey, come here.
Taichi(Director-sensei might understand what I’m trying to say....!)
Wan wan !
IzumiAre you scared?
There, there, it’s going to be alright.
Taichi(D-director-sensei is carrying me...
It's sssoooo embarrassing! )
OmiThere you are.
BanriIs it your dog, Omi?
OmiNo, I saw it sleeping on Taichi's bed earlier. I think he picked it up somewhere.
But Taichi is not in the room. Has anyone seen him?
IzumiCome to think of it, I haven't seen him around.
SakyoHe'll probably show up soon.
Taichi..... That's why I'm telling you! It's me! Taichiー!
TaichiA d-dream.....?
Phew~ thank goodness...
But why a dog out of all things?...
No way---.
*Time Skip*
TaichiTen-chan, I'm sorry for dragging you all the way here.
TenmaIt's okay. It's my day off today.
Let's find it quickly and go home.
IzumiーーI knew it's you, Taichi-kun, Tenma-kun.
TaichiDirector-sense! What are you doing here?
IzumiI'm on my way home after helping another theater company then I saw both of you heading here.
TenmaTaichi told me he lost something here so we're gonna look for it.
IzumiIs that so?
Did you lose it when we came here last time?
TaichiUh-...Yeah, kind of.
( There's no way they'll believe me even if I tell them what happened yesterday... )
IzumiLet me help you.
TaichiIs it okay?
IzumiOf course! By the way, what item is it?
TaichiEh!? Uhh...Err.. It's a stone statue?
TaichiI-it's a dog-shaped one!
TenmaThe hell is that...
IzumiLet's try to look for it for now.
TaichiHuhu, I can't find it.
It's getting dark already. Let's call it a---
IzumiAh, over there! Taichi-kun!
TaichiDirector-sensei...Eh? That dog...!
IzumiAhaha. We found a real dog instead.
CHOICE 1: "It's cute" [+]
CHOICE 2: "This dog is similar to Taichi-kun" [+]
IzumiI wonder if it's lost? The puppy's fur is clean. The owner might be living around the neighborhood near this area.
TaichiThis puppy belongs to the shrine!
I think we should just leave it in front of the main hall.
IzumiIn a place like this?
TaichiT-that's right! I've seen it written on the internet!
IzumiI see.
He's going to be safe even if we leave it here then.
???You have my gratitude, human child.
IzumiTaichi-kun. What's the matter?
TaichiIt's nothing!
It's getting late. Let's go home!
IzumiBut we haven't found your stuff yet...
TaichiAh that. Err.. I already found it!
Thanks, both of you!
---Huh? Where's Ten-chan?
IzumiSpeaking of, I haven't seen him around...
TaichiNow we'll end up looking for Ten-chan instead.
*Time Skip*
TaichiIt took us forever to look for Ten-chan.
BanriNot surprised. His sense of direction sucks.
TenmaShut up! It's not like I'm lost. I just thought I'd look for it further in the back!
IzumiI'm home.
TaichiWelcome home, director-sensei.
IzumiAh, Taichi-kun. I'm worried about the puppy so I went to the shrine today to check but...
Take a look at this picture.
Taichi...Ah! There are two komainu statues now!
IzumiIt seems like they're done repairing it.
Are you interested? We can check it together if you want.
TaichiEh, I’ll pass....!



  1. 狛犬 or Komainu (lion-dog) are a pair of lion-like statue guarding the entrance of shrines or temples. It is believed that they ward off evil spirits.