Guy/The Ultimate Pair

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< Guy

One One in the World

Backstage Stories
Guy The Ultimate Pair 1-01.png
Young CustomerExcuse me, I’m ready to order now.
Female CustomerI’d like to order this please.
GuyYes, give me a moment. Mikage, can you take over here.
Guy The Ultimate Pair 1-02.png
Hisoka… Yeah.
Male CustomerYaa, it’s pretty busy today again.
(… This man always comes in with a quality suit.)
Thank you for coming here so often. Please take a seat.
Male CustomerThanks.
GuyYour suit is magnificent.
Male CustomerI’m glad to hear it. Actually, I get custom-made suits and shoes.
Male CustomerAhh, since the suit fits just right, it’s comfortable to wear. The same goes for shoes.
GuyI see.
Male CustomerHow about the manager orders something custom-made. I promise, your perspective will change.
GuyIt is time to purchase new shoes, after all, I’ll think about it.
Male CustomerIf you do, show me.
GuyYes, of course. And, please call any of us over when you’ve decided on your order.
(Custom-made shoes… Maybe I’ll try it.)
HisokaSomeone’s ready over there. I’ll go prepare the alcohol.
GuyAhh, I’ll check.
(I’ll think about the shoes later.)
Guy The Ultimate Pair 1-03.png
GuyWe’re back.
Hisoka… Tired.
IzumiAh, welcome home! You two came home a little late today.
GuyIt was a bit busier today than usual.
HisokaMhm, too many orders… Sleepy…
IzumiAh, please sleep in your—
Hisoka… Zzz…
IzumiAnd there he goes…
GuyI’ll carry him to his room later.
IzumiThank you so much. I’ll warm up some food for you.
GuyI’ll help.
IzumiAnd done.
Guy… Director. I was thinking about getting custom-made shoes…
Perhaps you know a store around here.
IzumiI see! But sorry, I’m not really familiar with those stores…
GuyNo, it’s alright. I apologize for assuming.
IzumiAh! That’s right, how about asking Chikage-san? He had his suit tailored the other day.
GuyUtsuki… I’ll ask.
ChikageAsk me what?
IzumiAh, Chikage-san, welcome home.
Guy The Ultimate Pair 1-04.png
GuyPerfect timing. I have something to ask Utsuki.
IzumiAbout that, how about talking over dinner? The food’ll get cold.
GuyYou’re right.
IzumiHas Chikage-san eaten yet?
ChikageNo, not yet.
ChikageSo, what did you wish to ask of me?
Guy The Ultimate Pair 1-05.png
GuyI was thinking of purchasing custom-made shoes. Do you have a recommended store?
ChikageIn that case, I recommend the place that tailored my suit. The suit was high quality, I would imagine the same for their shoes.
I’ll send the address to Guy-san later.
GuyThank you. I appreciate it.
IzumiBy the way, why only shoes?
GuyAt the store today—.
ChikageAh, so that’s what happened.
IzumiCustom-made suits and shoes, that customer’s impressive.
CHOICE 1: Expensive items give off a strong image. [+]
IzumiCustom-made are luxury items that give off a strong image that I cannot afford…
GuyI see, so there’s such an impression.
ChikageBut, our costumes are made by Yuki. In a way, those are custom-made.
GuyI see.
IzumiYuki-kun stays within the budget as much as possible. So I guess custom-made items don’t have to be expensive.
GuyThat way of thinking would change your perspective on them.
CHOICE 2: Having something of your own is good too. [+]
IzumiSince it’d be fitted to you, there’d only be one in the world. It’s interesting…
GuyThe customer who spoke to me about the custom-made items was also looking forward to it.
If the shoes turn out well, perhaps I’ll get a suit tailored as well.
IzumiHow bold, I want to try it someday too!
ChikageAnyway, the regulars are good-looking customers, the store[1] seems safe.
GuyThank you. I’ll make the effort to keep it that way.
Guy The Ultimate Pair 2-01.png
GuyHm? … Ah, it’s from Utsuki.
Guy The Ultimate Pair 2-02.png
AzumaChikage? Did something happen?
GuyNo, it’s an address.
AzumaAn address?
GuyA customer recommended I try out ordering something custom-made. Utsuki introduced me to a store.
AzumaWhat’s Guy ordering?
GuyShoes. The store is located in…
(… Where?)
Yukishiro, do you know this area?
AzumaAh… That area. I do.
It’s a little complicated to explain, how about we go together?
GuyIs it alright?
AzumaMhm. I’m also interested in the store that Chikage recommended you.
GuyThank you, I’m indebted to you.
AzumaAnd if it turns out well, maybe I’ll order one for myself.
GuyI see.
AzumaGood afternoon.
ClerkWelcome. What are you looking for today?
GuyI’ve heard that you can make shoes…
ClerkYes, we do. Do you have any preferences or specifics?
GuyNo… Not particularly.
ClerkUnderstood. But first let me show you the materials.
ClerkThen, we’ll go with this material.
GuyYes, I’m in your care.
ClerkSince you’re ordering shoes, why not a suit to go along with it?
Guy The Ultimate Pair 2-03.png
AzumaI’ve had a look around, wouldn’t this ready-made suit Guy?[2]
ClerkI agree. It would go well with the shoes, if you don’t mind, would you like to try it?
GuyIf you believe that they go well together, then I’ll take the recommendation.
Guy The Ultimate Pair 2-04.png
Guy(… This is surprisingly comfortable to wear.)
How does it look?
AzumaAs expected, they work well together.
ClerkSince the shoes are only one item, I think if you choose a suit that fits your body as well, it’ll look even better.
AzumaI think you should get it, it’s pretty too.
ClerkWith custom-mades, it’s good to pay attention to the details, how about trying one?
GuyI see. It might be wise to get a suit too then…
ClerkAnd what does his companion think about getting one as well?
AzumaI think it’s good quality and worth it.
GuyIf Yukishiro decides to order, I’d like to listen for reference. However, for now, I’ll change back.
ClerkHere’s the selection of fabric we have, but the most recommended one is this one.
Oi, Hyodo-kun. Could you bring the fabric from the top left of the shelf over?
AzumaIs it…
Guy The Ultimate Pair 2-05.png
… Guy-san and Azuma-san? What are you doing here?
GuyTo get custom-made shoes.
AzumaFor me, a suit.
ClerkHyodo-kun, do you know them?
JuzaWe work at the same theatre company.
AzumaFufu, we’re in your care, Juza.
GuyWhat a coincidence.
JuzaI started working here part-time, a while ago…
GuyIs that so.
JuzaWell, I’m going back to work.
AzumaDo your best.
JuzaI will.
ClerkHyodo-kun has been a big help with lifting heavy items, even when I try and fail, but he’s been working hard and doing his best, I’m very grateful.
GuyThat’s good to hear.
ClerkAh, since you’re acquainted with Hyodo-kun, I’ll offer you a special service.
AzumaReally? I’m glad, thank you.
GuyYes, thank you very much.
ClerkSince it’s custom-made… here’s the price of the suit. Well?
AzumaMhm, looks good. Will this do?
ClerkYes, that’s just fine. And with the other order of a custom-made suit and shoes… here’s that amount.
(That price. I think the price is reasonable for the quality of the suit… and with the shoes as well.)
(This isn’t a simple purchase…)
Apologies, I should’ve thought about this more.
ClerkIt’s alright to take it slowly.
Well, with the materials and design decided, shall we measure them just in case?
GuyI’m in your care.
AzumaFufu, I’m looking forward to the end product.
Clerk—and with that, the measurements are finished. Have you decided?
Guy… Sorry. I think I’ll buy the ready-made suit I tried on earlier instead.
ClerkUnderstood. Would you like me to fit it to your frame?
GuyYes, thank you.
(I only ended up full ordering shoes here… One day, I’ll order a custom-made suit as well.)


  1. He’s talking about Guy’s bar, not the store he recommended to Guy
  2. This is an unintentional pun on my part, it is not a pun in the backstage. I just struggle with words sometimes and wasn’t sure what else to put