Citron/Love Comes to Those Who Smile

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Citron’s Lecture in Proper Cooking

Backstage Stories
KumonAhh, I’m full! The ramen was delicious! … hmm?
Shop ladyCitron, this would definitely look good on inste, don’t you think?
CitronOh! That cabbage is a beautiful shade of purple!
Kumon(Huh, it’s Citron!)
CitronThis is a pretty shade of red!
Shop ladyThat’s a raw pepper. We just happened to get it in today~.
It is spicy, but I think it is a lot easier to eat than drying foods. Why don’t you have a taste.
CitronThank you so much!!! I’ll come again!
KumonHey Citron, are you shopping?
CitronOh, Kumon! I was looking for something that would look good on inste.
KumonAhh, to promote Actors Cafe!
KumonBut why the fruits and vegetables stand?
CitronEveryone is looking for good photo spots. So I thought it would be best for me to start from a place close to my heart.
KumonOhh! So this place!!
Fish mongerOh! That must be Citron!
CitronMr. Fish monger! Hello!!!
Fish mongerBrought a friend along today, I see. I got all of your favourites. Come look!
KumonCitron’s favourites?
CitronSweet shirmp!
O-Ohh!? This one’s belly is blue! It looks completely different from the rest!
Fish mongerHaha! That shrimp is pregnant. If you were to peel the shell off, you would see the eggs inside are blue.
KumonFor real!? Wow, it kinda looks like an alien!
CitronOh! This is something I really didn’t know!!!
This is definitely something perfect for inste!! Real cool! There’s so many!
Fish mongerIf you want you can take some. It’s a gift for helping out with the shop the other day.
CitronThank you!!
KumonWow, there’s quite a lot of stuff!
CitronEveryone is so nice~. Even though it’s all food, I found so many things!!!
KumonI never really thought to look before, but now I see there is quite a lot of inste-blammable things around if you just look.
KazunariHuh? It’s Kumopi and Ronron!
CitronKazu! I got tons of insta-blammable stuff!
KazunariHuh? I also got tons of pics! Lemme see what you got and I’ll show you mine!
CitronSo, here it mine! Look at how pretty the red and blue colours of the sweet shrimps are!
KazunariDUDE! Super insta-blammable~!
CitronAnd I got this! A claw pepper!
KumonCitron, it’s raw pepper!
CitronYea, that!
KazunariWow, super red! And spicy lookin’ ~! That’s nice but also look at what I got!
KumonI wanna look at Kazu’s photos too!
KazunariYah! Look look~!
KumonWow, so many cool pics!
CitronKazu, what is this?
KazunariAn aurora drink!
KumonAh, I know that!
CitronIt’s so colourful and pretty~!
KazunariYeah, isn’t it? It’s got stuff like blue tea and fruit juice inside~.
It all mixes together when you drink it.
Kumonreally, wow! I wanna drink it!
CitronLooks like fruit tea! Looks delicious!
KazunariI think you can make it at home.
KumonReally!? Wow!
Citron…. That’s it!!
KazunariWhat’s up, Ronron?
CitronWhat a ducky day! Go go!
CitronI made a mistake. It’s our lucky day!
KazunariNot really what I had in mind, but this seems really fun, so let’s go!
CitronTime for Citron’s cooking studio!!!!
KumonSorry for crashing the party! Thanks for letting me stay!
CitronCooking is more fun with friends!
KazunariTRUE THAT~!
CitronSo Kazu, how exactly do you make that aurora drink?
KazunariI looked it up and it seems like it uses a tea called butterfly pea tea! First we need to put the tea leaves in the hot water…
KumonIt’s super blue! WOW!!
CitronEven this by itself is pretty insta-blammable.
KazunariNext you just pick the fruit juice that matches the colour that you wanna make. Then you just pour it in with the tea, but make sure not to mix them!
CitronEasier than I thought!!!
KazunariYea, right! Let’s decorate the cup too~
KazunariSuper pre~tty! Let’s take a pic!
KumonAh! Do you think if we changed the type of juice, we’d get a different mix of colours?
KazunariRight! Maybe we can try other combinations too~!
(beep beep)
Hm? It’s from Mukkun.
…… Oh! I forgot we have a meeting with the rest of summer troupe! Kumopi, let’s go!
KumonOh, right!
KazunariSorry Ronron, catch ya later!
CitronSee you!!!
I got an idea!
Izumi... Hmm, Citron?
CitronDirector! You came to the right place!
IzumiOh, the thing in your hand, is that an aurora drink?
CitronYes!!! I made it with Kazu and Kumon.
IzumiReally, you made it yourself? What a pretty yellow-green colour.
CitronTry some, director.
IzumiReally? Thank you. I’ll try.
.. mmm!! It’s so delicious and refreshing!
CitronThat one is lime flavoured! Is that your favourite?
IzumiYes! The cup is also cute, definitely something insta-blammable.
CitronActually that is not all of it! TA-DAH!
IzumiWah! WOW!!! Pink and purple, blue and green.. this is really colourful.
CitronI made each based off a member of spring troupe.
IzumiI see! It is just as cute as the other one!
CitronIf you mix the drink, you can make even more colours! I wanna take a pic of all the drinks together!
IzumiOf course, that’s fine.
Thank you so much~! I wanna show Kazu and friends later!
SakuyaWe’re back!
TsuzuruWe’re back.
CitronOhhh, you two also came to the right place!
SakuyaHuh, what’s that?
CitronThe aurora drink I made! You two can try too.
This is for Tsuzuru! And this is for Sakuya!
SakuyaWhat a pretty pink colour! Thank you so much!
TsuzuruWow mine is a pretty amazing green colour.. It’s kinda cloudy looking.
IzumiI tried one and it was delicious. I tried the yellow-green lime flavour.
TsuzuruHuh….. The green looks a little weird. Well if director drank it, it should be fine.
SakuyaHere goes nothing!
TsuzuruTime to try it.
Sakuya and Tsuzuru:
Sakuya.. !!!
IzumiHUH!? Are you two okay?
SakuyaY-Yeah…! But the flavour is kinda..
TsuzuruW-What is in this..!? It’s super bitter..!
CitronI put in all the things everyone gave me in the shopping district! They said all the stuff they were giving me was delicious!
The pink in Sakuya’s drink is red pickled ginger, and for Tsuzuru the green is Japanese green gentian and bitter melon! The colours are PERFECT!!!!
SakuyaR-Red pickled ginger?
CitronMasumi is purple cabbage, Itaru is raw pepper, and Chikage is sweet shrimp eggs!
SakuyaThat selection is umm…..
IzumiSo these colours were made with those things….
TsuzuruWhy is Citron’s the only normal one with lime? Meanwhile mine was something you would only drink if you lost a punishment game.
CitronNo not a punishment game drink~!! I put my heart and soul into it!
TsuzuruI mean, all that stuff isn’t what you normally put in juice!
CitronHey hey, I’m a bit upset with Tsuzuru’s overreaction~!
TsuzuruI should be the one saying that!
