Tenma Sumeragi/Confident Pizzaiolo

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Aiming To Be a Pizzaiolo?!

Backstage Stories
KazunariHuh, where are you going, Tenten?
TenmaI'm going out for pizza.
KazunariJust by yourself?
TenmaWell, I guess yeah.
KazunariEh, isn't that lonely?! Can I go with you?
KazunariThen I'll go prepare myself, so wait a bit!
Sorry for the wait!
YukiWhat're you doing trying to eat a delicious meal all by yourself, huh?
KumonThat's cruel of you to go out for pizza by yourself, Tenma-saaan!
MukuYou know I'll go with you if you invited me.
MisumiI can't wait for the triangle pizza~!
TenmaWha...Why are you all here?
KazunariEveryone was in the room so I brought them along!
Tenma...Well, it's fine. Let's hurry up and go.
MisumiThis pizza's a triangle~!
MukuIt's delicious!
KumonYeah, freshly baked pizza is the best!
KazunariIt's more 'Blammable when you stretch out the cheese as far as you can like this before you take a pic~!
MukuTenma-kun, you're not gonna eat?
YukiMore like, what have you been looking at for a while now?
TenmaAh, my bad. I was watching how to make pizza.
KumonAre you interested in making pizza?
TenmaNo, actually...
There's an upcoming special drama set in an Italian restaurant I'll be appearing in.
IzumiIt seems that the scriptwriter of the drama is a fan of our company.
So, although it's a small role, Tsumugi-san and Sakyo-san have been asked to make an appereance.
TsumugiWe did...?
IzumiIt's not a role with that many lines, will it be okay for you guys to accept it?
TsumugiThat's right... I'm a bit nervous about it, but I'm sure it'll be a learning experience, so I want to do it.
SakyoIt'll be good publicity for the company. I'll do it too.
TenmaBy the way, I'll be playing the role of a genius pizzaiolo.
IzumiTsumugi-san and Sakyo-san will be playing the roles of Italian chefs who work at the same restaurant as Tenma-kun.
TsumugiA chef, huh... I'm not very good at cooking so I have to do my best.
SakyoI guess I'll look into Italian food as well.
TenmaTsumugi-san, Sakyo-san, looking forward to working with you.
KumonTenma-san playing as a pizzaiolo! That's awesooome!
MukuI'm looking forward to seeing Tsumugi-san and Sakyo-san in the drama.
MisumiLet's watch it together~!
KazunariSo that's why you kept looking at the kitchen!
TenmaThat's right.
YukiBut can you really learn how to make pizza just by watching?
KumonTrue that...
MukuIt seems really hard just by looking.
TenmaI know that I should actually do it myself. But we don't have a pizza oven in the dorm.
KazunariThen why don't we just build a pizza oven in the courtyard!
MisumiI'll help build the pizza oven for Tenma, too!
TenmaBuild an oven...? Is that even possible?
KazunariDon't worry. Leave it to me!
TenmaHeh...so there's also something like a mini brick oven kit.
KazunariRight, right! It's actually sold for home use~
MukuI didn't know there was such a thing!
Tenma(Assembling the oven is actually kinda fun...)
KumonLet's make a lot of brick ovens and have a pizza party for dinner!
MisumiI'm looking forward to the triangle pizza party~!
KazunariAnyway, why are you here, Tenten?
TenmaHah?! I'm the star of the show today. Of course I'm here!
YukiThat's obviously not what he meant, shouldn't you be practicing making pizza instead of assembling the oven?
Tenma...Well, you have a point. But that can wait until we're done assembling it.
YukiDo you actually just want to build the oven?
TenmaThat's not it...!
MisumiYou looked so happy making it, Tenma~!
KazunariTotally~ It really showed on your face, Tenten!
TenmaWha...I said that's not it!
KumonBy the way, are Director and Omi-san making the pizza?
KazunariYep, yep! They're making it starting from the dough!
YukiThey're good at it, so shouldn't they be done with it soon?
MukuThey might be done making the pizza by the time we finish building the oven...
TenmaThat's a problem... Can't be helped, I'll leave this to you guys.
Director, Omi-san. Teach me how to make pizza. I want to use it as a reference for my role building.
IzumiAh, Tenma-kun. Is the oven building going well?
TenmaYeah, everyone in the Summer Troupe is working on it.
IzumiI guess we'll be in time for dinner then.
OmiI'll teach you how to make pizza. First things first is the dough.
TenmaI'm counting on you, Omi-san.
Omi...Then, once the ingredients are well-balanced, all that's left to do is to put it in the oven.
TenmaSo that's how you make it... Got it, thank you. I'll try making it from the beginning myself next.
OmiThen I'll try baking this pizza in the oven. I'm going to the courtyard for a bit.
IzumiSure, good luck!
Then I'll be supporting you, Tenma-kun.
TenmaYeah, thanks. First, put flour in this...
IzumiIt's looking good so far.
TenmaYeah, it's thanks to your guys' teaching. As I recall...the next step is to stretch the dough evenly, right?
Actually, there's a scene in the drama where I'm going to do a pizza spin. I've practiced it privately, I wanna try doing it.
IzumiEh, a pizza spin?! That sounds hard, but you should try doing it.
TenmaThen...here I go.
IzumiIt's gonna fall...!
Phew...I managed to catch it somehow...
TenmaAh, sorry about that. It really is hard, huh...
I'll try again.
TenmaHere I go...!
CHOICE 1: That was a nice spin! [+]
IzumiAh, that was a nice spin!
TenmaY-you think...?
IzumiYeah! The dough is also stretched out evenly!
TenmaThat so? Then I'll keep spinning it...!
Izumi(If he keeps this up, he'll surely be able to make it nicely.)
CHOICE 2: Do your best! [+]
IzumiDo your best!
Izumi(I'm scared to look...!)
TenmaIt's hard to control the force...
IzumiBut the dough is stretched out evenly!
TenmaReally? Then I'll keep doing it...!
IzumiA-are you okay?!
TenmaYeah...but the dough tore. I think I stretched it too thin.
Sigh... This needs a little more work.
IzumiIt really is hard, huh.
TenmaBut I'm glad I got to practice it today. Now I know I'm not able to do it yet.
IzumiYeah, you're right. For now, let's just stretch it out with our hands and put the toppings today.
TenmaNow we put ketchup before the toppings.
IzumiAh, be careful with that--
TenmaWhoa?! M-my bad! Director, are you all right?!
IzumiI'm fine. It just got on my hand.
TenmaThat's good then...
IzumiFufu, you should be careful with that bottle since the content flies out easily.
TenmaIs that so...I'll be careful next time.
IzumiI do that sometimes too, so don't worry about it. Let's get back on track and put the ketchup on it.
TenmaYeah, okay.
All right...I guess that's about it for the ingredients.
IzumiIt's all just meat. Isn't it better to add vegetables?
TenmaYou don't need vegetables on pizza, you know...
IzumiNo can do, you need to eat your vegetables properly.
IzumiI think it'd be more balanced and colorful if we add some greens to it.
If you're a genius at pizza making, you'd probably think like that too.
TenmaI see, that might be the case. ...Okay, you can put some if it's just asparagus.
IzumiThen the sausage and corn goes here...like that.
It's fun to be able to top pizza with your favorite ingredients!
Tenma...Well, yeah. Even if it's not for role building, it's not a bad idea to do this once in a while.
MukuAh, the special drama has started!
KazunariSo hyped~!
KumonAh, Tsumugi-san and Sakyo-san are on the screen!
SakyoCan you brats tone it down a bit?
SaejimaI'm Saejima, and I'll be taking care of you from today.
OtozeHe sure looks self-important even though he's a newcomer.
HoshinoIt seems that he's a genius pizzaiolo who was recruited from a famous restaurant in Italy.
KumonOh, Tenma-san's here!
YukiHe's got a huge attitude even in the drama.
SakuyaEveryone looks good in their chef uniforms!
SaejimaOtoze, flambé that meat and finish it.
OtozeTch, you're only good at making pizza, don't go around giving me orders.
SaejimaAre you listening?
OtozeI heard you just fine!
TaichiYou're holding the liquor bottle in such a cool way, Sakyo-nii!
BanriHeh, the flambéing part looks pretty cool, ain't it?
SakyoShut it.
IzumiEveryone seems to be concentrating on the drama.
TenmaWhy do I have to help with the cooking...
OmiNow that I'm free, should I help you with the pizza?
Tenma...No need. You can leave the pizza to me.
OmiWell, I guess I'll go watch the drama until the quiche finishes baking.
TenmaLet me know what you think if you see it, Omi-san.
OmiGot it.
IzumiThen let's stretch the dough next.
TenmaI'll do it. I've perfected my pizza spinning skills.
IzumiWow! You've been practicing hard, huh? You're spinning it like a real craftsman!
IzumiThe dough seems to be stretched out nicely. This is going to be a great pizza!
TenmaYeah, I'm sure it'll be delicious since it was made by me and the director.
HisokaTsumugi's clumsiness was just like back then...
TsumugiI played that scene while remembering the time I helped Guy-san at his bar.
GuyI see, I am glad that it seemed to be helpful for your role building.
Tasuku...You sure that's still acting?
Hisoka...Feels like it isn't.
OtozeI've never seen such a fast and clean pizza spin before...
TsumugiTenma-kun did the pizza spin scene perfectly on the first shot, you know.
YukiI'm surprised he's able to do it that well.
TsuzuruPracticing that seems hard.
OmiGuys, the quiche's all ready.
TenmaThe pizza's also ready.
YukiAh, the pizzaiolo has arrived.
CitronIf we want to eat pizza, we should just ask Tenma from now on!
ItaruThx, Tenma.
TenmaNo Itaru-san, I'm sure you'll ask me to do something absurd...
YukiYou're a pizzaiolo, so you should make it.
TenmaI'm not a pizzaiolo! Geez, there definitely won't be a next time!
