Kazunari Miyoshi/The Magician Who Gives Hope

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Good Fortune Outing Date

Backstage Stories
TV“That’s all for today’s weather.”
KazunariIt’s gonna be sunny the whole day today, huh!
KumonYep~! You get hyped when the weather’s nice, right!
IzumiIt feels nice when the weather clears up.
TV“Now then, how does your luck look this weekend?
We’ll be back with our number fortune-telling after the commercial break.”
MukuAh, the number fortune-telling!
It’s pretty accurate.
OmiYou have to choose a number you like between 1 and 9, right?
Kazunari‘Kay, then I’mma choose 3 for Miyoshi!
KumonI’ll go with 9 for Kumon!
MukuI guess I’ll choose 5.
KazunariHow about Omimi and Director-chan?
OmiI’ll choose 7 then.
IzumiI’ll go with 6!
MukuAh, the fortune-telling has started!
TV“The ones who have best luck this weekend are… those who chose 3!”
“Anything and everything will go well for you this weekend!
You might even get a lot closer to the person you’re interested in!?”
KazunariWoo, sweet~!
First place is super lucky!
MukuGood for you, Kazu-kun.
Kumon9 is third place, huh~?
OmiHaha, third place is also pretty great, isn’t it?
IzumiThey haven’t announced 6 yet…
TV“The ones with the worst luck this weekend are… oh, so sorry, it’s those who chose 6!”
IzumiUh, ah.
TV“If you get caught up in your assumptions, you might lose out!?
Keep a flexible attitude.”
IzumiI can’t believe I’m dead last…!
MukuDon’t worry about it!
They give out advice for better fortune as well.
TV“The best way for those of you to improve your luck is to go out! A change of scenery will turn the tides on your fortune!"
KazunariHear that? You’ll be fine if you go on an outing, Director-chan!
IzumiAn outing… but I don’t have any set plans coming up.
KazunariIn that case—.
IzumiAh! I almost forgot. The laundry’s finished.
I’m gonna go hang it out to dry.
KumonSee ya~!
IzumiAlright, done.
I’m sure they’ll dry well today!
KazunariAh, there you are! Director-chan!
IzumiWhat’s up?
KazunariContinuing our previous chat~.
IzumiCome to think of it… you were about to say something, weren’t you, Kazunari-kun?
Sorry I cut you off.
KazunariIt’s totally fine!
More importantly—.
You said you didn’t have any plans on the weekend, right?
In that case, wanna go out with me?
I have a little place in mind I wanna check out!
IzumiA place you want to visit?
KazunariTruth is, I’ve been searching up lots of different kinds of fortune-telling since the recent event ended—.
And I’m curious about this fortune-telling I found on SNS!
I’ve never heard of it before. What kind of fortune-telling is it?
KazunariIn Greek, "litho" means stone and "mancy" means divination. So basically, it's stone fortune-telling!
I thought it’d be great and look sick to do some fortune-telling with different coloured stones~.
IzumiI see. That does sound like you’d be into it.
KazunariI read you’ll be able to learn lithomancy easily in a few hours if you take this course!
I've already made a reservation, but it looks like there's still time to add someone in. So why don't we take it together, Director-chan?
IzumiHeh… it looks pretty and I think it’ll be kind of interesting!
KazunariThen it’s settled!
The two of us are gonna master fortune-telling over the weekend~!
IzumiThanks, I’m looking forward to it.
IzumiWallet, check. Phone, check…
Alright, I haven’t forgotten anything.
*knock, knock*
Come in.
KazunariAre you ready to roll, Director-chan~?
IzumiYeah, we can head out now.
KazunariSweet, leggo!
I’m super looking forward to our date, Director-chan~!
IzumiIt’s… not a date though.
KazunariThat’s cold, Director-chan~!
The lithomancy course was fun, right!
IzumiIf it’s the simple method, then I felt like we could pull it off.
KazunariI’m gonna read the fortunes of all the Summer troupe guys right when we get back to the dorm~!
IzumiBut didn’t you need stones and a sheet to do lithomancy?
KazunariOh, right! Well, I bet I can draw the sheet so that’s fine… so I need to prepare some stones~.
IzumiThey said that basically any stone can be used for fortune-telling, even if it's not a power stone, right?
KazunariSince the compatibility between you and the stones is important, they said stones laying on the side of the road are totally fine if it suits you!
IzumiSo it sounded like rocks in the city would work too…
KazunariAlright! Let's head to a place I bet has lots of stones, and look for a good match right now!
IzumiA place you bet has lots of stones?
KazunariIt’s gotta be that place, right?
Mm~, this feels great!
IzumiThere’s more people here than I thought.
KazunariThere’s quite a lot of families, huh~?
IzumiAnyways, I never thought we’d suddenly end up at the beach.
KazunariIf it’s the beach, then I thought there might be loads of pretty rocks and stuff laying around~.
Plus, I wanted to get out a bit and turn around Director-chan’s luck that was at the bottom of the weekend fortune list?
IzumiAhaha, thanks.
Kazunari‘Kay, then let’s have a match to see who can find the most beautiful stones!
IzumiFufu, I’m not gonna lose!
KazunariThere might be something good around here…
Ah, there’s one!
A round and pretty rock!
IzumiEh, you’re fast, Kazunari-kun!
Okay, I also gotta…!
Ah, how’s this one?
KazunariOhh, that has nice vibes too!
It suits you, Director-chan!
But I've found another one that's even more exciting~!
IzumiEh, wait, I’m gonna look for more too!
Director-chan can’t stand losing~!
Izumi(It feels like we’re kids again, getting so absorbed searching for pretty stones.)
Hey, hey. Look here, Director-chan!
IzumiWow, it’s so pretty!
But this isn’t a rock… but sea glass?
It was sparkling and so clear, I thought it looked just like your eyes~, Director-chan!
Izumi…It’s impressive you can say lines like that without feeling embarrassed.
KazunariThat’s cause it’s true!
Ah, found another one!
I mean, it looks like there’s a whole bunch of sea glass in this area!
I think Kumopi and them would like them, so how about we take some home as souvenirs?
IzumiIn that case, I’ll… ah, there’s some here too!
KazunariSpotted another one!
…Hold up, we came here to look for stones. But now we’re searching for sea glass without realizing it!?
IzumiAhaha, that’s true.
KazunariWelp! We won’t be able to do fortune-telling at this rate!
We gotta look for stones too~!
IzumiYou can collect such beautiful stones even if you don’t buy them at a store, huh?
KazunariRight! When we get home, I’ll draw the symbols on these and make the sheet~…
There's still so much to do before the fortune-telling, but we were so absorbed searching for the stones that the sun started to set.
IzumiAhaha, it really did.
CHOICE 1: I forgot about my fortune results. [+]
CHOICE 2: I'd love to come with everyone next time. [+]
I had fun the whole day today since you took me out, Kazunari-kun. Thank you.
KazunariI also had a great time on my date with you, Director-chan!
Izumi…The setting sun sure is beautiful.
KazunariIt really is.
But… you’re even prettier, you know?
IzumiI-it’s embarrassing being told something like that!
KazunariAhaha, you’re so adorable when you’re shy, Director-chan!
…Say, this is the perfect situation to watch the sunset alone on the beach. So why don't we at least hold hands?
Izumi…That is not gonna happen!
KazunariAw, shucks~. I was so close though~!
Too bad!
