Kazunari Miyoshi/The Magician Who Gives Hope
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Good Fortune Outing Date
Backstage StoriesTV | “That’s all for today’s weather.” |
Kazunari | It’s gonna be sunny the whole day today, huh! |
Kumon | Yep~! You get hyped when the weather’s nice, right! |
Izumi | It feels nice when the weather clears up. |
TV | “Now then, how does your luck look this weekend? |
We’ll be back with our number fortune-telling after the commercial break.” | |
Muku | Ah, the number fortune-telling! |
It’s pretty accurate. | |
Omi | You have to choose a number you like between 1 and 9, right? |
Muku | Yes! |
Kazunari | ‘Kay, then I’mma choose 3 for Miyoshi! |
Kumon | I’ll go with 9 for Kumon! |
Muku | I guess I’ll choose 5. |
Kazunari | How about Omimi and Director-chan? |
Omi | I’ll choose 7 then. |
Izumi | I’ll go with 6! |
Muku | Ah, the fortune-telling has started! |
TV | “The ones who have best luck this weekend are… those who chose 3!” |
“Anything and everything will go well for you this weekend! | |
You might even get a lot closer to the person you’re interested in!?” | |
Kazunari | Woo, sweet~! |
First place is super lucky! | |
Muku | Good for you, Kazu-kun. |
Kumon | 9 is third place, huh~? |
Omi | Haha, third place is also pretty great, isn’t it? |
Izumi | They haven’t announced 6 yet… |
TV | “The ones with the worst luck this weekend are… oh, so sorry, it’s those who chose 6!” |
Izumi | Uh, ah. |
TV | “If you get caught up in your assumptions, you might lose out!? |
Keep a flexible attitude.” | |
Izumi | I can’t believe I’m dead last…! |
Muku | Don’t worry about it! |
They give out advice for better fortune as well. | |
TV | “The best way for those of you to improve your luck is to go out! A change of scenery will turn the tides on your fortune!" |
Kazunari | Hear that? You’ll be fine if you go on an outing, Director-chan! |
Izumi | An outing… but I don’t have any set plans coming up. |
Kazunari | In that case—. |
Izumi | Ah! I almost forgot. The laundry’s finished. |
I’m gonna go hang it out to dry. | |
Kumon | See ya~! |
Kazunari | … |
Izumi | Alright, done. |
I’m sure they’ll dry well today! | |
Kazunari | Ah, there you are! Director-chan! |
Izumi | What’s up? |
Kazunari | Continuing our previous chat~. |
Izumi | Come to think of it… you were about to say something, weren’t you, Kazunari-kun? |
Sorry I cut you off. | |
Kazunari | It’s totally fine! |
More importantly—. | |
You said you didn’t have any plans on the weekend, right? | |
In that case, wanna go out with me? | |
I have a little place in mind I wanna check out! | |
Izumi | A place you want to visit? |
Kazunari | Truth is, I’ve been searching up lots of different kinds of fortune-telling since the recent event ended—. |
And I’m curious about this fortune-telling I found on SNS! | |
Izumi | “Lithomancy”? |
I’ve never heard of it before. What kind of fortune-telling is it? | |
Kazunari | In Greek, "litho" means stone and "mancy" means divination. So basically, it's stone fortune-telling! |
I thought it’d be great and look sick to do some fortune-telling with different coloured stones~. | |
Izumi | I see. That does sound like you’d be into it. |
Kazunari | I read you’ll be able to learn lithomancy easily in a few hours if you take this course! |
I've already made a reservation, but it looks like there's still time to add someone in. So why don't we take it together, Director-chan? | |
Izumi | Heh… it looks pretty and I think it’ll be kind of interesting! |
Kazunari | Then it’s settled! |
The two of us are gonna master fortune-telling over the weekend~! | |
Izumi | Thanks, I’m looking forward to it. |
Izumi | Wallet, check. Phone, check… |
Alright, I haven’t forgotten anything. | |
*knock, knock* | |
Come in. | |
Kazunari | Are you ready to roll, Director-chan~? |
Izumi | Yeah, we can head out now. |
Kazunari | Sweet, leggo! |
I’m super looking forward to our date, Director-chan~! | |
Izumi | It’s… not a date though. |
Kazunari | That’s cold, Director-chan~! |
The lithomancy course was fun, right! | |
Izumi | If it’s the simple method, then I felt like we could pull it off. |
Kazunari | I’m gonna read the fortunes of all the Summer troupe guys right when we get back to the dorm~! |
Izumi | But didn’t you need stones and a sheet to do lithomancy? |
Kazunari | Oh, right! Well, I bet I can draw the sheet so that’s fine… so I need to prepare some stones~. |
Izumi | They said that basically any stone can be used for fortune-telling, even if it's not a power stone, right? |
Kazunari | Since the compatibility between you and the stones is important, they said stones laying on the side of the road are totally fine if it suits you! |
Izumi | So it sounded like rocks in the city would work too… |
Kazunari | Alright! Let's head to a place I bet has lots of stones, and look for a good match right now! |
Izumi | A place you bet has lots of stones? |
Kazunari | It’s gotta be that place, right? |
Mm~, this feels great! | |
Izumi | There’s more people here than I thought. |
Kazunari | There’s quite a lot of families, huh~? |
Izumi | Anyways, I never thought we’d suddenly end up at the beach. |
Kazunari | If it’s the beach, then I thought there might be loads of pretty rocks and stuff laying around~. |
Plus, I wanted to get out a bit and turn around Director-chan’s luck that was at the bottom of the weekend fortune list? | |
Izumi | Ahaha, thanks. |
Kazunari | ‘Kay, then let’s have a match to see who can find the most beautiful stones! |
Izumi | Fufu, I’m not gonna lose! |
Kazunari | There might be something good around here… |
Ah, there’s one! | |
A round and pretty rock! | |
Izumi | Eh, you’re fast, Kazunari-kun! |
Okay, I also gotta…! | |
Ah, how’s this one? | |
Kazunari | Ohh, that has nice vibes too! |
It suits you, Director-chan! | |
But I've found another one that's even more exciting~! | |
Izumi | Eh, wait, I’m gonna look for more too! |
Kazunari | Ahaha! |
Director-chan can’t stand losing~! | |
Izumi | (It feels like we’re kids again, getting so absorbed searching for pretty stones.) |
Kazunari | Ah! |
Hey, hey. Look here, Director-chan! | |
Izumi | Wow, it’s so pretty! |
But this isn’t a rock… but sea glass? | |
Kazunari | Yep! |
It was sparkling and so clear, I thought it looked just like your eyes~, Director-chan! | |
Izumi | …It’s impressive you can say lines like that without feeling embarrassed. |
Kazunari | That’s cause it’s true! |
Ah, found another one! | |
I mean, it looks like there’s a whole bunch of sea glass in this area! | |
I think Kumopi and them would like them, so how about we take some home as souvenirs? | |
Izumi | In that case, I’ll… ah, there’s some here too! |
Kazunari | Spotted another one! |
…Hold up, we came here to look for stones. But now we’re searching for sea glass without realizing it!? | |
Izumi | Ahaha, that’s true. |
Kazunari | Welp! We won’t be able to do fortune-telling at this rate! |
We gotta look for stones too~! | |
Izumi | You can collect such beautiful stones even if you don’t buy them at a store, huh? |
Kazunari | Right! When we get home, I’ll draw the symbols on these and make the sheet~… |
There's still so much to do before the fortune-telling, but we were so absorbed searching for the stones that the sun started to set. | |
Izumi | Ahaha, it really did. |
CHOICE 1: I forgot about my fortune results. [+]
CHOICE 2: I'd love to come with everyone next time. [+]
I had fun the whole day today since you took me out, Kazunari-kun. Thank you. | |
Kazunari | I also had a great time on my date with you, Director-chan! |
Izumi | …The setting sun sure is beautiful. |
Kazunari | It really is. |
But… you’re even prettier, you know? | |
Izumi | I-it’s embarrassing being told something like that! |
Kazunari | Ahaha, you’re so adorable when you’re shy, Director-chan! |
…Say, this is the perfect situation to watch the sunset alone on the beach. So why don't we at least hold hands? | |
Izumi | …That is not gonna happen! |
Kazunari | Aw, shucks~. I was so close though~! |
Too bad! |