Sakuya Sakuma/Rehearsal

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The Sunset of Youth

Backstage Stories
IzumiOkay I got the potatoes, some meat, and some onions...
I'll prepare what Sakuya-kun and Yuki-kun requested for tonight's dinner!
SakuyaOh no!
YukiWhat is it?
SakuyaI forgot that there's only a page left in my English notebook.
I need to buy a new one later on today or I won't be able to take down more notes.
IzumiYou need a new notebook? I can go buy a new one for you if you'd like.
SakuyaI can't let you do that! I'll just go and stop by store after school today.
IzumiI'll be going out to buy some things anyway, so I don't mind. Besides, I'm already planning to go out and buy the ingredients we need for dinner.
SakuyaAre you sure?
That would be awesome then! Thank you so much!
YukiWhat am I hearing about the ingredients for dinner? Let me guess... we'll be having curry, right?
IzumiYes... Why do you ask?
YukiAnd the Super Currian strikes again.
Just how much curry are you going to feed us day after day?
IzumiThat's a good question actually...
YukiWere you actually considering it?!
We've eaten so much curry that I'm scared it'll start seeping out of my skin.
IzumiAlright, I can hear you! If you dislike it that much then I'll try to cook something else for dinner tonight.
IzumiBut what other dishes are as good as curry? I'm open with suggestions.
SakuyaWe can choose?
IzumiSure. Is there anything that you want right now, Sakuya-kun?
SakuyaYou just made napolitan spaghetti for me the other day so...
Oh, maybe you can make us some croquettes?
I watched this cooking show on TV yesterday where they featured making them, and I've been really wanting to try them!
YukiOh that, I saw the show too.
Director, I now give you the duty to make us some mind blowing croquettes.
IzumiSo croquettes huh?
IzumiI have all the ingredients to make the croquettes and I bought Sakuya-kun a notebook. Mission complete.
I've still got some time before they get back from school, maybe I should go and take the scenic route on my way home today.
Baseball TeamOne, two!
Baseball TeamOne, two! One, two!
Izumi(Ah, jogging with your team by the river at sunset... that really brings me back.)
???"...Do you see the view? I..."
???"Don't tell me-- you've betrayed me?! But I trusted you!"
Izumi(It sounds like lines for some sort of play, someone must be practicing.)
(There are many theatres and troupes in this town. Whoever this kid is , they might be the next star in the near future.)
Maybe I'll go and take a glance.
???"Our lives have taken different paths. But I never forgot that vow."
IzumiWait a sec. I think I know that voice...
Sakuya"Hey! Did you lot follow me?"
"I just sense that on the other side of this sky, I will be able to find the fortune I seek!"
Izumi(I knew it! It was Sakuya-kun. His voice is able to carry the lines so well.)
Sakuya"Now, follow me, my comrades!"
"As long as we stay together, I know we can reach for anything!"
IzumiYou're performance was incredible, Sakuya-kun!
SakuyaHuh?! Director?!
SakuyaDirector?! How long have you been there?
IzumiOh, just for a little while. Sorry, it wasn't my intention to scare you.
I'm sorry, I didn't see that you were here.
IzumiIt's alright. I should be the one that's sorry for peeping on you like that... Have you always been practicing here?
SakuyaYeah, occasionally.
After school, I stop by the library and then I try to practice some lines from the plays that I've read.
IzumiWow! I didn't know!
SakuyaBecause there's so much theatres in this part of town, the library has a lot of scripts from various kinds of plays.
There's so much of them that I've always had a hard time choosing which one I want to read!
IzumiWhen you mean plays, do you mean more classic ones like Shakespeare?
SakuyaYes, I admire his and Edmond Rostand's works.
But of course plays by modern playwrights have their own charms too!
There are still so much lines that I want to practice so I've been borrowing them one at a time.
IzumiWow, you really are dedicated. I'm impressed!
(I can practically see Sakuya-kun's eyes sparkling. He really does love acting.)
SakuyaOh, I'm sorry! I didn't want to ramble on like that.
IzumiI didn't think that you were rambling at all, Sakuya-kun.
Honestly seeing how much dedication you put into acting makes me feel all motivated too!
If that's the case then I'll do my best to work harder and to become a better actor!
Do you mind if you come along and watch me practice again next time?
IzumiOh? Are you sure you'd be fine with that?
SakuyaUhh... yeah, if you don't mind, of course...
IzumiSure! Of course I don't mind at all!
Gosh, look at the time! It's already gotten dark too. We should hurry back home.
Oh, let me carry that for you!
IzumiThank you, oh and, I've got you're new notebook!
SakuyaYay! Thanks!
Did you also manage to buy the things to make the croquettes today? I can already see the potatoes in this bag!
IzumiSure did. I had this amazing idea, why don't we make curry croquettes? It's a win-win situation!
SakuyaOhh, that is a good idea! I don't think Yuki-kun would mind eating some of those.
Though talking about food sure is making me more hungry.
IzumiHAHAHA! Let's quickly head home then.
SakuyaThe croquettes turned out great, Director!
IzumiThat's great to hear, I'm glad you like them. I was careful with how much curry I put in them.
YukiCurry croquettes...
Why didn't I see that coming...
