Tasuku Takato/MANKAI Encore

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Encore: Miyamoto Musashi

Backstage Stories
HomareThe sea is beautiful…
—Hah, I got it!
HisokaYou don’t need to recite a poem.
AzumaWhere shall we go when we arrive at our next performance destination?
Tasuku…So we really are talking about that, huh?
TsumugiIt’s the same as always, right?
HomareThere is a famous seafood market, so I would love to go there.
HisokaI wanna eat marshmallows.
HomareYou’re eating them right now, are you not?
AzumaIt looks like there’s a sweets shop in the market as well, so maybe you can go take a look there.
Also… we can’t miss out on the pufferfish sashimi.
HomareAhh, indeed.
GuyPufferfish slashing?[1]
Will you stab the pufferfish somewhere?
HisokaYou scoop it up with your chopsticks like this.
HomareIt is difficult to comprehend with your gestures alone, Hisoka-kun.
AzumaIt’s pufferfish sashimi.
HomareIt is served on a large plate, and there is also an artistic plating style called tsuru-mori[2].
GuyAhh, in that case, I have seen it before.
I see, so that is called pufferfish sashimi.
IzumiUm, everybody?
I think you know this, but absolutely no eating raw food until the show is over!
HomareOf course we understand that much.
However, wouldn’t you like to try it?
HisokaI think it’d be fun to order a whole pufferfish.
GuyI admit, I am interested as well.
AzumaIf you came all the way here, then you want to eat it, right, Tsumugi?
TsumugiAh, me?
U-ummm… As much as I’d really love to eat it, our performances take priority, so…
TasukuWhat are you guys doing, making trouble for Tsumugi?
We’re stage actors so of course we can’t.
AzumaFufu, my bad. I was just joking.
HomareHAH! If raw food is no good, then how about pufferfish hotpot!
Hisoka…Arisu hasn’t learned his lesson.
IzumiThe lead Tasuku said so too, so for now, it’s not allowed until your show is finished!
TasukuMore importantly, weren’t we going to Ganryu Island[3]?
IzumiRight. We decided to go after our rehearsal, didn’t we?
AzumaOf course I remember that.
GuyI wouldn’t forget.
TsumugiYou're surprisingly a worrywart too, huh, Tasuku?
TasukuShut up. I thought you guys forgot, so I just mentioned it.
TsumugiSure, sure, whatever you say.
Ah, that reminds me…
HomareWhat's the matter?
TsumugiThere’s a spot on Ganryu Island where I'd like to take a picture of Tasuku and Guy-san.
GuyA picture? Where?
TsumugiLook forward to finding out when we arrive.
Tasuku...I have a bad feeling about this.
IzumiWe’re here!
GuyAhh… this is Ganryu Island, huh?
AzumaThe view is beautiful.
TsumugiAh, it’s here.
IzumiAre these statues of Musashi and Kojiro?
TsumugiYes. I was searching for them.
We have our own Musashi and Kojiro in Winter troupe too, so I thought I wanted to take a photo of those two in front of these.
GuyI see. Isn’t that a nice idea?
Tasuku…That’s it?
TsumugiEh? Yeah.
TasukuI thought you’d make us do more stuff.
HomareOh, right. How about Tasuku-kun and Guy-san strike the same pose as these statues?
IzumiGood idea!
AzumaYeah, I want to see that too.
HisokaSounds interesting.
TasukuNo, I’m not doing it.
TsumugiIf I take a photo, maybe I should send it to Fuyuki-kun too?
I think he’ll love it.
TasukuStop that right now.
GuyTakato, I don’t mind doing the same pose as these statues though.
TasukuEven you, Guy-san…
GuyEveryone came all the way here after all.
I also might be in high spirits.
Also, I feel like we will be able to feel a little closer to the Musashi and Kojiro back in those days.
TasukuWell, if you put it that way… I understand.
AzumaFufu, as usual, he gets motivated right away when it comes to acting.
IzumiThat’s Tasuku-san for you, huh?
TsumugiThen you two, please stand over there together.
HomareOhh, I expect no less from Tasuku-kun—he’s picture-perfect.
AzumaGuy is spot on too.
You two look cool.
HisokaI think it’s good.
TsumugiAlright, I’m taking it.
Ah, it’s blurry… I’ll take a few, ok?
Tasuku…Got it.
*click, click*
TasukuOi, hurry up already.
TsumugiI know, but… Sorry, give me a second.
Hisoka…Tsumugi, hand it here.
TsumugiEh? Sure.
HisokaI’m taking it, you two.
TsumugiWah… It came out great!
Thanks, Hisoka-kun.
HisokaYou’re welcome.
HomareYou were skilled at taking pictures, Hisoka-kun?
HisokaThat’s an exaggeration. I can take a photo at least.
Tsumugi looked like he was struggling, so I just helped out.
TsumugiThank you too, Tasuku, Guy-san.
IzumiTasuku-san? What’s wrong?
Tasuku“…The wind sure is strong.”
Izumi…Don’t tell me, did Tasuku-san slip into his role?
TsumugiIt looks like it.
HomareI hesitate to call out to Tasuku now that he has become Musashi.
I could be killed by his gaze alone…!
AzumaAhh, Homare was glared at before, right?[4]
HomareWhy, I was shocked as well.
HisokaThat was your fault.
GuyI’ll go.
HomarePlease do, Guy-san!
“Musashi, so you, too, have moments where you are absorbed in your thoughts."
Tasuku“There are such days, even for me.”
“…Especially on days with waves like these. There will be times like that for you as well.”
Guy“…Ahh, that may be.”
IzumiThat was a wonderful etude.
TsumugiThe dialogue between you two was amazing as expected.
HisokaThe location is also just right, so the atmosphere was perfect.
TasukuSorry, Guy-san.
I accidentally slipped into my role.
GuyNo, I don’t mind.
It turned into great practice for the play.
TasukuYeah, that’s true.
Izumi(At this rate, I'm sure the real show will go smoothly as well!)
AzumaHe looks like he’s totally focused.
TsumugiLet’s leave him be.
HisokaIt’s better not to do something unnecessary like Arisu last time.
HomareI will not repeat the same mistake a second time.
GuyLet’s head out, Musashi.
Izumi(Even though it was only a brief exchange, their spirit is amazing…)
Everyone, good luck out there!
(Miyamoto Musashi is a master swordsman travelling alone.)
(The story begins when Orin, a shamisen teacher, allows him to take shelter from the rain with her—)
Orin“Are you in the middle of a journey?”
Musashi“Yes. I have been… searching for a place to die for a long time now.”
Orin“It looks like the rain is about to let up.”
Musashi“Right. Thank you for allowing me to stay the night.”
Orin“Um… I have a request for you.”
Musashi“If it is something I can do.”
Orin“Truthfully, it has always been painful for me to receive the kindness of a certain person, but it’s quite difficult for me to refuse him…"
“Could I ask you to relay a message to him in my stead?”
Heiroku“Good morning. Orin-san.”
Orin“Ahh, Heiroku-san. Good morning.”
Heiroku“It was raining terribly yesterday.”
Orin“Yes, it was.”
Heiroku“Is that your new student over there?”
Orin“Ehh, well—”
Musashi“I’m off.”
Izumi(With the message requested from Orin, Musashi pays Tojiro, the eldest son of a large shop, a visit.)
(However, Tojiro says he does not intend to part from Orin. So Musashi proposes to settle the matter with a duel.)
Tojiro“A duel?”
Musashi“I don’t mind if you use a substitute.
Right then, your bodyguard over there. He looks skilled, doesn’t he?”
Tojiro“Can you do it, Kojiro?”
Kojiro“Please leave it to me.”
Izumi(However, just before the duel, an incident takes place where Tojiro is attacked by someone.)
(Musashi and Kojiro use Tojiro as a decoy to uncover the suspect who attacked him.
It turns out Heiroku, who fell in love with Orin, hired an assassin—)
Musashi“—Get down!”
*runs away*
Musashi“You won’t get away—!”
Kojiro“Do not kill him.”
Musashi“I'll try—"
*swords clash*
Tojiro“What a wild sword, just like a fierce demon…”
Izumi(After this incident, Orin confesses her true intentions, saying she doesn’t want to let Tojiro’s future go to waste.)
(Tojiro’s feelings toward Orin grow even stronger. Tojiro and Orin decide to depart together, and after seeing them off, the two square off on Ganryu Island.)
Musashi“…So you came.”
Kojiro“Musashi, why do you fight?”
Musashi“In order to earn a place to die…
In order to be viewed as someone worthy of dying!”
*unsheathes sword*
*unsheathes sword*
*swords clash*
Musashi“What’s wrong? Is that all you’ve got?”
Kojiro“A duel like this is meaningless—”
Musashi“Meaning? There's a strong opponent in front of my eyes. That alone is enough for me!"
Kojiro“—Ugh. You’ve lost your mind…”
Musashi“I could care less!”
Izumi(The climax scene is a back-and-forth between the two that leaves you wide-eyed in amazement no matter how many times you watch it…)
*crosses swords*
Musashi*Pant, pant*… That’s right, this is what I've always…
Come now, Kojiro, once more—"
Kojiro“Guh… I’m sorry.
Musashi, in your spot to die, I… Ughhh…”
Izumi(Musashi’s expression as he looks down at Kojiro who has breathed his last…
It’s a mixture of anguish and loss, and it’s painful to watch.)
Musashi“…I thought I had finally met my match… Kojiro…”
“Once again… I have…”
Izumi(The curtain falls as Musashi begins to walk, in search of a place to die once again—)
Guest AThe ending was amazing…
Guest BYeah, the swordfight between Musashi and Kojiro was so cool…!
Izumi(I’m glad it captured the hearts of the audience as well!)
Winter troupeThank you very much!
IzumiGreat job out there!
You were really amazing, everyone!
TasukuAhh, good work.
GuyDid we perform a show that could satisfy the audience?
IzumiYou did!
Everyone was captivated.
GuyI see; in that case, I’m glad.
TsumugiOh right.
The show is over now, so how about we go eat seafood for our closing party.
HomareOhh! Marvelous idea.
Let’s do that.
AzumaI agree, let’s go.
TasukuWe’re talking about that as soon as the play finished, huh?
GuyBut I think you want to eat it as well, don’t you, Takato?
Tasuku...Well, you're not wrong.



  1. So the joke here is that pufferfish sashimi is usually called "フグ刺し" (fugu sashi). "刺し" (sashi) here is short-form for "刺身" (sashimi). However, the verb "刺す" (sasu) means "to stab/pierce". So Guy misinterpreted the two. Azuma later clarifies by saying "sashimi" specifically.
  2. "鶴盛り" (tsuru-mori) is a plating style where the pufferfish sashimi is arranged in a crane shape.
  3. Ganryu Island is a small island off the coast of Shimonoseki city in Yamaguchi prefecture.
  4. References Die by the Sword event story ep 9.