Juza Hyodo/My Steps Have Become Light Too

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Unchanging Flavour

Backstage Stories
TenmaYou in, Juza-san?
*door opens*
What’s up?
TenmaI have a little something I want to give you.
Wanna eat this daifuku?
What’s up with that?
TenmaIt’s a gift from a staff member from my drama.
I got it at the site of my shoot.
I have a lot so I’m planning to distribute them to everyone. But I figured I’d start from Juza-san first.
JuzaFrom me…?
TenmaYeah. You love daifukus, don't you, Juza-san?
Plus, you’re always taking care of me at uni too.
JuzaI see.
Like I thought, the cafeteria sure is packed during lunchtime…
There’s a free spot here!
JuzaYou saved me, Taichi.
Tsuzuru-san and Tenma are here too, huh?
TsuzuruGood job today, Juza.
It’s hard to find a seat in the cafeteria at this hour, huh?
TenmaJuza-san’s huge, so it was easy to spot you from here though.
JuzaThat reminds me, Tenma.
The daifuku yesterday was real tasty. I enjoyed it.
TsuzuruAhh, the ones you gave out last night?
Yeah, it tasted great.
TaichiIt was super soft, right!
I’m glad if everyone liked them.
JuzaIt’s not just that I liked it.
I could even eat, like, 10 more of ‘em.
TenmaThat’s just like you, Juza-san…
By the way, I can show you the shop where those daifukus are being sold.
TsuzuruYou know the shop?
TenmaYeah. As we were talking, I asked the staff member who gave me the daifukus which store they were from.
TaichiOhh, as expected of Ten-chan!
JuzaIn that case, can I ask you to guide me?
TenmaOf course. When’s good?
If it’s now, then today works for me.
JuzaThen today on our way home.
TaichiHold on a second!
Will Ten-chan be able to guide you…?
TenmaI said I could, so I would, didn’t I?
TsuzuruUm, no, I understand Taichi’s worries.
I can only imagine you getting lost.
I got the map on my smartphone too, so I’m sure I’ll be fine today!
TsuzuruEven if you say so…
TaichiThere are times when you get lost even though you have a map, Ten-chan.
TenmaYou guys…!
TaichiWe’ll follow along with you too!
Right, Tsuzuru-kun?
TsuzuruYeah, right.
I also wanna eat that daifuku again.
Alright, can we meet up at the main gate after class is over?
Lookin’ forward to it.
JuzaCould that be the store?
TenmaYeah, it’s that one over there.
TaichIUwahh, that’s a hella long line!
TsuzuruSo it was such a popular shop, huh?
TenmaEveryone at the site was saying how delicious it was.
TaichiGuess we just have to wait and see.
Alright, to the end of the line…
Store clerkWe’re very sorry, dear customers.
There are only enough daifukus for those currently in line.
TsuzuruEh, they’re sold out!?
Store clerkYes, we finished up just a moment ago…
TenmaWe were a little late, huh?
TaichiCheer up, Juza-kun!
We can come a little earlier next time!
TsuzuruThat’s right.
And now we know where the shop is located too.
JuzaYeah, you’re right.
TenmaErm, sorry about this, Juza-san.
It looks like I dashed your hopes.
JuzaNah, it’s not your fault, Tenma.
You helped me out just by tellin’ me about the shop.
Tsuzuru-san and Taichi, sorry for makin’ you guys come along.
I’ll try comin’ here again to buy some another time.
What’s up with the sigh?
JuzaAh, no, it’s not a big deal, but…
The daifuku I got from Tenma yesterday was tasty, so we went out to buy the same ones. But they were all sold out, so we couldn’t get any.
IzumiI see. That’s a shame, huh…
I understand your disappointment too.
JuzaYou do?
IzumiYeah. I also felt depressed when a limited edition curry got sold out right in front of my eyes the other day…
JuzaDirector too, huh?
Same here—we missed buying them by a hair.
Maybe it's ‘cause I thought I'd be able to eat a daifuku again right away, but it was a huge shock…
IzumiI feel you. Plus, in that sort of situation, your brain and mouth are already in sweets mode, right?
But don’t worry about it, Juza-kun!
Juza…What do you mean?
IzumiI’ll give these to you.
JuzaThese are…!
IzumiYep, Kamekichi manjus!
JuzaIs it alright for me to have this many…?
IzumiOf course.
Sorry, I know they can’t possibly be as delicious as those daifukus, and the expiration date is just around the corner…
But if these Kamekichi manjus are ok with you, then won’t you eat some?
JuzaYeah, I’ll have ‘em.
Thanks, Director.
IzumiYou’re welcome.
Ah, there’s still more, so just let me know if there aren’t enough.
JuzaI can have more if I run out…?
I appreciate it.
JuzaI’ll definitely get my hands on them today…
(I thought they might sell out again, so I came before the shop opened…)
(At this hour, the line-up hasn’t gotten that long.
In this case, I think I’ll be able to buy ‘em.)
Shop clerkIf you've decided, please go ahead.
JuzaI’d like 4 daifukus.
(I gotta buy some for Tenma, Tsuzru-san and Taichi too.
They came with me last time after all.)
Shop clerkThank you very much.
Would you like anything else?
JuzaLet’s see…
(Since I’m here, I guess I’ll also buy some gifts for Kumon and Muku.)
Alright, I’ll get a black sesame rice cracker and a chocolate daifuku too.
Shop clerkThen that will be 4 daifukus, one chocolate daifuku, and a black sesame rice cracker, right?
…Wait, hold on a sec.
Can I add one more as well?
Shop clerkNo problem, sir.
JuzaI’m back.
KumonAh, welcome home, nii-chan!
MukuWelcome back, Ju-chan.
Did you go out somewhere?
JuzaI went to a traditional Japanese sweets shop that Tenma told me about.
IzumiCould that be the shop with the daifukus that you mentioned before?
I was actually able to buy them today.
IzumiThat’s great!
JuzaI bought gifts back for Kumon and Muku too.
MukuWahh, a chocolate daifuku…!
Thank you, Ju-chan!
KumonI got a black sesame rice cracker!
Thanks, nii-chan!
JuzaAnd also, this is for you, Director.
IzumiEh, for me too?
Eat this if you’d like.
IzumiA strawberry daifuku!
It looks really tasty…!
JuzaIt’s thanks for the Kamekichi manjus the other day.
IzumiFufu. Those were just about to expire though.
But thank you.
CHOICE 1: Why a strawberry daifuku? [+]
IzumiWhy did you choose a strawberry daifuku for me?
JuzaAhh, it was written that it’s popular with girls. Also…
For some reason, you give off a strawberry daifuku-like feeling.
IzumiAhaha, really?
That’s the first time I’ve been told that.
JuzaBut would you have liked curry flavour better…?
IzumiThat’s not true! This strawberry daifuku looks delicious, and it makes me the happiest that you thought of me and everyone else when you bought it.
JuzaI see. In that case, I’m glad.
CHOICE 2: The way it looks is cute too. [+]
IzumiThe way the strawberry daifuku looks is cute too, huh?
MukuYes, it’s so cute, like the daifuku is eating the strawberry in one big mouthful!
KumonAhaha, it does look like that!
JuzaPff, that’s true.
IzumiIt’s kind of a shame to eat it, huh…
MukuHah! S-sorry!
I made a strange analogy…
JuzaI’m sure the daifuku’s happier being enjoyed and eaten.
KumonYeah, yeah, that’s right!
Let’s all eat up together!
IzumiFufu, right.
Should I brew some tea later?
KumonBy the way, you mentioned it was “thanks for the Kamekichi manjus”?
JuzaWhen I was depressed I wasn’t able to buy the daifukus the other day, Director gave me a whole bunch of Kamekichi manjus.
MukuSo something like that happened.
JuzaBut… I've already eaten all of them, so it's too late now, but was it really ok for me to have that many?
IzumiAhh, there’s no problem at all.
Because about those—.
*flashback starts*
ManagerHeave-ho, heave-ho…
IzumiWhat’s with that box, Manager?
ManagerThese are the Kamekichi manjus that are approaching their expiration date!
They were found by Furuichi-san in the warehouse.
"It’s inexcusable to dispose of them—you guys put them in your stomachs before they expire!" …was his order.
IzumiEhh…? Even if he says “everyone’s stomachs”, the only one who would eat them is Juza-kun…
*flashback ends*
—So for that reason, we planned to give them to Juza-kun from the start.
KumonI see!
MukuJu-chan likes the Kamekichi manjus, right!
IzumiYep. That’s why we were saved by having Juza-kun eat them.
Juza…That reminds me, I got loads of Kamekichi manjus from Kamekichi and the Manager before in the past.
IzumiAhh, during the Kamekichi fiasco, right! They piled a table full of them as thanks to Juza-kun. That sure brings back memories.
JuzaYeah, it does.
The flavour hasn’t changed at all from back then.
Let me know if something like that happens again.
I’m grateful I can eat those Kamekichi manjus too.
IzumiFufu, I got it.
When that happens, we’ll depend on Juza-kun again.
