Kazunari Miyoshi/MANKAI Encore

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Encore: Kiichi

Backstage Stories
KazunariAs I thought, the best thing for local performance will be the onsen~
KumonYep yep, looking forward to it!
IzumiIt seems that there aren’t so many people too.
So you can take your time slowly.
MisumiI wonder if there’s any triangle in the onsen~
YukiWhat kind of triangle will even be there.
KumonThe pail might actually be triangular shape!
MisumiYeay! Triangle~!
KazunariDuring the first show, we did a lot for role study huh~
MisumiIn the ninja mansion, tonosama game~
KumonThat was so much fun!
MukuDuring the time in the ninja mansion, I was so surprised that the lost Tenma-kun and Director-san could reach the goal first.
YukiI didn’t know there’s another route.
IzumiI was pretty surprised too.
But, the ninja mansion was really an interesting thing.
KumonEh? By the way where’s Tenma-san?
IzumiHe’s been here till just now…
MukuWa… wait, maybe he has been abducted by the ninjas….!?
Awawa, I have to really go and find Tenma-kun before it’s too late…!
KumonAh! Maybe he was actually abducted by a ninja organization who lurks in the darkness…
YukiYou two calm down.
That kind of thing won’t happen.
MisumiAh! Tenma’s coming from that way!
TenmaOh, you guys, so you’re here!
KumonAh, Tenma-san!
You managed to run away from those ninjas! I’m glad~
TenmaHah? Ninja?
MukuYou disappeared so suddenly, so we thought you’ve been abducted by the ninja…
TenmaA, ah… Right, it’s like that.
YukiYou’re just lost, aren’t you.
TenmaSh, shut up!
KazunariAh, that was great!
MukuThe open-air bath was so big!
TenmaYou’re right.
MisumiBut, I cannot find the stars~
YukiWell, today has always been cloudy.
KazunariBut from tomorrow onwards it will be sunny, there’re still other timing to see them!
KazunariHey, Director-chan, there will be some free time after the performance is over right?
IzumiYeah, is there anywhere you want to go?
KumonSince it’s the ninja village…. It has to be the ninja mansion right!?
KazunariLook look, if you walk along the port you’ll look like you’re walking on the water!
YukiHe’s bought fast.
TenmaThe research was fast too.
KazunariAh! It seems that there’ll be fireworks too!
KazunariIf you look at all the pictures here, they’re all so beautiful!
It’s the number one Instablam-able place this summer!
MisumiAmazing! I wonder if there’ll be triangular firework~!
TenmaIt’s indeed beautiful, but we still have our upcoming performance.
Don’t get too distracted.
KazunariCourz! I know!
YukiIt’s a rare word coming from our leader.
TenmaIt’s not that rare!
IzumiThen, we can all watch the fireworks after the performance, let’s do our best!
Izumi(It’s the day of the rerun performance…
Everything’s perfect, it seems like there would be no problem)
KazunariIt’s been a while since I wore Kiichi’s costume~!
Let’s pump up the vibe!
MukuYou’re right!
TenmaBy the way, what are we going to do for the huddle?
KazunariAh, I haven’t decided!
YukiSounds like a dejavu.
Something ninja like… Summer Troupe doron! Like that?
IzumiSounds like everyone’s going to disappear after that sound…
Right, I’ve decided!
–For whose sake is the world’s sake, we’ll do our part as shinobi…
Kiichi from Iga, reporting! You lose if you stop halfway, let’s go, brothers! Nin-nin!
Summer TroupeNin-nin!
Izumi(The story begins when two people who happened to be delivering love letters to the same castle meet)
KiichiA Shinobi…?
YoshimaruIga clan?
KiichiAre you a ninja from Koga clan?
YoshimaruYou’re right, but I don’t intend to fight you. I’m just in the middle of a side job, delivering a love letter.
It will be great if I can just LIME this love letter and get it over and done with~
KiichiDon’t make such a modern statement!
Izumi(As usual, it’s Summer Troupe’s specialty to add a comical ad-lib…
It seems the audience is enjoying it too)
YoshimaruHmm? Eh? Which letter is mine?
KiichiEh!? Umm…
YoshimaruUmm… What – should – I – do – now – which – one – is – it – let – god – choose. Right, this one!
KiichiEh!? Are you sure you can choose that way, alright then-
YoshimaruIt’s alright, it’s alright~
Don’t worry, Kii-chan.
Izumi(The two delivered the love letters to the Crane Castle and on the way they were met with a forked path–)
KiichiWhat? There are two paths?
YoshimaruAh~ I think it’s fine?
It looks like something out of a weekly photo magazine, it looks dangerous!?
KiichiIt’s true! But don’t spread it out in the net, they will burn immediately!
Well, if it happens then let’s just use a fire extinguisher I guess, even thought I’m actually a ninja.
YoshimaruWell, it’s fine~
Izumi(Yoshimari’s colleague – Santa – appears afterward and he said he is delivering a letter from the Fox Castle to the Tanuki Castle.)
YoshimaruThis, is my colleague, San-chan.
KiichiI’m Kiichi. Nice to meet you~ Then cheers!
SantaLike I said I’m on an important mission!
YoshimaruWhere are you going?
SantaSomething’s brewing in the Boar Castle.
Seems like they’re planning to attack the Fox Castle.
YoshimaruEh!? You for real!? That’s bad!
SantaThe Fox Castle is planning to form an alliance with Tanuki Castle. If everything works out, we might be able to avoid war.
YoshimaruI see~ So, San-chan is in the mission to carry that out right now.
SantaYou’re right.
YoshimaruThat means you can still have a drink.
KiichiThis is San-chan’s! I’ll show you somewhere good, drink~ drink~ drink~
Izumi(The three people had a drink, and the next day they were suddenly attacked by Kiichi’s senior – Hyuuga)
HyuugaYou’re from Iga, aren’t you, I’ll not let you run away.
Audience AWah! That’s some amazing acrobatics right there!
Audience BI’m glad I got to see it~!
Izumi(Misumi-kun’s action, always so swift!
Even amateur can see how well it is.)
HyuugaKiichi, you fight too.
Don’t forget that you’re also a shinobi.
KiichiDeath for the traitor–
YoshimaruIs there really no other choice…
SantaLet’s go, Yoshimaru!
HyuugaWhat, oi!? Who are you fighting!
Izumi(Everyone gets carried by Misumi-kun’s performance. Their movements become sharper and more powerful than before.
With this action scene, the atmosphere has also changed to a more serious one.)
Audience CAmazing…
Audience DSo cool~!
Izumi(The audiences are also being drawn in by them!)
(Now that Santa and Hyuuga are stopped, the two planned to deliver a letter to the Young Lord….)
Young Lord…Is this really a letter from the princess?
KiichiOf course! Look at the perfectly copied handwriting~
Young LordPerfectly copied?
YoshimaruIdiot, Kii-chan–
Kiichi–I mean perfectly polished ink!
Young LordYou, you were trying to fool me?
KiichiEh, I didn’t say anything!
I’m just saying that it’s a perfect love letter written with perfect polished ink and the perfect handwriting of the princess!
YoshimaruKii-chan, that’s not a good excuse…!
Young LordSo you really were fooling me!?
Izumi(The two who got in trouble because of the fake letter asked for help from the Kunoichi - Sae)
SaeSo, you want me to deceive the Young Lord of Crane Castle by posing as the princess of Fox Castle and carrying out an alliance.
YoshimaruPlease~ Only you can do this.
SaeA month’s worth of Kameyoshi Shop’s dumplings.
YoshimaruTha, that’s a bit… I thought it would be like 5 gold coins or something!
SaeTen then.
SaeOne year’s worth of Amankai Shop’s sweets.
Yoshimaru!? That’s too much, isn’t that the high-class sweet shop out there…!?
SaeThen ten gold coins.
YoshimaruUgh… fine.
SaeThanks for your business~
Izumi(They managed to avoid the war, the Young Lord will be married to the princess and the case is settled.
Shadows creeping over the two people who were celebrating their victory with alcohols and drinks.)
HyuugaYou’re going back to the village!
SantaYou’re going to be working in the village for a while!
KiichiNo way~!!
Izumi(Kiichi and Yoshimaru were brought back to the village due to Hyuuga and Santa–)
Audience AThat’s so interesting~!
Audience BI really feel drawn in by them!
Izumi(The tempo was great, the conversation and ad-lib all sounded natural too.
They really grew a lot since their first performance…)
Summer TroupeThank you so much!
MukuWoah… amazing!
KumonWe can see the big seas from here-!
IzumiThe performance was a big success, so let’s enjoy the day at the lake today!
TenmaIt seems that there’s an event ongoing over there.
KumonYoga on top of a water board?
MisumiI know a triangle pose! It looks fun~!
KazunariSince we’re here already, why don’t we try it!
YukiHah? Are you serious?
KazunariCourz! It seems doable anyway! Let’s go, Kumopi, Tenten~!
TenmaI guess there’s no other choice.
KazunariThat was fun~!
IzumiYeah, you’re right.
MukuThe scenery from there is really beautiful.
KumonYeah! I’ve never experienced that kind of thing before!
TenmaThe only things you guys did was making noise!
KazunariTenten was so scared so it was interesting!
YukiSUP Yoga was surprisingly fun.
MukuYeah, it felt really good when you’re finally able to balance yourself.
KazunariSumi was able to strike an amazing pose even the teacher was shocked!
MisumiIt was fun~!
IzumiI’m glad everyone seems to be having fun.
So after this will be the firework display.
KumonYep! I’m so glad it’s sunny today~
MukuYesterday we made some tetu teru bouzu together![1]
MisumiThen we might be able to see the stars too~
IzumiWe didn’t get to see it in the onsen.
KazunariHey hey, actually one of the local recommended me about a good spot. Let’s check it out!
YukiYou’re chatty as usual.
KazunariWe’ve arrived~
TenmaHee… This place has a good view.
KazunariNot only the fireworks, we can also enjoy the beautiful night view here!
MukuWoah… You’re right!
It would look great on Instablam too!
KumonHey hey, let’s buy some snacks and juice!
MisumiThat sounds good~!
IzumiI know of a place, let’s go buy some things.
YukiThen, those who lost janken will go and buy stuffs.
MukuY, yeah!
KazunariThen, let’s go~!
YukiCongrats on being the only rock.
TenmaSh, shut up!
KazunariBut if Tenten go alone, he’ll just become a lost child.
MisumiThat’s true~!
KumonAh, then I’ll follow you!
IzumiThen, I’ll go too. It seems that we’re going to end up buying a lot anyway.
MukuYuki-kun let’s go too!
YukiEh, then there’s no other choice…
TenmaThe lead and co-lead just rest.
KumonLeave the shopping to us!
MisumiI’ll leave it to you~!
KazunariThen, for the time being let’s organize our stuffs!
KazunariUwah! What, UFO!?
MisumiSummer Triangle!
KazunariOh, damn, that’s so beautiful!
MisumiYeah, so pretty~
KazunariWhen I think about it, we did watch the stars together during the first performance too right.
Then everyone came over and brought onigiri. I was so happy.
… For that time, thank you.
MisumiYou’re welcome~
KazunariBecause of Sumi and everyone, I was able to have fun and act like this right now.
MisumiMe too, I’m happy that I’m able to act with Kazu like this!
KazunariEhehe, I’m so happy~! Let’s do our best for the next performance too!
MisumiYep yep!
MisumiIt already started! Everyone, hurry hurry~!
KazunariAh, it ended…
MisumiDirector-san and everyone, I’m glad you made it in time~
IzumiIt was beautiful…
MukuIt was amazing to see the reflection of the fireworks on the lake too!
KumonIt comes up consecutively, really brings up the tension to the max!
TenmaThings like this isn’t so bad sometimes.
KazunariBut when you watch them, don’t you feel like doing it yourself!
TenmaWell, speaking of which, we bought it.
MukuWe feel like doing it too.
YukiIf we have to do something, it has to be this isn’t it?
KumonWith this, it will feel like Summer never ends!
Kazunari…Everyone, as expected!!
Then let’s start with the pinwheel fireworks, five of them!
MisumiPinwheel~! GOGO~!
TenmaStop it!


  1. Teruteru bouzu is a rain doll, it is used in Japan to wish for specific weather.