Azuma Yukishiro/Sexy×Rocker

From A3! Wiki

His Live Show

Backstage Stories
What magazine are you reading there?
AzumaIt’s a music-related magazine.
Masumi lent it to me to help me prepare for my role in the upcoming photoshoot.
GuyAhh, you were playing a musician in the model photoshoot for the Rock Café, right?
Masumi told me magazines aren’t bad, but he thinks it’d be best to watch a live show firsthand.
GuyOh, I see.
So will you go to a live show?
AzumaHmm… that would probably be better, but I think the crowds would tire me out so I’m not really sure about that.
GuyThat’s true, I cannot imagine Yukishiro getting jostled around at a live music venue…
AzumaFufu, right?
GuyThere are concerts and such were you sit, but that’s not going to happen at a live rock band show.
*knock, knock*
AzumaWho could it be at this hour?
*door opens*
ManagerGood evening, Yukishiro-san, Guy-san~!
What is the matter?
ManagerI came today to invite you two to my live show!
AzumaThe Manager’s live show?
I actually formed a band with some people from the neighbourhood association.
GuyWhen did this happen?
ManagerWe got excited chatting while shopping, you see.
And before we knew it, our first live gig was decided!
AzumaWell, congratulations.
ManagerBut we’re just an unknown band, so we’re worried an audience won’t come and it’ll be empty…
So! I decided to reach out to everyone at the Company like this!
Please! If the time works for you, won’t you swing by to watch?
AzumaSo you mean to say it won’t be that crowded?
ManagerNot at all! It'll be pathetically empty if you're not that good~.
AzumaAlright, I'll attend since I think it'll be easy for me to go.
It’s your big moment after all, Manager.
How about you, Guy?
GuyLet me see—it is fine for me as well.
I will definitely be there.
ManagerOhh, I’ve secured 2 people! Thank you so much~!
Then I’ll be waiting!
AzumaHeh, it looks quite professional.
Sexy×Rocker 2-1.png
GuyIt seems it will be the Manager’s turn soon.
You two came too, huh?
Good evening.
GuyDid you come alone, Director?
IzumiNo, I’m here as Yuki-kun and Muku-kun’s chaperone.
It looks like some other troupe members dropped by as well.
AzumaOh, Yuki and Muku came too.
IzumiThey’re over there by the drink corner.
Let’s head over together.
YukiHuh, Azu-nee and Guy.
MukuYou two came together as well!
YukiI’m guessing Azu-nee's here because you want to use this as reference for the upcoming photoshoot?
AzumaThat’s one reason, but I also genuinely want to watch the Manager’s band.
MukuI get that!
I can’t wait!
IzumiMusic is the Manager’s specialty, right?
GuyHe said they practiced over and over again for this show.
YukiAh, they came out.
AzumaFufu, alright, let’s make sure to watch them closely.
Band member…!
GuyThey are taking their time to begin, huh?
Band member A
Band member B
IzumiIs it just me, or are the members talking while looking at us…?
YukiRather than us, it feels like they’re staring at Azu-nee.
AzumaEh, me?
MukuAh, it looks like they’re starting!
MukuThe Manager was so cool, right!
He looked more brilliant than usual.
*door opens*
ManagerI’m back~!
IzumiYou came home already, Manager?
Wasn’t the band’s after party today…
ManagerAh, well, I wanted to hear everyone’s impression right away!
So, what’d you guys think?
AzumaIt was lots of fun.
I was reminded once again that music is your strong suit.
YukiWell, it might’ve been good enough that I could go watch it again if I’m free.
MukuI was impressed too!
Live music performances really are great, huh!
GuyAll your practice paid off.
I thought it was a great performance.
IzumiPlease invite me again if there’s a next time!
ManagerAw shucks, we got a great response, huh!
I gotta let all the members know too…!
YukiOh yeah, speaking of the members.
Weren’t you guys talking about something while looking at Azu-nee before the performance?
AzumaAhh, that reminds me.
I’m a bit curious about that.
ManagerSorry. That was…
One of the members mistook Azuma-san as someone in the music business.
MukuThe music business?
ManagerThey got all excited like, “a producer or record company employee came to observe, and this is definitely going to lead to our debut!”.
IzumiI see.
Azuma-san does have that kind of vibe, huh…
GuyYou were quietly watching the concert from the back, so it certainly could appear that way.
AzumaYou think so? But, well, sorry that it seems I oddly got your hopes up.
