Kazunari Miyoshi/Anticipated Happy Bag

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Lucky Bag’s Special Matching Set

Backstage Stories
Kazunari Anticipated Happy Bag Backstage 1-01.png
*phone rings*
Friend『Sorry, I’m sick.』
IzumiAh, yeah I can hear it in your voice…
Friend『Sorry to suddenly cancel our shopping plans like this.』
IzumiIt’s alright, just take care of yourself.
(It seems like I’ve got some free time now…)
Kazunari Anticipated Happy Bag Backstage 1-02.png
KazunariDirector-chan, why the long face?
IzumiThe friend I was going to go shopping with had to cancel because of a cold.
YukiYou have a friend, huh.
IzumiExcuse me…! Well, I don’t have as many as Kazunari…
KazunariWell, since you’re free, why not come with us. I was going to the new sale with Yukki~.
IzumiEh, is it good?
Kazunari‘Course! Right, Yukki?
YukiDon’t really care.
IzumiWell, let’s go then.
KazunariDirector-chan and a shopping date~!
YukiWe’re just shopping.
KazunariPerfect Lucky Bag obtained~!
IzumiWhat kind of lucky bag did you buy?
KazunariIt holds small stuff, like a hat or scarf.
Kazunari Anticipated Happy Bag Backstage 1-03.png
YukiThere’s a lot of items that we can match it with here so there’s no loss every year.
IzumiAlright, I think I’m gonna buy a lucky bag today.
KazunariLet’s move onto the next shop!
This shop has cute girly things.
IzumiYou’re right, look at all the designs!
YukiThe volume of the sleeves is cute, and it’s 70% off.
KazunariThis knit matches with that one's tone, right?
YukiAnd this bag’s fur…
Izumi(So that’s it, they match after all. I need to learn more…)
But, isn’t this a little too cute for me.
KazunariThen, I have a different shop in mind!
IzumiAh, I’ve always wanted to come here!
KazunariIt’s a little grown-up, but I think it’s perfect for Director-chan!
YukiYou’re right, the Director would look good in these toned-down clothes.
IzumiAh, another lucky bag section. I wonder if I should get one.
YukiIt’s alright, isn’t it?
IzumiEverything’s cute, so I guess there’s no loss here.
KazunariDirector-chan looks good in anything, don’t worry!
IzumiRight… Okay, I’ll get one!
(I can’t wait to open it.)
Kazunari Anticipated Happy Bag Backstage 2-01.png
Kazunari Anticipated Happy Bag Backstage 2-02.png
YukiWe’re home.
KazunariNene, let’s open the lucky bags right now!
IzumiYeah, opening a lucky bag makes your heart throb.
KazunariWhat did they put in them this year~?
Ah, I got a beret!
YukiDidn’t you say you wanted that. That’s good then.
KazunariDirector-chan, open yours too!
KazunariWhat’s up?
IzumiIt’s full of leopard prints…
YukiA loss huh.
KazunariWell, at least there’s a knit!
YukiA fringe knit. It’s cute, but I feel like the leopard print clashes.
IzumiI agree…
I was expecting this… but I always enjoy the thrill of opening lucky bags…
YukiDon’t mind it.
(The designs aren’t bad, I guess… I wonder how I should dress with these.)
(This is a little complicated for me…)
(After all, I should’ve looked at the clothes they sold before buying the lucky bag…)
*door knocks*
KazunariDirector-chan, can I come in?
Kazunari Anticipated Happy Bag Backstage 2-03.png
IzumiSomething wrong?
KazunariLooking through your closet?
IzumiYeah, but…
KazunariRight, here. This and this and…
Kazunari…Alright, here here, Director-chan, try this on!
IzumiEh? This is…
(It’s the skirt and knit from the lucky bag, and then a coat and bag from my closet…?)
KazunariI’ll wait outside, lemme know when you’re done changing!
IzumiO… okay…?
(Was not expecting this…)
Kazunari-kun, I’m good now.
So, how do I look?
KazunariOh! Looking good!
So, remembering those kinds of clothes you wear regularly, I thought of what patterns would match and Yuki helped me a bunch~.
Oh yeah! It’s named「Winter Adult’s Leopard Collection」!
Izumi(Unusual that Kazunari-kun came up with a nice and simple name…)
KazunariAh, Yukki was the one who named it. All of my suggestions were rejected.
Izumi(Thought so…)
CHOICE 1: I guess I'll wear this. [+]
IzumiWell, I guess I’ll wear this after all.
KazunariAfter finding out that it was only leopard print in the lucky bag, Director-chan looked unhappy~.
Combining it with other simple things, you’ll be able to wear it.
IzumiYeah, it looks nice and mature!
Honestly, when I opened my lucky bag, I was wondering if I’d be able to wear this.
KazunariYeah! I didn’t want you to be disappointed by what you got in it.
IzumiThank you for going through the trouble.
CHOICE 2: It may be good that I didn't try to match. [+]
IzumiI wouldn’t be able to match with this myself.
KazunariDirector-chan has a lot of simple outfits~. And sometimes, simple is good.
But, sometimes it’s fun to experiment! There’s freedom in fashion!
IzumiYou’re right. I’ve never worn leopard print before but combined with this, it just might work.
KazunariYeah yeah! You look like a fashionable older woman, I’m glad you like it!
KazunariBut, this isn’t completed yet.
IzumiEh? But isn’t this cute enough already?
KazunariThe last piece is… this!
IzumiA beret…? This is the one you got from your lucky bag.
KazunariYup yup. But it doesn’t fit me~. So I figured it might fit Director-chan instead.
Even with the leopard print, the beret will complete the look.
IzumiIs that right… I guess it does feel different with the beret.
KazunariYou look good~.
Izumi… Thank you.
(He’s coming closer…)
KazunariCan I take you on a date with you wearing this?
Izumi… Go on a date to choose more clothes?
KazunariOf course!