Citron/Glory Crown

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King Arthur's Game

Backstage Stories
KazunariHuh? Ronron's absolutely buzzin' today~.
What is he up to? Is that a drawing paper?
CitronI'm done~!
KazunariMan, what're you doing here?
CitronI made a crown for our upcoming performance's role study!
KazunariI see! Speaking of, Ronron's gonna play the role of a king on the upcoming performance, right?
CitronYes! To become a full pledge king, one should wear a crown!
KazunariRonron's aesthetics is defs on point! That crown's such a banger!
CitronI shall make an Excalibur next. It is cool and sparkly, isn't it?
KazunariRole study for the king's role~
Got a smashin' idea for you!
Not sure what kind of role it is but---
*LIME notification*
IzumiHuh? Someone sent a LIME message.
LIME Icon Citron.png
Let's meet at the chuuni-yard
IzumiHm? Err.. chuuni--- what? Does he mean 'meet at the courtyard'?
(I wonder what Citron-kun needs from me.)
SakuyaAh, director!
IzumiHuh? All member's Spring Troupe is here.
Perhaps, Citron-kun called everyone to come here too?
MasumiHe said it's for his role study.
TsuzuruI wonder what he's going to make us do this time...
CitronSorry for the wait~!
ItaruSpeak of the devil and he shall appear.
IzumiIs that a crown?
CitronYes! It is King Arthur's crown!
SakuyaThat crown is wonderful!
ChikageI can tell it's hand-made by the way it looks.
CitronWhat I wanted to do with everyone here is--
to play King Arthur's Game!
The king will wear this crown!
SakuyaKing Arthur's Game?
CitronKazu suggested it!
TsuzuruIs it King's Game or something?
CitronYou're right!
I already prepared the chopsticks we need.
Whoever drew the Excalibur will become the king!
The king shall put on this crown and give orders to others!
TsuzuruThere's an Excalibur at the tip of the chopstick ?!
CitronIt’s my secret technique~.
ItaruOnly the chosen person can pull out the Excalibur and will be crowned as the king? That kind of set up is sure exciting.
IzumiEven Itaru-san is getting fired up.
ItaruI've always thought that the King's Game is a game for normies.
ChikageCitron prepared various stuff for his role study so let's give our all.
SakuyaI-I will do my best!
MasumiIf I become a king, then director---
TsuzuruWait up! What the hell are you planning to do?
CitronLet's start playing right away!
CitronHas everyone drawn their chopsticks?
CitronThen, Who is King Arthur~!
Itaru--Ah, it's me.
ChikageSo it's Chigasaki. What's your command?
ItaruEh--...Let's see...
CitronItaru, issue a command befitting to a king!
ItaruBefitting to a king, huh...
"--You, Grand Knight of the Fifth Order, I have summoned you to fulfill a mission.
You shall procure the money that I, the king, will make use of in the cyberworld."
SakuyaItaru-san is very kingly! You're so Cool!
ChikageTaking advantage of the situation already?
MasumiCyberworld...You mean, W e b Money Card?
CitronAs expected of our P2W warrior--
No, no, he's a P2W king rather than a warrior!
IzumiUm... The Grand Knight of the Fifth Order is the person who drew number 5, right?
TsuzuruNumber 5... Eh, it's me!
ItaruGot an event tonight. I'll give you the money later, GL.
TsuzuruA knight? Really? I feel more like a gofer.
CitronThe king's command is absolute!
Let's continue, then!
TsuzuruThe king is....Ah, it's Masumi.
MasumiDirector, give your king a wink.
ChikageIt doesn't make sense if you give your command to the person directly.
MasumiAlright then. Director, tell me your number.
IzumiRejected! That's going to defeat the purpose of the game.
Chikage"The person who was bestowed the third sign, obtain one cotton snow from the creature who's sleeping in our audience chamber and consume it before me."
MasumiWhat do you mean?
ItaruThe esteemed king says: "Get one marshmallow from Hisoka who is sleeping in the lounge and eat it."
SakuyaAh, I'm number 3! A marshmallow from Hisoka-san.. I see!
I, I'm off!
IzumiOh, I'm the king.
CitronDirector-queen, what's is your command?
CHOICE 1: Number 1, do an impersonation! [+]
IzumiAlright... Number 1, do an impersonation!
CitronI'm number 1!
MasumiI can do an impersonation too.
CitronLeave it to me! I shall impersonate Itaru!
ItaruSeriously? Me?
CitronGot the pick-up gacha!
...Time to beat the last boss!
TsuzuruHe's so on point....
IzumiThat's some first-rate impersonation!
CHOICE 2: Number 2, sing a song. [+]
IzumiThen.... Number 2, let me hear your singing voice.
TsuzuruNumber 2 is me but do I really have to sing!?
CitronI'm looking forward to Tsuzuru's song~!
ChikageI wonder what kind of song we're going to hear.
TsuzuruPlease stop putting unnecessary pressure on me!
I'll sing a lullaby I used to sing to the little ones at home.
SakuyaIt's wonderful~!
IzumiAs expected of our resident 'big brother'...!
SakuyaIt's so much to fun to give commands like a king!
ItaruIt has gotten late and we're out of materials. Let's end it on the next turn.
MasumiThis time. I'll definitely make the director...
CitronEveryone, draw your chopsticks!
Who's King Arthur~!
ChikageIt's me.
CitronIt's King Chikage!
ChikageHm, since it's the last turn...
I'll give a command common in King's game---
Number 3, give a catchphrase to number 6.
TsuzuruCertainly, it's the most King's Game-like command we had so far.
IzumiNumber 6 is me.
CitronI'm number 3!
SakuyaC-calm down, Masumi!
ItaruAlright then,
Citron, the final stage is all yours.
GuyCitronia, so you're just here.
GuyThe manager is looking for you.
Didn't you use the spare chopsticks earlier?
CitronOh! I almost forgot.
I left in the room! I'll bring it now!
TsuzuruWell, it was a good game. Let's wrap up here.
SakuyaYup! I had so much fun!
MasumiI'm glad Citron didn't get to make advances on you.
ChikageNo, I didn't give that kind of command.
*knock knock*
IzumiCitron-kun, what's up?
CitronMy dear, I have chosen you to be my queen.
CitronWill you come with me?
IzumiEh, Uhh--
(Citron-kun's aura is different than usual...)
CitronI finally said it~!
CitronI couldn't fulfill Chikage's command during King Arthur's Game! That's why I came directly to your room to say it~!
I gave my shawl in that catchphrase.
Izumi(So it was the continuation of the command earlier... I almost had a mini heart attack.)
Citron-kun's aura is certainly different than usual. Also, it's not 'my shawl' but 'my all'.
CitronThat's what I mean!
IzumiThe lines you said just now is very fluent. Please practice King Arthur's lines while grasping the same feelings you had earlier.
CitronYes! I will do that!