Azuma Yukishiro/Wishing for Eternity on a Wreath

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The Meaning Behind Ring Bouquet

Backstage Stories
Izumi( Alright, I'm done with shopping.
Let's head home and prepare for dinner)
( That person in front of the flower shop---)
AzumaAh, director?
IzumiGood afternoon.
Azuma-san, are you doing some shopping too?
AzumaYes, I need some flowers...
Preserved flowers to be exact but...
IzumiFlowers....Will you use them as room decorations?
AzumaActually, an acquaintance is getting married. They asked me to make the flower crown the bride will use on the day of the wedding.
IzumiAzuma-san, do you know how to make a flower crown?
AzumaI've never made it properly, however, they requested that the flower crown is to be specially made by me...
Izumi(I can say that Azuma-san has a great sense of color scheme just by looking at his coloring books. I can understand why they asked him to make it)
AzumaIt's also someone who took care of me so I can't refuse.
IzumiI see. So that was the reason.
AzumaI consulted Tsumugi yesterday and he made a list for me. All I have to do is to look for and buy them.
IzumiWow, there's sure a lot of names.
Tsumugi-san is amazing.
AzumaFufu, you can always count on him.
However, there's a lot of them so they were hard to find.
IzumiIf that's the case, let me help you.
AzumaDirector too?
IzumiYes! I was about to go back to the dorm. Moreover, I also wanted to celebrate the person who took care of Azuma-san.
AzumaThank you. It is a huge help.
I'm counting on you.
IzumiYes! Leave it to me!
IzumiAzuma-san, I'm here to talk about tomorrow's practice.
IzumiThe flowers you bought today--
AzumaYes, I am making a ring bouquet from it.
IzumiAs expected of Azuma-san, you're good at it.
The colors are also very beautiful...!
AzumaFufu, thank you.
Director, can you join me for a bit?
IzumiIs it okay?
AzumaYes. It's surprisingly fun and interesting.
IzumiI'll gladly take up on your offer then....
AzumaIt's not that difficult to make.
--First, fix your favorite flowers in a position where you want to knit them.
You can fix the base of the flower and the ring bouquet's body with your fingers by doing this.
IzumiUhh....Fix the base and body....
AzumaOnce it's all fixed, you can now fasten the stem by wrapping floral tape around it.
Izumi.....How's it?
AzumaJust like that. You're good.
Azuma.....It's done.
IzumiWow.... It's as beautiful as the ones you can see from the stores!
The bride will definitely be happy to receive it!
AzumaFufu, thank you.
That's right. Director, can you try it on?
IzumiFine by me but..... can I really wear it?
AzumaOf course. Besides, it'll be easier for me to judge the results if a girl would wear it.
IzumiIf you say so.....
Izumi...What do you think?
Azuma....Un... it's cute.
Enough for me to want to make you my bride.
I-I think it'll look better on Azuma-san!
AzumaI don't think so.
IzumiLet's give it a try!
AzumaFufu, if that's what the director wants....
AzumaDirector? Does it look good on me?
IzumiIt looks so good on you. I have no words.
AzumaIs that so?
I think you are much cuter.
IzumiP-please stop making fun of me!
AzumaFufu, sorry. Sorry.
AzumaGood morning.
IzumiAh, Azuma-san. You're going out in a suit today?
AzumaYes. I mentioned it the other day. Today is my acquaintance's wedding ceremony.
IzumiSo today is the big day.
MukuWeddings are wonderful..... How dreamy!
KumonAzuma-san dressed in a suit is so rad!
CitronYour sex appeal is overblowing!
IzumiYou mean, overflowing.
(Indeed, an indescribable amount of sex appeal is overflowing...)
AzumaI'll take my leave then.
IzumiYes. Take care.
KumonTake care---!
Izumi( It's already dark outside...)
AzumaDirector, found you.
AzumaThe wedding ceremony was successful.
They were also very happy to receive my ring bouquet.
IzumiIt was really good.
AzumaActually, I have a souvenir for you.
IzumiA souvenir?
AzumaTry guessing what it is.
CHOICE 1: "Souvenir" [+]
CHOICE 2: "Hmm....." [+]
Izumi....Is it the ring bouquet you were making earlier?
AzumaYes. I especially made it because it looks great on you. I had free time so I tried making another one with the same design.
IzumiCan I really have it?
AzumaOf course. I especially made the ring bouquet for the director.
Izumi---Thank you very much!
I will treasure it.
Azuma.... Hey, director.
Do you know what a ring bouquet means?
IzumiEh? No...
Azuma....."Proof of eternal love"
AzumaHey, director.
Would you like to vow eternal love with me?
AzumaJust kidding. Are you surprised?
Izumi....Azuma-san, are you making fun of me again?
AzumaAhaha, sorry. Sorry.
