Guy/Generous Royal Man

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< Guy

Jasmine With Gratitude

Backstage Stories
Jasmine with Gratitude 1-1.png
IzumiI definitely wanna go to this store here.
ChikageAnd maybe we can visit this one after.
IzumiOh, great timing, hey Guy!
IzumiWe were just looking up stores to visit in Zahra. Would you by any chance know any good spice stores?
GuyI would assume Utsuki already knows all the best places....
ChikageNot necessarily. I think your input on this is also important.
GuyI see. Then I recommend--
Jasmine with Gratitude 1-2.png
Izumi(Hmm... Guess he’s not here.)
Oh, hey Guy! Have you seen Chikage?
GuyUtsuki is must be out looking for some spices, it seems he left early this morning.
IzumiHuh? Chikage went by himself I guess...
GuyDid you two have plans?
IzumiNo, not really, but I thought when we were searching up stores together we would also be visiting them together too.
Well, it’s fine, Chikage seems to be the type to enjoy going to places alone.
GuyI see.
IzumiWell, guess I’m going alone too.
GuyIf you would like, I could take you to some of the places I had recommended the other day.
IzumiOh, you would!?
GuyYes. Actually, there is one place I would like to take you. Would you be interested?
IzumiOf course!
Jasmine with Gratitude 2-1.png
IzumiWe really bought a lot.
GuyThat last store is famous in Zahra for having such a plethora of spices.
IzumiThey had a lot of spices I’ve never seen before, it was really fun!
That’s the type of place that I could never get tired of.
GuyThere was one more store in this area on our list, shall we head there next?
IzumiYes, let’s go!
GuyThe next store is what you would call ‘a hidden gem’ type of place. They have many spices there that you would not find anywhere else.
IzumiI can’t wait to go!
GuyYour face really lights up whenever anything related to curry is mentioned.
IzumiFufu, you think so?
GuyWe are here.
IzumiWow.... They have a lot of spices that weren’t at the other place.
Shop Lady<< Oh, is that Guy!? Long time no see!>>
Guy<< Yes, how have you been?>>
Shop Lady<< Good as always. You seem to be doing well too, and-- !?>>
Shop Lady<< Guy, Since when did you get married!? And to such a cute girl...>>
IzumiUhh... umm, what are they saying?
GuyThey are asking if you are my wife.
No... Nooo!! Nooo!
Shop Lady<< Fufu, no need to be embarrassed. You two make a great couple, such a handsome man with a pretty girl.>>
Izumi(They’re still smiling.... They still don’t get it!?)
G-Guy! Why is the shop lady...
GuyNo need to worry.
IzumiBut I am....
Shop Lady<< Take this as a wedding gift.>>
Guy<< Thank you.>>
Shop Lady<< Wishing you both happiness!>>
Jasmine with Gratitude 2-1.png
IzumiU-Ummm, Guy? About what happened earlier.....
GuyYou do not need to worry. From my experience, it was the type of situation where just nodding and saying yes resulting in a better outcome; we received a gift.
IzumiYes, so many rare spices!
GuyIt seems that they have given us many spices that were not on display.
IzumiWow, Guy, you are quite astute.
GuyYou think so?
IzumiI do. What would you do if the truth got out?
GuyIn that case, I would simply and honestly give my apologies.
Izumi(He doesn’t seem the least bit nervous about being found out...)
GuyDo you have enough spices for today? If so, there is one last place I would like to show you...
IzumiI’m good on spices. Thank you so much. Let’s go to the next store you wanted to show me.
Jasmine with Gratitude 3-2.png
.... So the place Guy wanted to take me is... A cafe?
GuyI have heard the jasmine tea here is delicious so I was interested in trying it for myself.
IzumiOh, I see. I guess I will try some jasmine tea as well.
Guy<< Two jasmine teas please.>>
Server<< Coming right up.>>
IzumiIt seems like they have a lot of other types of tea too.
GuyWe are very fond of tea in this country.
IzumiI like the tea that you make too.
GuyI am better than I was in the past, however I believe I still have a lot to learn.
Coming back to Zahra reminds me of how much I still need to learn.
Izumi(A man who is always looking to grow and improve himself, that is just like Guy.)
Server<< Thank you for waiting.>>
Izumi(Oh, there is a jasmine flower on the plate next to the tea cup. Are you supposed to put the flower in the tea or something?)
GuyDirector, may I see your tea for a moment?
(Huh, Guy put the flower in my tea...!?)
(Wait, I think in Zahra, putting a jasmine flower in someone else’s tea is like, how you confess to them or something.... right?)
GuyThank you for letting me come with you today. This is a sign of my gratitude.
CHOICE 1: Oh, so that’s what that means! [+]
IzumiO-Oh, so that’s what that means!
(I was surprised... I was beginning to get pretty flustered.)
(What an embarrassing misunderstanding...)
Guy? Your face is red, is something wrong?
IzumiN-No, it’s nothing.
CHOICE 2: Please don’t surprise me like that..! [+]
IzumiPlease don’t surprise me like that..!
GuyOh, my apologies. I did not think that would surprise you.
Along with the woman thinking we were a couple, and now this, it must have been quite an awkward day for you.
IzumiNo, j-just a bit of a shock.
GuyOh, is that it? As for me, I am very happy being able to see a different side of you, director.
Izumi(No matter where we are, I can’t understand his true feelings...)
A-Are you teasing me?
GuyI had no intention of that.
Izumi(This situation feels a little more awkward than usual. Maybe it is because we are in his home country...)
IzumiSo... I will do it too...
(I will put this flower in Guy’s cup...)
Thank you so much for today. I am really glad that you came along with me too.
GuyIt was nice to walk around Zahra with you. I am also happy to share my knowledge of my hometown.
IzumiMe too, I had a lot of fun walking around Zahra with you. And I also got a lot of spices.
GuyYou will be able to make a lot of new curry recipes.
IzumiYes! Please look forward to it.
Also, I think the jasmine tea looks so pretty with the flower floating on top. I wanna take a picture.
GuyYes, it is pretty.
GuyWhat’s wrong?
Izumi...I get the feeling that if someone sees us like this, they may get the wrong impression so actually, I don’t think I will take a photo.
Izumi(Instead, I will just need to burn this image into my memory.)
