Azami Izumida/Welcome to Akebono-so!

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Role-Making: Eita Nakagawa

Backstage Stories
Sakyo...Thanks for the food.
BanriSigh, I managed to eat up all the Mapo Tofu…
OmiHaha, well this was also good for role-making.
JuzaWho’ll be makin’ the recreated food[1] tomorrow?
TaichiWell then, since I was the top batter, I’ll be the one nominating who’ll be making it next!
The next person is~... Aa-chan!
TaichiYup! By the way, make something other than Mapo Tofu!
AzamiGuess that’s fair… Then for the performance, I’ll be making Tonjiru[2] that’s good for your skin.
BanriSince it’s Azami we’re talkin’ about, it ain’t gonna be soup with collagen in it or somethin’, right?
AzamiNah, I ain’t doing that. Based on the script, I have to make the Tonjiru properly.
SakyoI’ll just say this, don’t buy anythin’ too expensive. Get it cheap.
AzamiAnd there it is.
SakyoListen, when you’re shopping, find out which store is the cheaper one and blah blah blah…
AzamiShut up, I get it, it has to be cheap!
AzamiTonjiru, huh… what should I do for the ingredients?
(I’m particular about vegetables, but if I’m too particular about the pork, the budget might run out.)
Tch… That stingy four eyes with his complaining… shitty Sakyo…
TsuzuruHuh, Azami?
AzamiAh. Is Tsuzuru-san shopping, too?
TsuzuruYeah. Could Azami be shopping for the recreated food that the Autumn troupe is doing?
AzamiYou know about it?
TsuzuruI heard from Fushimi-san.
As the playwright, I’m glad you’re cooking food that appears in the story. Thanks.
By the way, you had a pretty scary face earlier… Is something up?
AzamiAh, actually…
Azami—And that’s why, shitty Sakyo won’t shut up about making it cheap.
TsuzuruAh, I see… I can easily imagine Sakyo-san saying that…
AzamiSigh, what should I do?
TsuzuruHmm… It won’t become a full recreation, and I can leave it to you on how you would make it but—
Couldn’t you try using other meat as another way?
AzamiOther meat?
TsuzuruFor now, let’s head over to the meat corner.
TaichiWhat a nice smell~! I’m excited for Aa-chan’s Tonjiru!
AzamiDunno if it’ll meet your expectations though. I made it while being particular with the vegetables.
BanriHeh, as expected of Azami.
JuzaIt’s really filled with vegetables, huh.
OmiYeah, looks good.
TaichiWell then, let’s eat right away!
OmiHmm? This is…
Sakyo...Oi, this meat, it’s not pig but it’s chicken, isn’t it?
AzamiHuh? You were the one who kept telling me to get it cheap!
SakyoIt won’t be recreated food if you used chicken!
AzamiThe playwright Tsuzuru-san suggested it so it’s fine.
SakyoThat ain’t an excuse.
OmiC-Calm down now.
JuzaI think the chicken is good.
TaichiY-You two! Please don’t fight in front of the delicious chicken soup~!



  1. For the role-making in this play, the Autumn troupe decided to recreate food that appears in the story.
  2. Tonjiru is a pork and vegetable miso soup.