Tsumugi Tsukioka/The Donut on my Side

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Irreverent Chocolate Pretzels

Backstage Stories
ReporterStarting today, the “Delicious • Velvet” Billard TV channel! This time we’re going to be introducing all of you to that popular shop~!
CitronBillard TV did lots of lives. We were in one of them too!
HisokaThat’s an interview.
KazunariMy~ It’s actually really popular for a local channel~! Pretty much everyone checks it out!
AzumaThey sometimes do interesting things in the area so I do see them sometimes.
RecorderThis is the popular fast-selling sweet! Sold in the newly opened donut shop “Mixed Ring”!
JuzaPopular sweets……
KazunariThis shop’s also a really hot topic in school.
CitronIt’s colourful, really cute and looks delicious~!
AzumaHeh, it makes you rather curious, right Juza?
KazunariOh, director-chan! Going somewhere?
IzumiYup, I’m heading out for a little shopping.
AzumaGreat timing then.
I wonder if you’d buy some of the donuts from the donut shop that had newly opened along velvet way?
KazunariThe white and bitter chocolate one!
CitronI’ll take the ultra super whipped cream with fruits one!
IzumiEh!? W-Wait a minute, I’ll write it down on a note…………
JuzaThen, I’ll be taking one of the caramel nut curulas.
AzumaI’ll leave mine to you, director. Hisoka’s……
AzumaIf you’re going to sleep then do it properly.
Ahh, we might as well get everyone’s orders since we’re already doing soon. If that’s so then it would be better to have a variety of flavours.
KazunariThat’s true~ it’ll be better to pick a variety of flavours! 20 members, yours, the manager’s portion and……
IzumiWait, wait! My notes can’t catch up with you guys!
TsumugiHuh? You’re going out too?
IzumiYou too? Oh, by the way, the practice session’s supposed to be held today, right?
TsumugiYeah. That’s why I thought that I’d head out earlier to buy some refreshments along velvet way where the Billard TV had advertised.
IzumiI see. I’m actually about to head there as well.
Actually, everyone told me……No, they asked me to since they had an opportunity too. Since we’re both heading the same way, how about going together till we part ways?
IzumiThe mood of Valentine’s all around Velvet Way too.
TsumugiValentine’s huh…… They’ve gotten lots of them ever since the past.
IzumiIt seems like the chocolates from fans this year’s an amazing amount too.
TsumugiNot just them, Tenma-kun and Itaru-kun have both received plenty of chocolates from the fans too.
IzumiThat’s true. Maybe I should really think about installing a present box for the actors whenever a show’s held.
Seems like you’ll receive lots too.
TsumugiEh, me?
IzumiYou’re kind of I think you’ll get lots of obligation and favourite chocolates too.
TsumugiIt’s unfortunate but that isn’t true at all. I do get chocolates but they’re all obligatory ones and they’re only 3 or 4 at them at most.
IzumiWhat a realistic number……
TsumugiHaha, that’s because I don’t have many female friends.
Izumi(In other words, he thinks of it as chocolate from his friends. Though he himself doesn’t realise I, I’m sure that they’re actually chocolates meant for favourites……)
……Hm? There’s a somewhat sweet scent……
TsumugiThat’s right. I wonder if it’s coming from that shop over there?
IzumiMixed ring……Oh, it’s this place. This is the new donut shop that Azuma-san told me about.
TsumugiI see. Then how about we go check it out?
Donut Shop EmployeeThank you very much~!
IzumiIt’s crowded in here seeing as how it’s a popular shop.
TsumugiIt’s great that we managed to buy the refreshments too. They’re sure to be pleased with these.
IzumiAll of them really seemed to be delicious. I’ve even bought one for myself since I couldn’t help but to do so too.
TsumugiSince it was freshly made, how about we eat it now?
IzumiThat’s true.
Smells nice……! Then I’ll eat it immediately.
TsumugiI’ll be eating it then……Mm, it’s delicious!
IzumiI understand how this shop’s really popular now. The cream inside is delicious too!
Izumi……? Oh, would you like to take a bite of this too?
TsumugiEh? Oh, I’m sorry. Was I making an expression that said as if I wanted to try it……?
IzumiJust a little. I’m also interested in how yours tastes like. Shall we exchange a bite then?
TsumugiThen, I’ll take you up for your words.
IzumiMmn, the taste of this one’s also a nice sweetness that’s just right.
TsumugiThe cream of this one’s also delicious. I bet Azuma-san would like it too.
IzumiThat’s true.
Tsumugi……Oh, director. You have cream stuck on your mouth.
IzumiWhat? Really? ……Hey, you too.
TsumugiAhaha, we both seem like kids.
Passerby AHey hey, seems like there’s something starting over there.
Izumi? It’s gotten rather crowded.
TsumugiI wonder if it’s a street ACT. There’s a rather good amount of audience gathered.
IzumiLet’s go take a little peek at it.
Actor A“You promised to give me Chocolate didn’t you?”
Actor B“Like I said, I didn’t make a promise like that! W-Well, I can’t not give them to you if you want them though……!”
Izumi(I see, the theme’s Valentine’s. The actors are all very hyped over it so it projects out a good feeling.)
Izumi(His expression……)
You’re itching to act it out yourself too, aren’t you?
I got totally found out by you huh.
If you’re alright with it, how about we do it together too? A street ACT.
IzumiWith me?
TsumugiI have a little more time before the practice anyway so I’ll be glad if you could accompany me for even a little.
IzumiBut……As you already know, I’m a radish.
TsumugiIt’ll be alright since I’ll be the one leading it. Alright?
Izumi(Tsumugi-san’s experienced too so he’d be able to follow up if I make any mistakes……I guess it’s alright if it’s just for a while?)
……Then, I look forward to working with you.
TsumugiThank you very much! Though, even if this is a setting, we do have to do something about it —
“Sorry! I’m late! You were waiting, right?”
Izumi“N-Not at all, it’s alright! I’ve only just arrived as well.”
Audience AHuh? It seems like there’s a street ACT going on here too.
Audience BWhat, what~?
Tsumugi“That’s a relief to hear. Err, well then, let’s go. I was thinking of going to a cafe featured in a magazine.”
Izumi“You went through all the trouble of looking it up?”
Tsumugi“Yup. It seems like that shop’s selling limited Valentine’s sweets for Valentine’s day. So I had wanted to eat them together with you.
“Well……Since it’s my first valentine’s having met you, I thought that I’d like for it to be something special so I looked it up.”
Izumi“Oh, um, thanks! I’m really happy.”
Audience COh~ An amazing couple series~! How cute~!
Audience DI can feel the heart racing feeling it gives out!
Izumi(My heart’s only racing because I’m a radish and I’m nervous! Though we’re acting to be the opposite of what it really is)
(As expected of him to reverse the roles. To think that he came out with such a good idea to make use of such a radish like me. He’s also really good and leading and following up.)
(It’s been a while since I’ve managed to enjoy a street ACT like this……)
TsumugiThank you very much!
IzumiThank you very much!
(It’s been a long time since I last did an act like this. My chest feels so full.)
Tsumugi-san, thank you very much it was really fun.
TsumugiSame here. It was really enjoyable.
CHOICE 1: You’re really reliable after all. [+]
IzumiAs expected of the Winter Troupe’s leader. You’re really reliable.
TsumugiEh? I-I see. I do hope that I can become like that though.
IzumiIt was really reassuring to be acting alongside you and I got really encouraged by it.
TsumugiThank you very much. I’ll do my best so that everyone in the Winter Troupe can say the same too.
CHOICE 2: It really seemed like a date. [+]
IzumiIt kind of seemed like we were really doing it for real.
TsumugiHaha, I feel the same too though I was just absorbed in playing the role.
But, at the same time, eating donuts and then doing a street ACT together……It’s really seems like a date, doesn’t it?
IzumiWhen you put it that way, it might seem like the case.
InterviewerExcuse me! The 2 brilliant people over there! We’re from Billard TV, could we interview you?
TsumugiWhat? An interview?
InterviewerThat interaction earlier was really great! You’re a really closely-tied and friendly couple~!
IzumiA c-couple you say.
TsumugiYou’re mistaken, that was just a play——
InterviewerAre you guys in the middle of a valentine’s date? My, not again~! The boyfriend’s getting embarrassed.
IzumiNo, that’s not it.
InterviewerWill you be giving each other a gift after all?
IzumiIt’s no use, they’re not listening at all……
TsumugiWe don’t have a choice but to play along and make up a reasonable answer huh……
……Err, right.
InterviewerHow nice~ Have you chosen a present for her yet?
TsumugiNo, not yet. I was thinking of giving her something that would make her happy.
InterviewerI think that she’ll be pleased with anything that her boyfriend chooses!
TsumugiHaha, is that so.
InterviewerThank you very much for your answer—!
TsumugiHaa……We somehow managed to get through it.
IzumiSorry for leaving it all to you. Thank you very much.
TsumugiNot at all. They just seemed to be completely convinced that we were a couple.
IzumiBut what happened just now……won’t be broadcasted right?
TsumugiThough it was just an answer I made up on a whim, I don’t think it’s unacceptable. It seems like they’re interviewing various couples too.
IzumiThat’s true.
The practice that’s scheduled tomorrow……
InterviewerVelvet’s Way is also filed with the mood of Valentine’s.
I think I’ll go interview some of the couples who’re going to the street!
Excuse me! The 2 brilliant people over there! We’re from Billard TV, could we interview you?
TsumugiWhat? An interview?
TaichiHuh!? Isn’t that Tsumugi-san and the director on the TV!?
IzumiNo way……
InterviewerThe boyfriend’s getting embarrassed. Are you guys in the middle of a valentine’s date?
TaichiTsumugi-san and the director in a Valentine’s date!?
ItaruHeh? Since when.
IzumiT-That’s not it! We were simply being mistaken for a couple……
ItaruWhoa there, Masumi immediately stood up without a sound.
TaichiM-Masumi’s gaze! It’s really scary!
MasumiA secret Valentine’s date with the director? I definitely won’t forgive that……
TsumugiI-It’s a misunderstanding! We just happened to be together at a donuts shop on that day——
MasumiYou went to a donuts shop with the director?
ItaruIt’s the gravest of the grave. A death flag.
TasukuTsumugi……You seem to be caught up in things like this really often.
TsumugiE-Even if you say that, that’s really just a misunderstanding—
InterviewerIt seems like you’re at a loss for what to buy as a gift. Though it’s standard, how about an accessory?
TsumugiRight. It seems like anything will suit her too.
InterviewerAhaha, she seems to be fond of the idea~!
MasumiTsumugi, you…...
TsumugiI just answered what was necessary, there were no feelings behind it!
TsumugiTasuku, don’t give up and just help me out over here.
TasukuIt doesn’t have anything to do with me.
InterviewerYou’re such a matching couple that I'm envious!
TsumugiThank you very much.
InterviewerI’m sure that such a matching couple like you will definitely enjoy a lovely Valentine’s~
TaichiA matching couple! A lovely Valentine’s!
MasumiA matching couple? Lovely……?
ItaruMasumi’s battle aura is increasing at an incredible rate.
IzumiFor the time being, let’s turn the TV off!
TsumugiMasumi-kun, you’ll get it if you talk it out!
