Cards/Itaru Chigasaki/Mood Out of Range
From A3! Wiki
< Cards | Itaru Chigasaki
Mood Out of Range | |
【ゴキゲン圏外】 | |
Leader Skill | スマホ文鎮化 Smartphone-Turned-Paperweight |
Adlib Skill | ソシャゲ禁断症状 Mobage Withdrawal |
Cardset | CAMP!CAMP!CAMP! |
そこにゲームが無い場合、俺は……I could be a gamer because there were games. If there are no games, then I……
- Backstage Story: サバゲー初体験
Card Stats[edit]
Lv. | Co | Ac | Sr |
1 | 917 | 1236 | 1557 |
60 | 1920 | 2593 | 3268 |
+ | 2090 | 2823 | 3558 |
++ | 2260 | 3053 | 3848 |
🔥🔥🔥 | 3160 | 3953 | 4748 |
Adlib Skill Stats[edit]
Lv. | % Activation | % Stat Increase |
1 | 15 | 25 |
2 | 20 | 30 |
3 | 25 | 35 |
4 | 30 | 40 |