Azuma Yukishiro/Brilliance of Blooming

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Backstage Stories
IzumiKazunari-kun will join our leader’s meeting today.
BanriSo you thought something up again?
KazunariRight on spot, Settzer! There’s a little something I wanted to try.
Well… I thought about a project survey to know what our fans want us to do~.
SakuyaA project survey?
IzumiYes. We did one for the fans following Kazunari’s proposal.
KazunariNow, thankfully, Mankai Company recognition has skyrocketed!
TenmaThat’s right, the number of new fans has grown a lot too.
KazunariStill, some of our first supporters seem to be sad because they feel we have grown apart.
But no matter how popular we become, we want to be a troupe close to its fans, right?
BanriGot it. So you did the survey for that.
TsumugiWhat were the results?
KazunariA lot of them wanna see more inste-lives and selfies from us!
TenmaWell, the frequency of our inste-lives varies from each person.
TsumugiSame with the selfies. We tend to leave them to those who are good with SNS.
KazunariAnd here is my idea! We hold a special proposal with personal inste-lives and a selfie festival for 24 days non-stop!
BanriA selfie festival?
KazunariYou take a selfie during the live that later you’ll post it on Inste to hype them up!
IzumiSakyo-san said it’s okay as long as I watch over the streams to make sure there won’t be any problem.
KazunariWhich means, it’s up to you guys… so what do you say?
SakuyaI want to do it! Of course, to make the fans happy, but…
I’m glad to get the chance to talk with our fans even if is through the screen!
TsumugiI would like to try it as well. I feel as if I’m understanding, little by little, more about inste-lives.
TenmaBut we can’t just chat there, right?
KazunariYeah, about that. I thought to do another survey asking what they want to see each member doing.
BanriThat would make it easier.
IzumiEach of your inste-live might be different and interesting.
KazunariIt’s decided then! Leave the form creation and the answers summary to me!
SakuyaThank you so much Kazunari-san!
IzumiLeaders, please share about the inste-lives and selfies with your troupe’s members.
LeadersGot it!
TasukuAzuma-san, this arrived for you.
AzumaThat box is…?
TasukuYour usual coloring books.
AzumaOh, thanks. But, why did you bring them?
TasukuI was going back to my room, and Director asked me if I could do it.
AzumaAh, that makes sense.
Fufu. You didn’t have to bring them to the balcony, though.
TasukuWell, I saw you were here from outside. But I can leave them in your room if you want.
AzumaAh, wait a bit, Tasuku. Can you put them here?
TasukuSure, are you going to use them now?
AzumaYes, I want to check them a bit. They appeared in the survey for the inste-live I was reading.
TasukuI see. Then… here they are.
TasukuBut coloring books are a bit unexpected. I thought there would be more requests about beauty treatments.
AzumaWell, there are many of those. Some ask me about my cosmetics and others about beauty techniques.
But a few of them would like to see me coloring a picture.
TasukuDid you talk about coloring that much, Azuma-san?
AzumaI did talk about it, but not enough to leave an impression…
I’m glad some fans remembered that small detail about me.
TasukuI can see that.
AzumaNow, will I be able to find a design to color in the set time? Ah, this one might work.
TasukuThat means you’ll color it in your inste-live?
AzumaYes, just like you said.
Would you like one of them?
TasukuNo need. I’m good.
AzumaIs that so? Well, feel free to ask me if you ever want one.
IzumiI’m glad to work with you today, Azuma-san. Are you ready?
AzumaYes, I’m ready whenever you want to start.
IzumiThen, the live is starting!
AzumaCan you see me well?
CommentYes, I can see you!
CommentHello Azuma-san!
AzumaAh, everything seems perfect. Thanks for your comments.
Hello, I’m Azuma Yukishiro from Mankai Company’s Winter Troupe.
CommentYou look pretty today~!
CommentWhat will you do?
AzumaI thought to color a picture for today’s streaming. How does it sound?
CommentSounds good!
CommentIt seems fun!
AzumaFufu, I’m glad. Then, let’s get ready right away.
CommentAzuma-san’s coloring will be really pretty.
CommentWhat picture will you color?
AzumaI chose this bouquet for today.
CommentThe outline by itself is pretty!
CommentA bouquet is a good choice.
AzumaThen, I’ll start painting this part with the little flower…
CommentYou’re good!
CommentYou don’t get out of the lines at all.
CommentYou are skilled at it~!
AzumaNow, the tulips…?
Which color should I use for this tulip?
CommentPink sounds good~
AzumaFufu, there are many comments about it. I’m not sure which to follow.
But, lots of you say pink. So I’ll use it here.
CommentSo cute!
AzumaIf that’s pink, this one should be purple—
Now the rose. Any color suggestions?
CommentI think yellow.
CommentBlue might be good since the tulip is pink.
AzumaTrue, sounds good. Then, let’s use blue.
Uhm, it’s mostly completed. Next is—
IzumiIt’s almost time to end the stream!
AzumaJust in time, it seems. I’ll color the ribbon last and close today’s stream.
CommentThe ribbon is important.
CommentSince it’s the last one!
CommentWill you choose the ribbon color, Azuma-san?
AzumaRight… please, wait a minute.
Thanks for waiting. A special guest has come.
AzumaHe happened to be close, so I brought him with me.
OmiI’m Omi Fushimi from the Autumn Troupe.
CommentWait, that means Omi-san will choose the ribbon?
OmiRibbon…? What could that mean?
AzumaI was coloring a picture, and I thought you could choose the color for the last ribbon, Omi.
Look, it’s the ribbon for this bouquet.
OmiAah, so it’s about that.
A color for this ribbon… I’d say red.
AzumaOkay. Now, color the last ribbon.
CommentIt’s completed, at last!
AzumaThen, the picture we colored together is now completed.
CommentI feel touched.
CHOICE 1: It’s really good [+]
CHOICE 2: It’s pretty [+]
IzumiPlease, don’t forget about the selfie!
OmiAh, I guess it’s time.
AzumaYes. Then, I’ll take a selfie to finish the stream.
Since we did it all together, I should take the photo with it.
I would like to know what you think about it, Omi.
I think you took it pretty well
AzumaI’m glad. Well then, that’s how we finish today’s stream.
Thanks for watching until the end. I hope you had fun today.
CommentThanks to you too~
CommentIt was fun!
OmiThanks, everyone.
AzumaI hope you keep supporting Mankai Company. Until next time.
IzumiGood job, you two!
AzumaThanks, good job as well.
OmiThanks for your hard work.
IzumiYou surprised me when you suddenly went out, Azuma-san.
AzumaFufu, I’m sorry for that. And, sorry for bringing you with me so suddenly, Omi.
I thought a surprise might be interesting for them.
OmiIt surprised me a bit, but I’m alright with it.
AzumaRight. Don’t forget to choose a photo to upload on Inste, Azuma-san.
Of course, I’ll think which one.
I feel relieved now that I finished my inste-live. Would you like to take a glass with me to celebrate, Director?
IzumiSure! But before that…
Did you choose a photo to upload on Inste?
AzumaYes, I did. I thought to use this one… what do you think?
IzumiAh, it’s really good!
AzumaThen, I’ll add a comment and post it.
Our coloring stream was fun. Thanks for choosing colors with me.
#MankaiCompany #OurCollaboration
