Kumon Hyodo/Brilliance of Blooming

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MANKAI Livestream! ~LIVE: Kumon~

Backstage Stories
IzumiKazunari-kun is also joining in on today’s leader’s meeting.
KazunariLet’s do this piko~!
BanriHave you come up with somethin’ again?
KazunariThat’s right, Setzer!
There’s a lil something I wanted to try.
So you see… we held a project survey for the fans to find out what they’d like us to do!
SakuyaA project survey?
IzumiYep. We did it for our fans as per Kazunari-kun’s suggestion.
KazunariThankfully, MANKAI Company’s popularity is soaring through the roof right now!
TenmaThat’s true. We got a lot of new fans too.
Kazunari‘Cept some of the folks who have been supporting us for a while also voiced that they’re a bit lonely since it feels like there’s been more distance between us.
But, like, we wanna be a Theatre troupe that’s close to our fans no matter how much our popularity rises, right?
BanriI see.
So that explains the project survey, eh?
TsumugiHow were the results?
KazunariThe most common answer was, “I wanna see more InsteLives and selfies from all the troupe members!”
TenmaWell, the frequency of InsteLive streams varies from person to person.
TsumugiIt’s the same for our selfies.
We basically leave it to the members who are good at SNS.
KazunariYep, and so! As a special project this time, I propose we hold a solo InsteLive and selfie festival for 24 consecutive days!
BanriA selfie festival?
KazunariIt’d be even more hype if we took selfies during the live and upped the pics to Inste later, wouldn’t it!
IzumiWe’ve also discussed it with Sakyo-san, and he said we can do it as long as I keep watch to make sure no trouble occurs during the streams.
KazunariAnd so, the rest depends on you guys…
How about it?
SakuyaI’d love to do it! Of course I want to make everyone happy…
But I’m happy for the chance to talk with all the fans through the screen too!
TsumugiI’d like to give it a try too. I feel like I’m getting more used to InsteLives, little by little.
TenmaHey, but, we can’t just idly chat, right?
KazunariOn that topic, I thought it might be great to send out another survey to hear what they’d like each troupe member to do.
BanriSeems like it’ll be a lot easier to handle in that case.
IzumiEvery InsteLive will turn out differently. That sounds interesting.
Kazunari‘Kay then, it’s settled!
Leave the form creation and tallying up to me!
SakuyaThank you very much, Kazunari-san!
IzumiAlright then, leaders. Please share the InsteLive and selfie plan with all your members.
LeadersGot it!
KumonHmm~, what should I do…
…Ah! Director!
IzumiKumon-kun. Welcome back.
KumonI’m back!
You’ve got a lotta bags there.
I’ll carry them!
IzumiThanks, that helps.
These are snacks I got from the Theatre troupe I was just helping out with.
Let’s eat them together once we’re home.
IzumiThat reminds me, have you decided on what you’re gonna do for your stream, Kumon-kun?
KumonI’m still fretting over that…
Lots of people said they’d like to see me play baseball in the survey I received, so I was thinking I’d do that—.
But Sakyo-san will get mad if I play something like baseball in the rehearsal hall.
I was considering doing it outside, but it’s gonna be rainy that day…
IzumiHmm, I see…
By the way, was there anything else that was highly requested on your survey?
KumonThere was also… ah, some said they wanna see me as a high school student.
IzumiThat’s also pretty vague…
It’s easy to just wear my uniform, but what I do is important too. What can I do that’s “like a high school student”?
IzumiLike a high school student, huh…
(It’s been quite a long time since I graduated high school, so I doubt I could help… ugh, that kind of hurts my heart.)
IzumiHm? What’s up?
KumonThat person’s back I see over there…
JuzaKumon, Director.
IzumiWelcome back, Juza-kun.
He was pretty far away, yet you still recognized him, huh?
KumonHehe. Nii-chan’s back is super cool so I could tell right away!
Oh, right! Hey, hey, Nii-chan. Director and I were just discussing my upcoming InsteLive.
In my survey, there were requests saying they wanna see me as a high school student…
So what do you think of when we say “like a high school student”?
JuzaHigh school… lemme think…
Supplementary classes after school, dudes throwin’ hands with you outta nowhere, stuff like that.
I mean, I do go to a lot of make-up classes after school. But I don’t think anyone’s ever suddenly picked a fight with me…
IzumiUmm, yeah, I think everyone would be pretty shocked with the idea of supplementary lessons and fights.
JuzaRight… my bad.
Kumon, you actually are a high school student. Why don’tcha think back to what you did today?
KumonWhat I did today?
Umm, hold on…
I wrote math and modern Japanese quizzes and they were rough~.
But we played volleyball in gym class after that and it got really heated!
Then I got hungry since I moved around a lot, so I ate two curry buns, two onigiris and a whole~ lot more…
Azami scolded me saying, “eat some veggies too!”~.
Then after our lunch break, I…
Don’t those sound good?
IzumiYeah, I think so too.
KumonEh? Things like that work?
IzumiBy saying they want to see you as a high school student, it means the fans want to see how you naturally are, not you as an actor. Isn’t that right, Kumon-kun?
KumonOhhh, I see!
Okaaay. I’m not sure if they’ll like it, but that’s what I’ll do!
I’ve got this, and this too…
Friend AYou bought lots of stuff at the school store, huh, Kumon?
Friend BLunch is over but you’re gonna eat again~?
KumonHehe! These are for my stream!
IzumiAre you two ready?
KumonWe’re good to go!
IzumiFufu, you sure bought a lot of stuff.
KumonI just ended up buying lots.
IzumiAlright. Shall we get started?
KumonI’ll leave it in your hands!
Hey there! It’s MANKAI Company Summer troupe’s Hyodo Kumon!
Is everyone watching~?
Comment“We’re watching~!”
Comment“Kumon-kun’s in his uniform!”
KumonI was really at a loss over what I should do today…
But I figured I’d show you the regular me, not the actor me~. So I put my uniform on!
But just doing that would be boring, so I’m gonna be streaming with the concept of how a regular lunch break of mine goes!
Comment“That sounds awesome!”
Comment“I can’t wait~!”
KumonAnd so… TAH DAH!
Here's my lunch for today!
This is a big sausage bun, and this here’s a tuna mayo onigiri~…
???Dude. I told you to eat some veggies, didn’t I?
Comment“Is someone else there?”
Comment“Could this voice be”
KumonAh, I haven’t called you yet though!
AzamiYou were takin’ too long.
Comment“It’s Azami-kun!”
Comment“Omg!? I’m so happy!”
Comment“Azami-kun looks cool in his uniform too~!”
KumonIt’d be boring just eating and talking by myself, so I asked Azami to come since we eat together all the time!
This is how we actually spend our days!
But we had lunch apart today since you said there’d be nothing left to talk about here.
KumonC’mon, Azami. Don’t expose me!
Comment“They’re close~!”
Comment“They eat together all the time, huh~”
KumonWhat do you have for lunch, Azami?
AzamiSalad, a mixed grain onigiri, chicken steak, and soup.
Comment“Sounds like it’s good for beauty!”
Comment“He’s really diligent…”
Comment“I’ll learn from him too…”
KumonOkay, let’s dig in right away!
Comment“Eat up~”
Comment“Kumon-kun’s really gobbling it down!”
AzamiWhat did you do today?
KumonSo you see! I played baseball with my Assistant Language Teacher…
And they told me I could make it to the major leagues!
AzamiThe major leagues have a low bar, huh?
KumonAre you watching, Teach~?
Comment“He plays baseball with his teacher~”
Comment“Kumon-kun’s pro at baseball, right!”
KumonAh, I heard there are teachers who wanna take a makeup course of yours, Azami!
AzamiFor real?
KumonA teacher of teachers—you’re awesome, Azami!
Comment“I’d love to take Azami-kun’s makeup course~!”
Comment“He’s even popular with the teachers!”
KumonIt’s amazing, isn’t it!
Ah. Hey, hey. Can I open the potato chips?
AzamiAre these flavours new?
KumonYep! They’re honey mustard and garlic shrimp!
I like these chips, but I’ve never seen them outside our school store.
Has anyone here seen them at another shop before?
Comment“I’ve seen them before~”
Comment“Honey mustard’s my fave!”
Comment“The black pepper cheese one tastes great”
KumonEh, I’ve never seen black pepper cheese! Sounds tasty though~!
Hehe, it really does feel like I’m spending lunch break with all of you!
Comment“It’s such a blast!”
Comment“I’m glad we can spend lunch break together~”
KumonOh yeah! If everyone doesn’t mind, try commenting like we’re students from the same school!
Comment“Sounds fun!”
CHOICE 1: Let’s go home together after school [+]
CHOICE 2: Kumon senpai! [+]
KumonHehe, conversations like this are fun too!
AH! It’s time already!
AzamiIt’s about time to wrap this up.
KumonWas an InteLive like this alright with you guys?
Comment“It was fun, just like we were calling with friends!”
Comment“It felt like I was back in high school~!”
KumonI’m glad it sounds like all of you enjoyed it~.
If you say so, then I’m happy too!
AzamiDon’tcha have to take a pic for Inste?
KumonAhh, that’s right. It slipped my mind!
AzamiGeez, I’ll fix your hair.
KumonThanks, Azami!
Comment“As expected of Azami-kun who’s in charge of hair and makeup!”
KumonAlright, I’m taking it!
I’ll post it to Inste later.
Thanks for today, everyone!
I had such a blast~.
Comment“See you!”
KumonAlright, see ya. Bye bye~!
IzumiGreat job!
KumonGood job! Thanks too, Azami.
AzamiWe were just chattin’ though, really.
IzumiBut I think you showed everyone a charm that they can’t normally see on stage. It’s nice that they can feel closer to you this way.
KumonI was happy I got to talk with everyone too.
…Err, ahh!
That reminds me. I bought ice cream too, but I forgot about it!
I couldn’t choose, so I bought 3 of them. Let’s eat them together, Director!
AzamIEatin’ again…
IzumiAhaha, he’s a growing boy.
KumonAlright, I’ll bring them over!
IzumiAh, hold on! Post to Inste before that!
KumonWhoopsies. Right!
I took a few photos…
Mmm, maybe this one?
AzamiThis one’s nice, ain’t it?
KumonAlright, I’ll go with this one!
Aaand… posted.
