Kaya Mizuno/The Company President of April 1st

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Let's Go! In-house Tour

Backstage Stories
I’m Tachibana Izumi, and starting today, I’ve become a new employee working at MIZUNO Enterprise!
It seems I’m the only employee who’s been recruited this year due to various circumstances, so I’m a little bit anxious…
But this is the start of my adult working life I’ve been longing for.
I’m not sure where I’m going to be assigned yet, but no matter which job is entrusted to me, I’ll do my best so I can contribute to the company...!
IsukeGood afternoon, Tachibana-san! I haven’t seen you since orientation, huh?
How do you do? I’m the Human Resources manager, Matsukawa.
It’s very nice to meet you.
IzumiN-nice to meet you!
(The Human Resources manager Matsukawa-san; I was surprised at first at his tattered suit that looks unbecoming for a large company…)
(But I felt moved when I heard that it was a way for others to let their guard down, and it's his belief that he wants to cherish things.)
IsukeAhaha, are you nervous?
It’ll be fine. You may be our only recent-grad hire this year, but don't worry since we plan to support you fully!
IzumiThank you very much.
IsukeNow then, you will take a tour of each department today to gain a better understanding of the various aspects of our work.
At MIZUNO Enterprise, we value the independence of our employees—.
So after getting a look at the work that we do, you may provide your own request on where you’d like to be assigned.
And we will respect it to the best of our abilities.
IzumiOh, really…!
(As I expected, the company culture sure is free.)
IsukeSo then, he will take it from here.
Please go ahead.
MIZUNO Enterprise’s President, Mizuno Kaya…!?)
MizunoGood afternoon, I’m Mizuno Kaya.
It’s a pleasure to meet you.
IzumiY-yes! It’s nice to meet you!
MizunoNow then, how about we get going, Tachibana-san?
Izumi(It’s the first time I’m meeting with the President up close since the final interview…)
MizunoSorry for startling you there.
As the President, I must be able to properly explain both the company’s positive points and negative points myself—.
And it’s a tradition to have the President personally give a tour of the departments to the new hires.
IzumiI see…
(I was surprised at the amazing reception, but I’m grateful for this valuable opportunity.
Let’s listen properly to what he has to say.)
MizunoHere are our offices.
Come in.
We have a variety of departments in order for the company to function, including Administrative departments such as the the Human Resources department that Matsukawa-san from earlier belongs to.
Izumi(Woah…! It’s bustling in here.)
(That department over there in particular is especially lively.)
MizunoAhh, those guys over there are the members of the Sales department.
Shall we head on over?
TenmaYeah, in that case, leave it to me.
Of course, I’ll definitely deliver results that exceed your expectations.
I’ll create the best product that will surprise and leave anyone impressed.
Hmph, ME!!! I'm the one in charge here.
I’ll make you think it was a good decision to entrust it to me, so look forward to it.
MizunoHe’s Sumeragi-kun. He’s famous as he’s called the smug-faced salesman and he’s extremely dependable.
Izumi(I wonder if his smug face conveys to the customer through the telephone receiver… That’s some amazing technology.)
YukiThe design of this document I made is cute and easy on the eyes, right?
Fufu, are you interested?
Then let me let you a story…
One of our company’s dazzling management philosophies is…
MizunoOver there is the beautiful salesman, Rurikawa-kun.
He has many fans of his unique aura as well.
MukuAwawawa, I’m a tri-coloured ballpen where only one of the colours has ran out. And I'm a flimsy, fluttering piece of scrap paper that’s been shredded—.
I can’t believe I’m being praised like that…!
B-but I’m happy you said so.
If there is anything I can help you with, please let me know!
MizunoSakisaka-kun’s called the negative salesman, but he’s humble, earnest, and very kind.
MisumiHow’s the triangle over here~?
I recommend this triangle too!
By triangle, you mean a triangle~?
MizunoTriangle salesman Ikaruga-kun is a mysterious person…
He has more passion towards triangles than anyone else, and everyone is won over by his presentation.
KumonYep, please let me know anytime! I’LL HELP YOU WITH ALL MY ABSOLUTE MIGHT!!
I can ride my bike long distances at 100km/h, and I’m totally fine with meetings starting at 4 in the morning too!
I’ll definitely, definitely do my best, SO PLEASE CHOOSE OUR COMPANY!!
MizunoThe hot-blooded, sporty salesman, Hyodo-kun, is a very hard worker and that fire and cheerfulness energizes you.
IzumiEveryone’s so distinctive, brilliant, and they’re really wonderful people!
And the one with the best performance in the Sales department is…
KazunariThat, and that, and this too—everything’s a-okaaaay!
‘Kay, just leave everything to me~! Got it, piko!
Beri-san~! Oh-em-gee, for real! I totes feel you~!
It’s wicked lit and hella full of feelsies, right![1]
MizunoThe party dude salesman Kazunari-kun takes pride in his overwhelming communication power.
He was also the top sales performer in March.
TenmaDamn it, just you wait and see.
I’ll become the top in April.
KumonUWOHH, I’m not gonna lose either!
MukuM-me neither…!
Izumi(Woah, woah… sparks are flying…!)
MizunoEven so, those guys go out to play after work together and their synergy is impressive as well.
Izumi! Oh, really…!
(I see, they’re good rivals and coworkers.
I bet their private lives are fulfilling too.)
MisumiAh, President-san~!
MukuCould it be, is the person with you the rumoured new employee?
MizunoYes. I’m just giving her a tour of the departments.
IzumiI’m Tachibana Izumi. It’s nice to meet you!
MisumiWahh, nice to meet you~!
KazunariOh man, you’re a fresh, super cutie, huh!
Like, legit swooned! Hey, hey, let’s exchange LIMEs, new hire-chan!
KumonThat’s not fair, Kazu-san! I wanna become friends with Tachibana-san too!
TenmaHeh, you do seem motivated, and you’ve got quite a good eye.
What do you think, how about you come to the Sales department?
MisumiWorking together with you sounds so fun~!
YukiThat’s fine, right? I’ll teach you lots of different things if you join.
MukuWe’d be delighted to have you! Of course, please call out to me anytime even if you decide to join a different department.
KazunariYou’d seriously be super duper welcome!
I’ll lend a hand for anything and I’ll be here for you ☆
IzumiWahh, thank you all very much!
MizunoFufu, Tachibana-san, you’re a huge hit right away, hm?
???Ohh, ohh, y’all at the Sales department!
Izumi(T-these people are…?
They’re all wearing glasses and they kind of give off a rough vibe…)
MizunoThose guys are the members of the Development department. MIZUNO Enterprise also has an in-house engineering department.
When we launch any sort of internet or other service, these guys carry out the development.
IzumiI see.
(But they feel kind of threatening though…)
BanriOi, you know what we’re talkin’ about, don’tcha?
JuzaIt’s about the contract Kazunari-san agreed on.
AzamiIt’s cause of you spoutin’ “that’s possible, that’s possible,” without any thought that the deadline’s become hard to deal with.
OmiI’m glad you’re leaving it in our hands to develop it, but…
TaichiIt was way too tricky this time, y’know…!
We ended up staying at the office overnight…!
BanriWhat kinda selfish shit are you pullin’?
KazunariEhh~! But guys, if it’s y’all at the Development department, then you totes got it under control, right!
SakyoDon’t just leave it all to someone else so lightly. Are you screwin’ with me?
In the first place, you punk ass…!
KazunariWell, I trust everyone on the Dev team!
And besides…!
MizunoNow, now, you two.
MizunoLet’s find a way to come to an agreement that reduces our company’s workload while also satisfying the other party as well.
Sakyo…I understand.
KazunariYeah, that works…
Sorry to the Dev team too. I’ll consult with them again.
Izumi(This issue was settled really well. As expected of President Mizuno…)
MizunoNow then, on that topic, how about we take a tour of the Development department next?
TaichiAhh, wait, don’t tell me—it’s the new hire’s tour around each department!?
MizunoYes, I showed her the Sales department just now…
Sakyo! You…
(This person’s staring at me with a surprised look on his face…)
MizunoWhat’s the matter, Sakyo-san?
Sakyo…Well, it was quite a long time ago, I suppose. You don’t remember, huh?
Izumi(Remember…? Also, speaking of Sakyo… AHH!)
Could it be, Sakyo onii-chan…!?
OmiDo you two know each other?
SakyoWe lived in the same neighbourhood when we were kids.
IzumiI made him play with me a lot, but then onii-chan moved away a short time later…
MizunoI see, you are… childhood friends.
JuzaThen it’s a long-awaited reunion.
SakyoI see, you’re already at the adult working age too, huh…
BanriHe’s legit wiping his tears away.
AzamiHis old man-stink's increasin’.
SakyoShut it—who is?
BanriNew hire-chan, you’re thinking ‘bout where you’ll be assigned to from now on, right?
TaichiIt'll be easy to work if you have someone you know, so won’t you join the Development department?
I wanna work with you too!
OmiYeah, we welcome you.
AzamiI just joined the company last year too.
If you come to the Development department, I’ll take care of you.
BanriI’ll teach you anything you want, so you can count on me.
SakyoIf there’s somethin’ you don’t know, or that’s troubling you, or if there’s anything you wanna know, I’ll help you anytime.
IzumiThank you very much…!
(I thought they were kind of intimidating before, but everyone’s really kind.)
SakyoWell, the Development department’s noisy like this, but we have some pretty interesting points too.
BanriBy the way, oi, Hyodo! If you review the code you wrote, it’s trash, dumbass!
JuzaAHH? There’s no way it is.
Your eyes are what’s trash, jackass.
BanriThe hell d’you say!?
TaichiOmi-kun, I’ve lost my concentration~, help me~!
OmiPerfect, the quiche just finished so how about you take a break?
Please help yourselves if you’d like, too, President, Tachibana-san.
MizunoThank you very much. Itadakimasu.
IzumiThank you very much!
MizunoFushimi-kun uses the in-office oven and makes food and sweets for us like this.
IzumiWow, it looks and smells really great.
…! It's delicious!
OmiHaha, I’m glad.
JuzaThe sweets Omi-san makes are real good.
I’m sure you’ll like ‘em too.
TaichiWe also have Omi-kun’s tasty snacks!
It’s cool and fun, so choose the Development department!
MizunoNow then, it’s about time for my meeting with everyone from the Secretarial department.
Let’s head over together, Tachibana-san.
Izumi(I-I can’t believe I’m allowed to enter the President’s office…!
It’ll be pretty hard to get a chance to in the future…)
MizunoNow then, let’s begin the meeting.
Tachibana-san, please observe from over there.
TsumugiI’ve summarized the details from the meeting the other day.
The related documents are over here.
MizunoThey're very easy to understand and this helps a lot.
The flowers that you’ve placed out today are also very beautiful.
Izumi(By flowers, he means that beautiful flower arrangement that’s decorating the President’s office, right?)
MizunoI’m always able to work comfortably thanks to you, Tsukioka-san. Thank you very much.
TsumugiNot at all. I’m glad I could be of help.
AzumaFufu, as expected of Tsumugi, the soothing secretary.
TasukuI’ve carried over the all the documents and items and such to be used in the prep meeting with the client.
Sorry for always leaving the physical work to you.
TasukuPlease leave it to me anytime.
Also, here’s this week’s training menu.
Let’s go to the gym tomorrow too.
I’ve prepared new protein and drinks.
HomareBody building secretary Tasuku-kun’s special training menu and special drinks, hm?
MizunoThank you very much. Could you also give me some advice on stretching when you have time between work?
TasukuOf course.
HisokaDid you sleep well yesterday, President?
It’s all thanks to Mikage-san, the pleasant sleep support secretary.
HisokaThat’s great.
Today, I’ve prepared a drink to have before you sleep, and a nicely scented candle.
I also found a cushion that feels snuggly, so please give it a try.
MizunoFufu, I’m looking forward to them all.
HisokaAnd I’ve prepared marshmallows too.
MizunoThe marshmallows Mikage-san prepares when I'm craving something a little bit sweet are truly delicious.
AzumaYour skin condition also looks good, partly because of the good night’s sleep you got.
MizunoThe cream Yukishiro-san recommended is very comfortable to use, and I apply it all the time.
AzumaI’m glad you’ve taken a liking to it.
Let’s go to the beauty-treatment salon another time.
GuyBeauty secretary Yukishiro really knows the President’s skin and hair well after all, huh?
Izumi(I see, the President meets with people often, so things like that are important too.)
AzumaFufu, you look very nice today, President Mizuno.
Nothing but respect for my President.
MizunoT-thank you very much…!
HomareNow then, these are the documents and materials to be used in the conference at noon.
MizunoImpressive, they’re so artistic again this time!
HomareWhy, naturally!
TsumugiThe documents and materials Homare-san, the fine arts secretary, makes are famous both in-house and among our client companies.
HomareI have several artistic propositions as well, so please expect them.
MizunoYes! I’m looking forward to it.
GuyRegarding the documents you will use in the conference this afternoon—.
Furthermore, regarding the schedule afterwards and getting in touch with each section to communicate with the client—.
MizunoI understand. On that issue, there’s also…
TasukuGuy-san really is prompt in what he does.
HisokaThat’s the secretarial android for you.
HomareHe also serves as the President’s security, so he is truly reliable.
MizunoWhat do you think, Tachibana-san?
A meeting with the Secretarial department goes like this.
TsumugiPresident Mizuno is very busy, so the Secretarial department provides full backup for the management of his schedule and tasks.
MizunoEveryone supports me by making use of the skills each of them excel at, and it’s truly such a great help.
IzumiThat’s wonderful…!
AzumaWhat do you think?
Would you like to join the Secretarial department and try working with us?
HomareThat would be splendid. It is sure to be exciting!
TasukuThe work of a secretary is also rewarding.
GuyYes. I will teach you anything if something is unclear to you.
HisokaEveryone in our department goes out to have tea and drinks together too.
TsumugiIf you’re interested, then definitely join us.
Even if you end up joining a different department, please don’t hesitate to call out to us as we’ll consult with you or lend you a hand anytime.
IzumiRight, thank you very much!
(Everyone’s so amazing…!)
(I wonder if I’ll be able to contribute much in this company that’s full of such impressive people…?)
TasukuIt looks like a fluorescent light is about to go out.
Izumi? I hear the sound of footsteps all of a sudden...
SakuyaIt’s the General Affairs department! Please excuse us!
TsuzuruGot the stepladder… Here.
Go ahead, Sakuya.
Izumi(Woah, he climbed right up the stepladder and he’s replacing the fluorescent bulb that went out…!)
SakuyaChange complete!
TsumugiThank you.
AzumaFufu, as usual, I feel healed by Saku’s cute, smiling face.
It’s so relaxing when the General Affairs department comes by.
TsumugiI know what you mean. They’re refreshing and pleasant, just like a spring breeze, right?
ItaruHere’s the list of today’s visitors.
ChikageI’ve also inputted the data, so please check it over.
CitronI’ve sorted all sorts of documents and organized them all beautifully!
TsuzuruI ordered the additional equipment as well.
SakuyaAnd I tidied up the file room.
HomareAhh, you have my gratitude.
GuyThanks to the capable General Affairs department, the Secretarial department also has an easier time with our work and it’s a great help.
Izumi(That's what you expect from professionals who improve the work efficiency of the employees.)
ChikageBy the way, is Mr. Sleepy-head here actually helpful to the Secretarial department?
Izumi(Mr. Sleepy-head?)
HisokaI’m working properly even if you don’t tell me to.
ChikageYou haven’t been dozing off, have you?
HomareHisoka-kun works properly as long as you give him marshmallows.
ChikageWhat about the trouble you’re causing your coworkers?
HisokaIt's none of your business, Chikage.
TsumugiHisoka-kun and Chikage-san from General Affairs are from the same hometown.
IzumiI see, that’s how it is.
TasukuHasn't this guy been playing games during work again?
ItaruHaven't you been doing muscle training during work again?
GuyThe Secretarial and General Affairs departments also have modest conflicts in some cases.
CitronNow, now, don’t fight, everyone!
We’ll calm everyone with one of our General Affair’s specialty Manzai acts!
Let’s do this, Tsuzuru!
TsuzuruHold on, Citron-san!
…Good grief.
CitronHello~, it’s Citron & Tsuzuru’s CITRUN!
I’m thinking of making a bento for lunch tomorrow.
TsuzuruOh, that sounds nice. What are you gonna put inside?
CitronA vegetable terrine, lobster bisque, tilefish poêle, red wine braised beef tail…
TsuzuruUm, what kind of bento is that! Isn’t that a full course meal!
Citron…Flavoured onigiri.
The General Affair’s specialty Manzai shows are really funny.
Izumi(…Wait, huh?
Speaking of which, from a while ago, the President’s been…)
Izumi(EH!? It looks like he’s hiding with only his head peeking out from behind his desk…)
P-president Mizuno…?
CitronOhh, President?
TsuzuruI knew it was a bad idea to show President Mizuno our Manzai…
Sorry for always showing you something so boring.
MizunoTHAT’S NOT IT!!!
So much so I’d like to push it with all my might with the company…!
TsuzuruYou don’t have to go that far.
But I appreciate it.
The two of them have a really friendly air around them…)
TsuzuruAhh, sorry for surprising you.
Actually, Mizuno and I are childhood friends.
IzumiOh, I see!
TsuzuruThat being said, I should keep my manners properly in check while at the company.
Sorry for acting so over-familiar with you, President Mizuno.
MizunoN-no way! Please don’t worry about it!
You don’t have to use formal speech either! Even if you call me President, compared to Tsuzuru-kun’s magnificent humanity, I’m just…!
Izumi(President Mizuno looks all flustered…)
TsuzuruI’ll work hard so I can be even more helpful to you, Mizuno.
MizunoThank you. I will do my best too.
Tachibana-san, my apologies for the late introduction.
These guys are the members of the General Affairs department.
SakuyaIt’s very nice to meet you!
IzumiI’m Tachibana Izumi. Same here, nice to meet you!
CitronOhh, the rumoured new hire.
I’m Citron! I want to get along!
You’re definitely, definitely welcome at the General Affairs section~!
ChikageThe General Affairs department is fun and noisy too.
ItaruWe hold game tournaments sometimes, you know?
Wanna be our player 7, Tachibana-san?
TsuzuruWe’d be really happy if you joined us.
SakuyaWelcome! Let’s do our best together as colleagues at MIZUNO Enterprise!
If there’s anything you don’t know, please ask me anything, any time!
IzumiThank you so much!
ItaruNow then, I guess we should head out…
Oh, hm?
ItaruMasumi? Oiii, Masumiii.
MasumiI’ve found… my soulmate.
TsumugiCome to think of it, I’m pretty sure Masumi-kun’s been staring at her the whole time since he entered the President’s office…
MasumiI joined this company in order to look for my destined partner.
And now, I’ve finally found them. You’re my…
IzumiEhh, ehh?
MasumiI love you. Marry me.
MasumiJoin the General Affairs department. I want to be with you.
I’ll file paperwork and order various things with you.
Then we'll go on outings, listen to music together, and we’ll think about the things we’ll need for our married life.
The two of us will spend lots of time doing different things together…
ItaruLOL, that had nothing to do with General Affairs halfway through.
CitronIs this love at first sight!?
SakuyaMasumi-kun, calm down!
TsuzuruWhat are you doing in front of the President…!
I’m so sorry! Come on, let’s go!
ChikageThen please excuse us.
*door closes*
IzumiT-that surprised me…
MizunoI was shocked too…
But Usui-kun is a very outstanding person.
GuyAlright, we will be on our way as well.
TsumugiLet’s make today a great day too.
MizunoYes, thank you very much.
*door closes*
So, I’ve shown you all the departments within the company; what do you think?
IzumiI thought that it’s really amazing.
Everyone is so professional… Honestly, I’m not confident I’ll be as helpful to the company as they are.
MizunoWhat’s important isn’t to be useful to the company, but that you, Tachibana-san, yourself, are able to have fun working without any worries.
As you’ve seen today, every department plays an important role within the company—.
But everyone wasn’t able to work so competently from the very beginning.
Even so, you will eventually find a role that suits your aptitude, and you’ll be able to work comfortably.
In other words, no matter which department you're assigned to, I’m sure you will find a role that will make the best use of your own unique strengths!
So let’s find that role together.
IzumiPresident Mizuno…
(Once again, I’m glad that I got to join this company…!)
Mizuno—san, Director-san… Director-san?
(This is the MANKAI Dorm…?)
Hah, President Mizuno…!?
Izumi(Huh… Oh, that was a dream just now.)
(I had a meeting with Mizuno-san scheduled today, but I was reading documents until late last night so it looks like I nodded off.)
MizunoI’m sorry for disturbing you. The manager let me inside.
IzumiOh, that’s what happened.
I’m sorry for showing you my embarrassing appearance.
MizunoOh, no. You must be tired…
I apologize for taking up your time while you’re busy.
IzumiYou see…
The truth is, I had a dream where Mizuno-san was the President of a company.
No way, I’m still just an inexperienced intern…!
It’d be unthinkable to succeed my father…!
IzumiStill, in my dream, you filled the role wonderfully.
MizunoT-thank you very much.
That’s too kind.
Imagining myself as a President is an exaggeration…
But in the future, 100 years from now, I want to become a splendid, capable person who can pour all my efforts into entertainment.
So that’s why I will continue to improve myself from now on as well.
He really does have a President's capability...!)



  1. I took a lot of liberties here because not even Google could comprehend the slang in this line lmao