Juza Hyodo/Like the Late Autumn Wind

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Flight! The Team Karuta Competition!

Backstage Stories
Izumipanting We finally made it!
BanriThat was a long climb over those steps. Director-chan, you good?
IzumiY-Yeah, more or less…
AzamiWow, the shrine really lives up to size.
OmiYeah. Apparently it has a lot of historical significance too.
I heard they’ve got a delicious sweets store nearby.
BanriEven at a cultural monument, that’s the only thing on your mind. How did you even hear about that?
JuzaThere was a sign about it on the way here.
TaichiI wanna go too!
OmiHaha, let’s swing by afterwards.
SakyoWe’re not here to play, you brats.
Today’s our day off, but our shows start up again tomorrow. Don’t forget.
AzamiStrict as ever, and with wrinkles to match.
SakyoYou wanna say that again?
BanriWell, he’s not wrong about keeping our performance in mind.
JuzaSomething up, Director?
IzumiNo, I was just thinking about how physically fit everyone in Autumn Troupe is… I should have expected this.
SakyoWhat’s that?
TaichiSeems like a big event happening over there!
IzumiThere’s a lot of people in traditional clothing… I wonder what it is?
OmiLet’s go have a look.
Card ReaderAshibiki no~
IzumiOh, it’s a karuta competition.
SakyoNow that you mention it, this shrine does have a connection to karuta.
TaichiWow, that’s sick!
Card ReaderKasasagi no~
BanriMan, that’s impressive.
AzamiThe memorization involved is insane…
OmiKnowing which card to take just from that…
TaichiThey’re so fast, it’s like watching a pro athlete at work!
SakyoEven if you can identify the card, it seems difficult to snatch it up before anyone else.
OmiThere’s a panel over here explaining the Hyakunin Isshu.
AzamiHmm… So that's what it means, huh.
IzumiIt’s helpful when they translate these poems, isn’t it?
Taichi…Hm? Ah!
SakyoOi, don’t just go wandering off.
OmiTaichi, what is it?
TaichiThis is the one they read before!
BanriHmm, karuta phone straps.
???Are you interested in that one?
???That poem is an autumn poem…
Dew drops blown by a strong wind are much like scattered pearls.
???Haha, sorry to pop up out of nowhere. I saw you looking at it with deep curiosity, and I became curious myself.
I used to compete in this karuta competition a lot back in the day… Now I’m on the organization and planning side of things.
The competition over there is one I organized.
JuzaOh, huh.
???By the way, are you some kind of celebrity? You and the kids you were with—you’re all quite handsome.
Juza…No, we’re in a theater company. We’re here for a regional performance.
???Hmm, I see… A theater company, then.
IzumiAh, here you are. …Oh. Juza-kun, is this an acquaintance?
JuzaNo, I just met him. He said he organized the karuta competition.
IzumiWait, really?
JuzaAh, this person is our director.
IzumiNice to meet you. My name is Tachibana Izumi.
JuzaI’m Hyodo Juza.
MatsumuraApologies for not introducing myself sooner. I’m Matsumura. Nice to meet you.
I see, so you’re their…?
IzumiYes, we’re a theater company called Mankai Company, from Veludo—
IzumiDo you know it?
MasumuraYes. We’re planning for our next karuta competition to be in Veludo.
IzumiOh? Really!?
JuzaWhat a coincidence.
MastumuraThere must be significance in our chance meeting here. Why don’t you participate in the competition?
Izumi—Mankai Company will be competing in the karuta competition!
KazunariOh~ Heck to the yeah! It sounds fun!
IzumiIt’s a team contest where three people make up one team, so I’d like to choose the members.
The people here who seem like they’d be good at karuta are—
TaichiTsumugi-san, right?
SakuyaYeah, Tsumugi-san seems like he’d be really good at it!
MukuHe’s our teacher, after all.
TasukuNo, even if Tsumugi can remember the poems, he lacks the speed to grab the cards.
TsumugiThat’s… I can’t deny it.
JuzaThen how about Chikage-san?
SakuyaBut Chikage-san seems busy lately…
MasumiHe’s been getting home late every day.
TsuzuruHe said he had a lot of work backed up.
TsumugiThen, what about Masumi-kun?
MasumiI’m not interested.
MukuIf it’s a matter of speed, then maybe Misumi-san or Hisoka-san would fit.
TasukuDo you think those guys would actually understand the rules?
GuyWon’t Mikage fall asleep listening to the card reader sing the cards?
TsumugiI can imagine it all too well…
IzumiWho else has speed and a good memory…
TsumugiUm, how about Guy-san?
GuyA karuta competition… I have heard about it from Citronia before, and I am interested.
If it’s all right, I’d like to do it.
KazunariClassic Guyguy, always reliable!
IzumiGuy-san’s memory and physical ability are both top shelf.
I’m going to compete, too.
TsuzuruYou just said you weren’t!
SakuyaMasumi-kun also has a good memory and great reflexes!
IzumiOkay. So, Masumi-kun, we’ll ask you to join.
MasumiLeave it to me. I’ll study how to grab the cards in a way that captivates you.
IzumiAnd one more person. Someone else with a good memory and good reflexes…
JuzaI don’t know if I can do it or not… but I want to try.
BanriHuh? Can you do it?
JuzaI won’t know unless I try.
Director, am I no good?
IzumiSkill is important, but motivation is just as important. There’s no reason to turn down your request.
Juza…Thanks. If I’m going to do it, I’ll take it seriously.
IzumiI know you will. Do your best!
IzumiJuza-kun, that notebook… Are you writing out the poems for the karuta competition?
JuzaYeah. I always memorized stuff for school by writing it out like this.
Izumi(That’s right, I remember how he always used to study like this.)
You borrowed a lot of books too.
JuzaYeah. Tsumugi-san and Homare-san were kind enough to lend me them.
CHOICE 1: It must be tough because there are so many. [+]
IzumiIt must be tough because there are so many poems in the Hyakunin Isshu.
JuzaYeah… But Azuma-san and Homare-san gave me tips. It helps if you learn the kimariji.
IzumiOh yeah, there was something like that. I think I heard that it helps if you come up with mnemonic puns, like for remembering the years in history.
Juza—! I’ll try thinking up some. Thanks, Director.
CHOICE 2: [+]
OmiJuza, do you want a scone?
Juza! I’ll have one.
OmiThere’s jam and clotted cream here.
JuzaThanks. Om nom…
AzamiIt’s great that you’re doing your best, but make sure you sleep. If you stay up all night and mess up your skin, I’m not going to forgive you.
BanriAnd anyway, writing in a notebook is a really inefficient way to memorize stuff. It takes too long to remember it.
JuzaShut up.
IzumiBut Juza-kun never forgets his lines once he’s learnt them.
TaichiThat’s true, even when we re-stage plays, he never forgets his lines!
SakyoThat enthusiasm is great, but don’t go too far. I don’t want to see this impact rehearsal tomorrow.
Juza‘Kay. I’ll just do a bit more and then I’ll stop.
Omi-san, the scone was delicious.
OmiI’m glad. Good luck.
Izumi(All of them… They’re looking out for Juza.)
IzumiThe competition uniform is a hakama! It’s so cool!
MasumiI’m glad… have you fallen in love with me all over again?
CitronMasumi, you look super cool! I’ve fallen in love with you all over again!
MasumiNot you.
GuyIt helps you focus.
JuzaI’ll do my best.
KazunariLet’s get this threesome hyped!
SakuyaEven I’m feeling nervous… Do your best!
TsumugiWe’re cheering for you!
IzumiGood luck! See you!
Card ReaderKono tabi wa~
IzumiS-so fast!
KazunariI knew Guyguy would be amazing!
SakuyaOf course!
TsuzuruI practiced with him, but he’s gotten even faster since then…
AzumaHe’s really become quite good.
IzumiOkay, we’ve got one win!
TsumugiGuy-san, congratulations.
AzumaThis time you didn’t mishear anything.
IzumiYou took most of them from the first letter!
GuyYes. Once I learnt the rules of the first part of the poems, my accuracy increased.
It’s because everyone took the time to practice with me. Thank you.
TsuzuruI wonder if Masumi’ll be okay…
SakuyaI think Masumi has a pretty good memory, but…
CitronHe has impure motives!
Card readerTsuki mireba~
TsuzuruMasumi. He’s not moving.
SakuyaI guess his opponent is just too fast.
Card readerTsukuba—
SakuyaWh-!? He’s so fast!
TsuzuruHow did he speed up all of a sudden?
CitronIn the end you missed most of them, Masumi.
SakuyaMasumi-kun, don’t worry!
MasumiI took all the love poems for you…
IzumiI wanted you to take the other poems too…
TsuzuruI thought that might be it…
SakyoSo we’ve got one win and one loss.
OmiJuza’s the last one.
JuzaI’m not gonna lose.
IzumiJuza-kun, good luck!
JudgeThis is the final competition.
???It’s been a while.
I never imagined you’d end up being my opponent…
MatsumuraI heard you were going to compete and it made me want to touch the cards again.
JuzaEven with you as my opponent, I won’t lose.
Card readerAhare tomo~
Card readerMomoshiki ya~
Izumi(Matsumura-san said that he used to compete in karuta competitions. It’s a difficult match for Juza-kun…)
Card readerShirotsu—
JuzaThank you. I guess I couldn’t beat you.
MatsumuraThank you too. But when you took that one poem, it was incredible.
JuzaNo, it wasn’t incredible.
I realized that there was no way I could win against a person with so many years of experience with my shallow efforts.
MatsumuraHaha. I see.
But it was a good match. I got fired up for the first time in ages. Like I won the match but lost the battle… That’s how it feels.
MatsumuraYou’ve got that something in your eyes. If the opportunity comes around again, I want you to compete.
Juza...‘Kay. Next time, I’ll win.
MatsumuraHaha, I’m looking forward to it.
IzumiJuza-kun, well done! It’s incredible that you were able to get even a single card against an opponent like that!
IzumiYou were really quick getting just that one poem, hm, what was it…?
Juza“In the autumn fields where the wind blows repeatedly on the white dewdrops. The pearls, not strung together, do scatter about indeed.”
When he told me that it was an autumn poem, I thought of the guys in Autumn Troupe.
JuzaWhen the cards were laid out, I saw that one… And I thought, no matter what, I have to get that one.
I don’t really understand why myself, but…
IzumiFufu, so that’s what it was.
(I can somehow feel Juza’s feelings towards Autumn Troupe and it makes me glad.)
TaichiAh! Here’s Juza-san!
OmiWell done.
SakyoYou got thrashed, but for a beginner you did very well.
TaichiIt was a really incredible match!
OmiYeah. It was amazing when Juza took that one card.
AzamiYou really have the reflexes of an athlete.
BanriPfft, that’s why I said you wouldn’t be able to—
TaichiYou say that, but didn’t you look annoyed and disappointed whenever Juza-san had a card taken from him?
AzamiI could hear you muttering “Shit!” under your breath.
BanriWhat? I was just bitching at him for not being able to take it himself.
JuzaWho’re you calling shit?
BanriYou! You only managed to get one card!
JuzaNext time I’ll get two.
BanriThat’s still too few!
TaichiGuys! If you argue really loudly, Sakyo-nii’s gonna get you!
