Tsumugi Tsukioka/Last Planet
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Let's Make Tamagoyaki!
Backstage StoriesTsumugi | Ah, Director, are you going shopping? |
Izumi | Yup. I thought of buying ingredients for tonight’s dinner. |
Tsumugi | Well, why don’t we go together? You could use extra hands for the groceries. |
Izumi | Are you sure? Thank you, you’re a great help! |
Do you have anything you want to eat for dinner? | |
Tsumugi | Hmm... |
I haven't had tamagoyaki in a while, so I’d like those. | |
Izumi | That reminds me, didn’t you say you liked tamagoyaki the most among the different egg dishes? |
Tsumugi | Indeed. And the other day, Guy-san showed me a video of tamagoyaki making on Inste. |
And from there, I watched more tamagoyaki videos and I got completely sucked in. They were quite interesting. | |
Izumi | Is that so? I think I might be a bit curious now. |
Tsumugi | There’s also a video of a chef at a high-class Japanese restaurant, it was extremely professional. |
Properly putting in the stock, using freshly laid eggs, and the thorough cooking process was as if it were craftsmanship. | |
I unconsciously lost track of time as I was fixated on it. | |
Izumi | Somehow just hearing about all that makes it sound delicious. |
Tsumugi | It was a mistake to watch it at night, my craving for it was troublesome. |
Izumi | Then for dinner, let’s make tamagoyaki! |
Tsumugi | Is that alright with you? Waa, I’m glad. |
Izumi | Japanese food would be good to go along with tamagoyaki. |
If we buy a few more ingredients, then the leftover root vegetables in the dorm could be used for miso soup. | |
And then, why don’t we buy salmon fillet as well? | |
Tsumugi | Thank you very much. I’ll also lend a hand. |
Izumi | Let’s begin right away! |
Tsumugi | We might as well make different kinds of tamagoyaki. |
Izumi | Sounds good. What’s the first? |
Tsumugi | Maybe I should go with the easily-made rolled omelette, or a sweet tamagoyaki seasoned with sugar. |
I’ve already prepared the videos for both of them, so just leave this to me. | |
Izumi | (I’m looking forward to Tsumugi-san’s tamagoyaki) |
Tsumugi | Alright, it’s finished! |
Izumi | Woah, they look soft and tasty! |
Tsumugi | I might’ve burnt it a little… Can you taste it for me? |
Izumi | Is it okay? |
Tsumugi | Of course. |
Izumi | Well then, thank you for the meal. |
Ah, the stock works well with this which makes it delicious! It melts in my mouth and the heat is spot on! | |
Tsumugi | I’m very glad to hear that. |
Izumi | Tamagoyaki is something that we normally eat, but it’s quite a profound dish. |
Tsumugi | I thought the same when I was watching the video. |
It’s such a simple dish which is why something small can make a difference to its taste. | |
Izumi | Fufu, Tsumugi-san, you’re like a craftsman. |
Tsumugi | Ahaha… Sorry for the sudden rambling. |
Moreover, let’s try making seaweed tamagoyaki, cheese tamagoyaki, and even more various tamagoyaki. | |
Izumi | You got it! |
Tsumugi | Cheese tamagoyaki is pretty challenging. I feel like it’s the most difficult to turn over compared to the others. |
Izumi | Ah, it’s much easier to turn it over if the cheese is in smaller pieces! |
Tsumugi | Really? I put in one whole slice. |
Izumi | The cheese will melt if you put in a whole slice, therefore making it harder to roll. |
Tsumugi | Ah… It became all sloppy. |
So there’s a trick to finishing it off neatly! My interest for tamagoyaki gushes even further. | |
I’ll do my best to roll it better next time. | |
Tsumugi | Sorry for the wait. For today we have tamagoyaki with dried strips of daikon and green onion. |
Homare | Oh, it is eccentric yet again. |
Omi | I never thought of combining those two together. |
Taichi | Today’s tamagoyaki is delish, too! |
Tsumugi | Eat it while it’s still hot. |
Izumi | The crunchiness of the daikon is so good. |
Azuma | The green onion’s flavor also works well. |
Kazunari | So good~! Tsumutsumu, you’re a genius! |
Tsumugi | Fufu, thank you. |
Tasuku | Anyway, how long are you going to keep putting out tamagoyaki for? |
I feel like I’ve been eating this from morning and evening, in some cases even during the afternoon. | |
Azuma | I am surprised at the splendid tamagoyaki coming out recently. Like the conger eel and shiitake rolled omelette… Those were very delicious. |
Taichi | The ham and cheese tamagoyaki from yesterday’s lunch is my fave! |
Kazunari | Tsumutsumu’s tamagoyaki is super yummerz! |
Tsumugi | When you guys say that, it’s definitely worth making these. I still have more recipes I want to make. |
Tasuku | Does that mean we’re going to continue the tamagoyaki life…? |
Izumi | As expected of Tsumugi-san. |
Kazunari | Ah…! I just thought of something huge! |
How ‘bout you start a tamagoyaki making channel named “TSUMUGI Kitchen” , wouldn’t that be sick!? | |
Izumi | Ahaha, I’d like to see that. |
Azuma | Fufu, me too. |
Omi | I’ll collaborate with you as an assistant. |
Taichi | I wanna be a candidate for the food taster! |
Homare | You can leave the slogan to me. |
Tsumugi | TSUMUGI Kitchen… It sounds fun. Let’s try it out. |
Tasuku | Sigh… Just do it yourself. |